Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 270: act violently

?A large swath of blood spreads all at once, and the strong smell of blood will turn the scene into an extremely strange place in an instant.

In the area covered by the blood mist, everyone felt the blood boil, and the light of resistance flashed continuously. Sequence 8 hurriedly fled outside the range of the blood mist, but everyone in Sequence 9 spit out a big mouthful of hot blood and wilted. .

"you you you……"

Fang Youmin looked at this scene in shock, pointing to Xia Yin with trembling fingers.

Xia Yin was also at a loss. He didn't expect it at all. He just wanted to punish him a little, and it would have such power and effect.

"I, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it!"

At this time, can someone "not intentionally" be able to shirk it.

There were so many Sequence 8s on the scene, and after reacting, they subconsciously counterattacked!

All kinds of powerful skills flashed for a while, the extraordinary partners roared, extraordinary plants skyrocketed, rays, phantoms, light shots, etc., like a surge of waves, attacked the figure on the rostrum.

"I didn't mean it!"

Xia Yin screamed, but her figure melted like a blood mist. All the attacks fell into the empty space, and the rostrum completely crushed the rostrum!

Fangyoumin crawled out of the ruins in an embarrassing manner. A round square hole and a coin-like halo temporarily lifted him into the air, and shouted, "Stop it, stop it!"

The sequence 8 stopped moving with lingering fears, and the extraordinary partners and extraordinary plants returned to their masters in a wave. The large mist of blood condensed and remained, and it floated and filled the space of more than ten meters.

In the deepest part of the blood mist, a graceful figure appeared. He was bloodstained, and the black dress on his body was indeed spotless.

I saw her slowly walking out, a little scared, a little annoyed, and a little bit strong, shouting to everyone: "I said it was not intentional, what else do you want? Then, I'm going to fight back!"

"She is Ma Liang's secret partner, Sequence 7, don't mess around!"

Fang Youmin landed on the ruins and hurriedly shouted.

The crowd is quiet!

Then the old hatred and the new hatred occurred together.

"What about Sequence 7, when I haven't seen Sequence 7? He killed someone if he didn't agree with him. There was no satisfactory result today. The big guys should go home for milk, don't be embarrassed by the fuck! "

A sequence 8 breeder stared at Xia Yin with hatred, and then shouted angrily around him.

"What do you want?" Xia Yin said with a strong chest.

"How is it?", the cultivator looked in the blood mist, secretly shocked, but said sadly on his face: "Although Lao Hu is not a weapon, he is also a member of the council, and now he has a bone left. Nothing will end, everyone said, what should we do!"

"What can I do? It's just right to kill and pay the debts and pay the debts!"

"...Too much, too much, take her down and let Ma Liang come to the door and give an explanation!"

"Shit, what else do you want to say, what's wrong with Lao Tzu doing this demon girl today!"

"What are you talking about so much nonsense? Do it!"

There was a commotion among the excited crowd, but the one who called for it took a step back!

The housemate looked condescendingly in his eyes, sighed secretly in his heart, had to stand up, and said loudly: "Big guys should calm down, it is no good for anyone to tear their faces. I believe this Miss Xia really didn't mean to kill people, she should He has just been promoted, and he hasn't mastered the heat yet."

"Fart, don't you just forget it!?"

"Forget it? Fuck, spread it out and throw it away."

"Yes, if you let it go so easily, the big guy won't go out to see people in the future."

The roommates cursed in their hearts, just shouting cruel words have a shit, you guys are really moving! ?

These bad guys are better than monkeys.

The counterattack just now should have been subconscious, and the reason came back afterwards.

Calculations, benefits, advantages, disadvantages... I'm afraid that everything has been considered, except for the **** and recklessness that has not been shown.

But Xia Yin was really frightened by such an effect.

"Ms. Xia, you see, today is something that can't be passed. Why don't you stay with me for a few days and wait for Ma Liang to give you an explanation and a satisfactory explanation?"

"...No, I want to go home...I, let me apologize, don't tell Dad, I'm afraid he will scold me!", Xia Yin softened a little under the circumstance of enthusiastic sentiment and screaming. Unable to withstand the panic in his heart, he said to Fangyoumin with a little pleading tone.

She was soft, and the momentum over there immediately rose.

There was a tougher and more fierce clamor right now, as if he wanted to eat Xia Yin alive.

Others were so courageous that they rolled up their sleeves and took two steps forward, seemingly about to start.

Fangyoumin's expression also went cold, threatening: "You have seen it too, now you can't go, you should stay obediently, don't make a big mess, make mistakes and make mistakes again and again."

"No!" Xia Yin shook his head repeatedly, even more panicked.

Fang Youmin coldly hummed in his heart and winked at the few cronies below.

"Don't push me, if you push me again, she will come out!"

Xia Yin yelled to the commotion crowd in chaos.

she was?

Who is she?

Fang Youmin had just turned such thoughts in his mind. The cronies who received his hint have already spread out. Several people put on a posture about to attack, shouting to the left and right behind them: "Don't talk nonsense, take her down first! "

With the leader, more than a dozen Sequence 8s on the scene suddenly moved.

In an instant they surrounded Xia Yin, and all kinds of ill-intentioned eyes enveloped her.

But Xia Yin lowered his head at this time and didn't understand.

Everyone thought she was timid and even more courageous. A wretched eye greedily looked at her infinitely beautiful waist, swallowed and couldn't help but flashed past.

"Wonder, stay!"

This person is a Sequence 8 broken person. His fighting skills and instincts are powerful. He is not adventurous. He has taken into account all possible situations during his body movement, and he is prepared to respond at any time. He is confident, even if it is greedy. The beauty fights back, and can get away for the first time.


Xia Yin raised her eyes in response to the sound of his claws, her expression and temperament changed drastically, and she sneered, and her lips spit lightly, "I'm looking for death!"

In an instant, a crisis that had never been experienced before made the broken one's scalp numb and the souls were all gone. He was about to give up and flee between the flashing and flint, only to see a flash of blood, and then the uncontrollable pain was accompanied by deep pain. Bone marrow numbness strikes!

When the eyes fell dark, the consciousness fell into darkness.

"Huh!" is backing away!

Everyone didn't see what Xia Yin did.

I only saw the resistive luster gushing out of the broken body, which was broken in a flash, and then staggered a few steps as if drunk, and then fell to his knees in front of her.

After kneeling down, the body turned red and red, just like cooked dried shrimps. The capillaries up and down all over the body protruded from the skin surface, and the big blood beads permeated out drop by drop.


A tone-shifted voice screamed.

"It's still a blood spell!"

Then another voice yelled in horror.

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