Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 277: Sea of ​​Consciousness

? Ma Liang hasn't been to the Sea of ​​Consciousness for a long time.

The way of traversing was still the same, but from the moment he landed on the sea, he noticed a huge difference from before.

First of all, the low gray sky is gone, replaced by a dark and deep night sky.

In the sky, there are 15 dim stars invariably, symbolizing the current 15 ways and sequences.

The color of each star is different, and the surface is covered with misty gauze, which is hidden and cannot provide much light.

The constant light source comes from the sea where you are.

The sea is slightly flooded, so that the continuous black line in front of it is highlighted.

Ma Liang was about to swim there, but a small boat leaned up.

There was a "sausage man" standing on the bow, and four stickmen shaking the oar behind him!

The sausage man shouted to Ma Liang in the water: "Master, do you want a ferry?"

Ma Liang couldn't help being a little curious. Is the sea of ​​consciousness coming to the business?

He agreed in a loud voice.

The boat leaned up.

When he got on the boat, the sausage man and the stickman were shocked when they saw his almost real figure and color. The excited voice of the leading sausage man trembled and said: "God, I actually received a Sequence 7!"

Ma Liang looked at himself.

Stickmen are ordinary people, paper-like, and the simplest.

The Sausage Man is Sequence 9, three-dimensional, and looks like a piece of sausage spliced ​​together, filled with two shades of gray and black.

Sequence 8 is distinguished by several different colors on this basis, just like the color glaze on porcelain, so it is also called the ceramic man.

Sequence 7 is different. It restores the real body shape. There is even a simple black coat wrapped in the body. In the sea of ​​consciousness, it is almost more eye-catching than the fifteen stars in the sky. It has been circulated for a long time, and no one really has it. Have seen it.

Now that he appeared, it was as if he had won the jackpot, no wonder the sequencer was so excited.

"you are?"

"Salute to you, noble pioneer, I am George Smith, from North America, a night watchman. I wonder if I have the honor to know your name and origin?"

"Start the boat first!"

"Yes, I don't know which ferry you are going to?"

"The ferry in the French Quarter is the nearest?"

"That is the Rhine Harbour."

"Then go there."

The ferry began to slide, trying to go slowly with the black line.

Only then did Ma Liang return to his previous question, "I am from China and my surname is Ma!"

"...After all, it is Huaxia. Does Huaxia have such a great pioneer as you? It is really exciting and unexpected."

"Great? It's an exaggeration."

"No, no, you are already ahead of 99.9% of the sequencers. God cares about you so much. This is a miracle in itself. Can't it be called a great one?"

Why are you still connected with God! ?

Ma Liang's brows were darkly furrowed, and without receiving this stubble, he began to look at the scenery on the sea.

The sea of ​​consciousness has grown.

The endless sea and the distant skyline are no longer the thinness and graffiti they used to be, but a real, stable, vast and even vast color.

The sea is calm, like a mirror.

There are many black spots swimming in it, densely packed, swimming towards the shore like fish.

They don't have Ma Liang's treatment anymore. The passing ferry does not seem to see them, only picking up those who are waiting in the sea with significantly different ceramic figures on their bodies (Sequence 8).

"Is this a business?"

Ma Liang asked.

"No, this is a free service provided by our Chamber of Commerce to distinguished gentlemen and ladies. There are people like me on the sea all the time."

"Oh, thank you so much. I haven't been here for a long time. This island seems to be far away."

"Your Excellency, the landing point should be farther away. There used to be fewer people, and the landing point was near the island. Now there are too many and too many Muggles..."

"I heard that it is expensive for ordinary people to log in?"

"No matter how great the price is, there is no way to stop greed and lust, sir!"

Ma Liang smiled and said, "That's right, it's the reason."

This person is very careful when talking to him. This person will answer whatever he asks, add some of his own tendencies and opinions at most, and want to treat some great people carefully.

The mastery is excellent, and there is no surprise, nor is it too close and greeted, the distance is just right, which makes Ma Liang feel very comfortable.

In this way, I had a few more conversations with him, which is considered to understand some common sense of the sea of ​​consciousness.

According to the geographical division in reality, the current islands have quietly completed their respective aggregations.

Just like the destination of Ma Liang's trip-the French Quarter, there are also the China District, the American District, the Indian District, and so on.

The actual strength is perfectly mapped here, but how big is the area of ​​the small island. Some small countries or regions where the overall strength of the sequencers are weak are not eligible to divide the islands. They have to rely on a certain big country to be able to have it. A foothold.

It is worth mentioning that the Sea of ​​Consciousness can also be combated, but the form is very funny, but the strict adherence to the suppression of the high level against the low level.

Being disappointed in the sea of ​​consciousness is equal to the death of the soul, and will become a vegetable in reality. Therefore, logging into the sea of ​​consciousness is not without any risk.

What can Sequence 7 do in the Sea of ​​Consciousness?

Ma Liang came up with this idea and experimented to observe the spiritual distribution here.

At first there was nothing, until he looked through the calm surface of the sea and saw the spiritual particles floating in it.

Then began to communicate.

Communication is difficult, so gestures are far more complicated than reality. Mantras are actually sound wave adjustments that simulate spiritual fluctuations. The more difficult, the longer and more confusing the mantra.

Ma Liang tried for half a minute, and finally a part of his spirituality emerged from the sea, responding to his will and spiritual fluctuations!


"Oh, God!!"

George screamed The calm sea made a wave out of thin air, sent the small boat into the air more than two meters high, and then fell heavily.

The people on the boat were all swaying, the surging waves did not disappear, they kept rolling, pushing the boat to accelerate.

Ma Liang stood on the bow and laughed, and said, "How about my propeller?"

George couldn't speak, just whispering the names of God and the Virgin Mary over and over again, looking at Ma Liang's eyes very complicated.

The surrounding ferry boats were also in a panic. The sequencer above was in confusion for a while, and gradually, there was a startling sound of spellcasting and Sequence 7.

I have to say that this form of appearance is really exciting. It may be the first time in the sea of ​​consciousness. The distant port was also stirred by waves and small boats. Large black spots appeared on the dock, pointing here. point.

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