Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 367: Adam

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Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye it is the eve of the arrival of the "spiritual disaster".

The afterglow of the setting sun is still hanging in the sky, and Jiangcheng's intense rehearsal and preparations are finally over. People walked to their homes against the afterglow of the setting sun. There was almost no traffic in the streets.

People walking through the streets, but there is not much sound.

There has been enough to say these days, what should be done... well, maybe it can only be done to this extent.

The city’s disaster prevention joint headquarters, the local garrison headquarters, the two municipal teams, the academic community, the business community, etc., have completed their respective organizations. Ordinary citizens have completed their organizations on the basis of communities, streets, units, companies, etc. A large number of medicines and materials are ready, the whole city is suffocated, watching the last rays of sunset disappear into the sky.

The night is coming.

The night is bright and the stars are sparse, and tomorrow must be a good weather, the bright moonlight and the neon lights on the streets and lanes light up the entire city.

It can be seen that all the high-rise buildings are almost uninhabited, and the large and small open areas are already crowded with cars and tents.

Most people have not settled their supper, and all functions of the city have ceased at this moment.

Dining trucks large and small appeared soon, and officials, large and small, sat in the seat of the co-pilot, and handed over a hot lunch to the citizens who were dragging their homes.

In the broadcasting of electronic speakers, the same content is repeated continuously, which is nothing more than telling everyone to calm down, panic and confusion are the biggest dangers, and so on.

After dinner, the head of each household was summoned, counted the number of people, organized into a team, and asked for the final response to the accident, and so on.

The atmosphere became more and more tense as the clock ticked forward. At this time, even the most ignorant and excited children felt that an extraordinary moment was coming.

Jiangcheng is like this, and so are other towns.

This is true for China, and it is true for people from different countries, regions, and nationalities all over the world.

No matter if it is day or night, no matter when and where you are now.

This planet has become extremely silent, the noisy human beings held their breath at this moment.

Ma Liang stood on the tallest tower in the park, looking at the sparks in the direction of the old city, his eyes flickered, and a long time later, he sighed deeply.

"What is the head sighing? Why is he not excited?"

"I know!"

Compared with the pure tension and pressure of the old city, the new city is indeed getting heavier and heavier expectation and excitement.

The third arrival of spirituality, spiritual concentration, spiritual silos, further development of all things, etc., changed the situation and status of the sequencers in one fell swoop, and its far-reaching influence has not been fully exerted until now.

It is true that for this human society, the third spiritual advent is a watershed. The new system has changed the gentleness of the first two times, revealing its "criminal" side.

Society, organization, production, order, law, ethics, etc., are all facing tremendous subversion and impact.

The arrival of spirituality is no longer a grand "firework show" for ordinary people, but a major event that affects and impacts everyone's lives.

Suddenly, everything in this tall building, this after-dinner conversation, is deeply connected with everyone and affects everything about them.

It was a flower of spiritual curse last time, what will it be this time?

no one knows!

Except for one person.

Ma Liang knew the answer a long time ago, and knew that there would be no major "disaster" this time, and spiritual concentration would rise further, but on the surface, it was not much different from the first and second time.

But the foundation of the world that no one can perceive will undergo a huge transformation.

Human spirit, consciousness and soul will be more closely related to spirituality.

It is so close that as long as there is a certain population base, as long as a certain concept and group imagination, as long as it is specific enough to meet the accommodation conditions of the new system, it is possible to enter reality from the illusion.

From then on, intangible thoughts will have immense power, producing unpredictable, immeasurable, and endless mystery and weirdness.

The mysterious world view of the new system will be more complete and rigorous, and the depth and breadth will be further expanded, gradually penetrating the texture of time and space.

The efficiency of time and space shock will be further improved, and step by step will tap and release the potential of this planet and this civilization.

The law of spiritual belief goes one step further, with a huge shock surplus, to supply the gods that are most likely to appear.


Ma Liang's eyes flashed again.

At the beginning of spirituality, the consciousness fragments of Sequence 0 are divine materials prepared for the future.

The form progressed to this point, and it can be said that it has exceeded expectations smoothly, so that the Creator (pseudo) has spare capacity to supply the "deity", which is a huge loss.

The consciousness fragments of Chaos Sequence 0 are making waves in it, and the Creator (pseudo) has undergone subtle changes and has begun to be "unwilling" to die out.

These combined effects have led to the early arrival of the laws of spiritual belief.

No one has seen that at this moment, the greatest secret of the whole world and the whole universe lies in Ma Liang's pen reflecting silver light.

The energy scale above is almost full, with a slight increase, and now it is almost reaching its limit.


There will be a huge bottleneck in the next period. Can spirituality and the law of faith break through this time?

It may be difficult.

But the subsequent huge effects and subversions should be enough after a period of accumulation.

"Then let's have a game, and see if you are fast or me!"

Ma Liang looked at the dark night sky and muttered in his heart.

It was just such a coincidence that at this moment a warm current suddenly melted at the center of his eyebrows and turned into a torrent that stirred his whole body, causing him to shake his whole body.

Ma Liang couldn't help but touched his eyebrows.

The empty space there, the expanding and growing "spiritual veins" in the body and the ever-growing total amount of spirituality told him that this was not an illusion.

Completely digested!

What a coincidence.

"Dad, you, you..."


Xiao Yin hurriedly covered her mouth, her big bright eyes bent into crescents.

At the same time, in a castle somewhere in Europe, a cry of joy was yelling, "I succeeded, succeeded, hahaha, I finally succeeded!"

In front of him, countless transparent tubes connected to the countless huge and translucent containers. Inside the container, the strange green liquid was bubbling, and the human-shaped shadows with their hands on the knees floated inside.

"The second-level mother A1098 gave birth successfully, the owner, all indicators are excellent, the little guy is very healthy, no spiritual inheritance was detected, the genetic test was perfect, and no defects were found."

"Okay, okay, the potion is digested, **** it, Sequence 7, here I am, hahaha..."

"Master, give the little guy a name?"

"Just call Adam."

. m.