Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 520: insomnia

   is the night, the bright Holy See.

   "Once the second round of voting begins, our agent in Xinhua District will guarantee you enough votes for you to get a ticket to the House of Commons."

   "Thank the pastor, thank the Holy See, thank... Praise the great Her Royal Highness the Goddess of Light. My team and I will ensure that the interests of the Holy See will not be improperly harmed. This will definitely be a win-win exchange."

"You are misunderstood, distinguished representative, we only need you to stand on the side of light and justice on major issues, especially the 25% weight of the House of Lords. Therefore, it is not enough for you to get our support. You need to be united. Most people, you need to make the New Democratic League realize the importance of cooperation, and you also need the support of other religious groups."

   "Of course, I will, the victory will be ours."

   "You must be careful of the countermeasures of the House of Lords and possible interference from the House of Representatives, and mobilize the people as much as possible to make more "awakenings" and stand up against tyranny."

   "Yes, my team, my team, and countless supporters are ready. They have already lifted the table once, and they can't lift it a second time."

   "You are too careless, Mr. Associate Senator, in the face of huge interests, there is no lower limit."

   "Time is up, Bishop!"

   "Send to Mr. Senator...who is next?"

   "Is also a candidate in Xinhua District. He did very well in the first round of voting. He is a potential social activist."

   "Let him come in!"


Under the high steps, the men and women waiting in line were well-dressed. A sturdy man at the front of the line climbed the steps and walked into a side hall under the welcoming of the clergy to begin the fifteenth important meeting tonight. .

   Outside the headquarters of the Holy See, two secret agents have transmitted information through a confidential network, and the electric wave propagated through the communication cable, "Dididi...", arriving at a busy telecommunications room.

   A second lieutenant guarding the communication station pulled out the printed information from the printer, hurried to the confidential secretary guarding the door, knocked on the table, and passed the information over.

   The secretary took a look at the A4 paper, frowned slightly, nodded, and another person took his place.

   The secretary's hurried footsteps echoed in the silent corridor, all the way to the end of the corridor, and knocked on a closed door.

   The information was finally sent to Shi Jianying, the head of the Rock Squadron.

"...We must participate in this general election, and the power of the religious group must be contained. This is related to the interests of all our units and the overall situation of the reform. Comrades, Shangjing is already very dissatisfied with us, questioning People’s voices are getting louder and louder. If the cult is allowed to control the House of Commons, it will definitely increase the doubts on the Beijing side. The doubts will be louder, and the voices supporting us will be suppressed... This is very dangerous."

   "...They can mobilize the masses, and we also have the advantage in this respect. They can reach deals and compromises with the candidates, and so can we. The second round of voting will begin tomorrow, and the time will not allow us to delay."

The conference room is filled with the heads of various departments. A very important consensus is being reached. This consensus determines the topics and resolutions of the House of Representatives tomorrow, and determines the first full cooperation between the old ruling class and the new ruling class. Cultivation and theocracy are spreading.

   Shi Jianying had read the information, left his seat, quietly walked around the center of the conference table, and passed the information to the man in tunic suit presiding over the meeting.

   "Look, everyone, how lively tonight is, people have already started to act, we are still hesitating, we are still arguing!"

   This information was passed on one by one, and everyone's expressions were a little subtle after reading it.

"I know that some of you have a deep connection with the sect forces. Forget the previous ones. Now I want to warn you that Jiangcheng is still the land of China. Shangjing still retains the option to overthrow everything. The House of Lords strongly demanded that we be clear about our position. And attitude, all aspects are on the same front, anyone standing on the opposite side will be crushed, there is no luck!"

   "Now we will start voting. Those who are in favor can stay, and those who are against can leave."

   No one left after five minutes.

"Very well, this is a mobilization plan. At dawn, you must cooperate fully. First, you must ensure that your own votes will not be lost. Second, you must use all resources to influence more people, especially in related fields. The role it deserves."

  "The media must fully intervene, and conduct persuasive propaganda online and offline. The administrative department must go deep into every community and carry out preaching and propaganda..."

   "We must win this battle, otherwise we will threaten to change the situation. I believe that this is something that people don't want to see...Are there any other questions?"

   "The meeting ends if not!"



   This is a sleepless night, and countless undercurrents are surging in the quiet night. Although the city has fallen into a deep sleep, its main body cells are unprecedentedly active.

   Ma Liang suddenly hesitated in front of the courtyard. He had just sent Xiao Miao away. Because of the "cultivation" problem, he wanted to see Hu Zhenzhen.

   What's the use of just seeing her?

   The problem she worries about may be inexplicable in her eyes! ?

Besides what I think is not necessarily correct. Hu Zhenzhen and Xiao Miao are very different from his actual situation. Hu Zhenzhen is a beast spirit, and Xiao Miao is a modulation product. Now the national cat Beautiful girl.

   And he is the creator of the Dragon of Sequence 6, completely "original", speaking of which has little to do with the diffraction of sentient beings' consciousness.

   But "cultivation" has also taken effect on him. The diffracted consciousness and thought wells of sentient beings have a mysterious connection with him. As a result, huge amounts of potions are digested, exposing a very serious problem.

   In addition to the current acting and digestion, a new path emerges.

   The new road and the old road overlap, just like mountain climbing. You can climb up the stairs, take the cable car, or alternate between the two.

   just what the price is! ?

  How to complete the time and space turbulence in a new way, and how to create profits! ?

   This is the core of the problem. If you don't figure this out, how can Ma Liang feel at ease?

   In the end, he still didn't go in.

   First, the time is not suitable, and secondly, I don’t know how to explain to Fox Zhenzhen the issues of acting, shock and profit.

   The latter is Ma Liang's core secret, the most core thing of the new system, no one can disclose it under any circumstances.

   "Forget it, let's wait until the Creator (pseudo) sleeps!"

   Ma Liang looked up at the night sky, and suddenly remembered that the star hadn't appeared for more than five months, and the Creator (pseudo) showed no sign of stopping working overtime.

   This problem may be more serious than what was annoying just now.