Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 611: Xiaoyin's Teaching

These days, Xiao Miao and Xiao Yin are also very busy.

The two frequently went into and out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and frequently met with a group of big men in Jiangcheng, discussing an upcoming conflict.

Xiao Miao originally tried to convince them that Lingshi is good and has a huge effect. No one can deny it, but why should it be monopolized and why can't it be shared by everyone? Is it not good to sit together peacefully and talk about a mutually acceptable method? Why do you want to meet each other?

With regard to her wishful thinking, or the naive and naive idealism, Xiao Yin can't smile every time, but she said a big basket of reasons, this little elm head just doesn't have so many twists and turns... she Don't understand.

Xiao Miao’s world is too simple, black and white, and she is not to blame. Strictly speaking, she is less than three years old.

Seeing this, Xiao Yin didn't bother with such tongues, and simply let her toss, and when she hit the south wall, she learned that it hurts.

Xiao Miao thought she had persuaded Xiao Yin, her confidence increased, and her fighting spirit wanted to persuade those people in Jiangcheng.

A few days later, she herself seemed to be persuaded instead, so she became confused.

The attitude of those people was very good, so they reasoned with her, back and forth, explaining from all aspects why the spirit stone could not be handed over.

First, the group of people represented by Yang Lan didn't want the spirit stone, but the manufacturing process and formula of the spirit stone.

Why do you want this formula?

It's not that they want to share, but to monopolize, which is enough to change the current weapon.

Secondly, the formula and technology of Lingshi have invested a lot of manpower and material resources, persisted for a long time, and invented after countless failures. The huge investment should enjoy the corresponding return, or who will invest resources in the future, Time and energy to do research?

In the old days, there were patents and intellectual property protection, and the patent period was as long as ten years!

It can be seen that this opening cannot be opened, this wind cannot be promoted, or the impact is far-reaching.

Third, even with the spirit stone, it is impossible to restore the past, because the spirit stone cannot solve the fundamental leakage problem, their basic purpose of asking for the spirit stone formula and preparing to monopolize is to strengthen and develop their own force.

Where will this force be used! ?

Of course it should be used on sequencers, on major central cities, on you and me, on real people.

Handing over the spirit stone formula will not only not stop the war, but will accelerate the arrival of the war.

Fourth, millions of people in Jiangcheng disagree that others can get their own treasure for nothing. They also want to use spirit stones to make their lives better.

More work, more generous rewards, safer and more comfortable living environment, superior status, etc. Can you say that millions of people are selfish?

No, they think so, this choice is completely reasonable and fair.

As soon as these four arguments came out, Xiao Miao was blinded.

I vaguely felt that there was something wrong, but I couldn't find anything to refute.

Yeah, they make sense. people are short of food and clothing, so many people are struggling to survive, so many people are divided in this vast land, facing endless situations and dangers...

Xiao Miao couldn't understand, so she could only ask Xiao Yin.

Xiaoyin sneered, raised a finger, and said in another direction: "First, you heard the voices of only a handful of vested interests. You don't know the actual situation in Jiangcheng, and you can't grasp millions. People's inclination and public opinion can only be represented by people like them.

Second, although I don’t know the real situation of Jiangcheng, I know that the current House of Representatives has become a puppet of the House of Lords. The House of Commons has become a playground for their entertainment and entertainment. Jiangcheng has been controlled by the House of Lords, and the House of Lords has Who are they? All are the elites among the sequencers. They have fully grasped the power. The so-called tri-chamber deliberations, the foundation that reflects the interests of all, has been lost.

Third, the so-called input, research, output, and patents are simply nonsense. They are the rules of the game formulated by advanced players to suppress and exploit latecomers. There is no right or wrong, it's only about interests. Talking about the formula of Lingshi, what input, research and experiment, may I ask where is the real inventor? Does anyone care about her opinion? How much did you invest, and what return do you want to get? They didn't say these at all, or that they didn't care at all, they just brought them here to fool you and me. "

Fourth, the spirit stone will cause war, which is even more ridiculous. It is just to treat you and me as fools.

Those people like Yang Lan are not fools. Leakage will not be resolved and traffic will not be returned. What can they do to recover? Push it flat? That would also solve the leaks along the way... You see, it's back to the original point. "

Xiao Miao was completely stupid, feeling that her brain was not enough, she watched Xiaoyin blankly stretch out her last finger.

"Fifth..." Xiaoyin's sneer was deeper, "They are damned, they are heinous greed and arrogance, just imagine, they are so fooled with you and me, let alone facing other people? Humph, real person , It's a big hat, they just want to let Dad put it on the front like they did before!"

Xiao Miao opened her mouth, her face flushed, and a faint anger appeared.

Xiaoyin took her hand, her anger turned back, and she sat down and said earnestly: "But now it's different. Dad doesn't need them anymore. After the promotion to the miracle, Jiangcheng and Qilin Group can no longer provide us with any help, but instead. Willingness and the burden of a city."

"Yes, but..."

"No, but Xiao Miao, you must remember that you can't be used as a gun. You must know that your greatest use value is not your strength and rank, but your relationship with your father."

Sometimes, the truth is too painful, **** and unacceptable.

Xiao Miao's face was pale, her lips squirming, she didn't know what to say.

"Zhu Min and the others are not good things, and Yang Lan is the same. There is no right or wrong in this world. Only the interests based on their respective positions are different ~ That's why my father kept saying that the world is gray, just like the spiritual world. , The whiter is justice, the darker is evil!"

"Light and darkness, right and evil, are opposites, they are also developing and transforming. Just like this changing world, we must keep a clear mind and not be confused by appearances."

As soon as the voice fell, a round of applause came from outside the door.

Xiao Yin was startled for a moment, suddenly showing a panic, but was quickly replaced by Jiao Han.

She stomped her foot and shouted angrily to the door: "Dad, you eavesdrop!"

"Haha!!" Ma Liang pushed the door in, laughing while saying: "Wow, our Xiaoyin has really grown up!"


"the host!"

The two little girls rushed over, Ma Liang put one arm around one, and smiled: "You can have discussions and support each other like this, I'm relieved!"