Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 642: The new look of Jiangcheng

The river city at night is beautiful.

Looking down from the sky, gas lamps are hung on all the bustling streets and main roads, and the bright lights look like a chess board.

There are very few traces of the old era, and even if there are still some broken walls, they are covered with a coat of the new era.

For example, the overpass at the intersection of Shengli Road and Zhongshan Road in the city center.

The quality of the reinforced concrete piers is very good, even if the internal steel bars are decayed.

Dense plants grew out of the dense cracks, and the entire bridge body was covered with a layer of emerald green. From a distance, it looked like a strangely shaped rockery.

The bridge deck is also very sturdy and has undergone the most rigorous testing. It has been covered with various wooden and stone buildings.

This is the most famous pedestrian street plus a flea market.

The gas street lights dazzled the entire "ecosystem" on the bridge, the green, plump, red and thin misty lights, and the brightly lit cornices of Qionglou.

Pedestrians who wander at night mostly carry an oil lamp, and the pallets and ox carts creak and walk slowly. The shops on both sides are full of voices. The hawkers and the new-age urban management are fighting this guerrilla warfare. Flowing to the bridge, and fleeing under the bridge for a while, no one cared about the whistle and curse of the city management. There were also many ignorant children who were running around and fighting, making the already jammed traffic more chaotic.

Standing at the highest point of the overpass, right in the center of Jiangcheng, looking at the entire city, it is covered by the dim light and quiet shadows.

The sky is like a pitch-black canvas, transparent and clear, hanging in a half-moon like a millstone, and stars twinkling.

To say that the greatest legacy left to Jiangcheng from the old age is not the spiritual veins left by the resorts and landscapes, nor the seven sedimentation ponds and the current output of spiritual stones, but the steel wall guarded by the entire city.

The area of ​​Jiangcheng is very large, and this city wall has an astonishing scale, which is unimaginable today.

It is these Great Walls of Steel, which guard the entire city behind them, that have the most basic security guarantee for nearly tens of millions of residents. Most of the other central cities were established too late, and the resources, manpower and material resources could no longer support such a majestic scale. , Can only reduce the area, this development potential will naturally shrink greatly.

Nowadays, Jiangcheng can not only absorb fresh blood, but also guarantee the most basic food and material assets in the city. This is especially valuable in the new era. The potential of mega cities is obtained on the territory left over from the old era. Inheritance.

It was this potential that allowed Jiang Cheng to survive the extremely dangerous and **** city wars that followed.

At the stage of city-state alliance, the potential and scale of Jiangcheng allowed it to recover first, thus occupying a powerful position and upstream resources. Through a series of plots, conspiracies, divisions, attacks and wooing, the current "Jiangzhou City Alliance" was established.

The Jiangzhou City Alliance is a behemoth composed of five central cities, dozens of secondary and tertiary affiliated cities, countless towns, fortresses and advance bases.

Jiangcheng is the capital of the alliance, and another first-tier city that is slightly inferior to it is Shuzhou, located in the former Hubei province.

The original division of provinces and cities has long ceased to be universal. Now the division is based on city-states. There are rivals, alliances, and neutrals among city-states.

Known for his iron fist and force, he believes in the naked laws of the jungle.

Some people prosper by commerce and circulation, believe in the supremacy of resources, advocate harmony and make money, and are exquisite.

Others focus on production and defense, believing that people will not offend me, I will not offend people, and if people want to offend me, I will hide in tortoise shells and fight back defenses. Such city-states are usually closed small kingdoms, and they are very vigilant. .

Every city can't escape these three types of divisions. These tendencies of cities determine their own positioning, and the same positioning can form an alliance.

Of course, this is not absolute. The so-called Dao is different. It depends on the location, environment, and strength. If you are surrounded by war madmen who want to farm with peace of mind, it depends on whether people agree.

Most of the city alliances are hostile, and they have experienced many battles, large and small, and no one can do anything to form the current territory.

Business is generally only carried out within the Federation, and there is very little cross-union circulation, except for extremely special places such as the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

The traffic in the alliance is the lifeblood. Repair leaks and monsters along the way must be carried out at regular intervals.

Every city in the alliance is very important. A city is a stable development base that can radiate a large area of ​​safety for exploration and production.

Cities, the roads connecting cities, and the safe areas radiated from cities are the boundaries of the civilized world. Outside the boundaries, they have degraded to barrenness and are infiltrated by leaks, curses, and monsters.

In the material world, the main battlefield of time and space turbulence and time and space calm is between monsters and spiritual creatures in these primitive, wild, and unknown areas.

Nowadays, no one knows what happened in those inaccessible areas, what is about to happen, and what is happening, which leads to the greatest mystery and danger.

If there is an electronic map of the world's territories, light up all the city-states and mark and you will find that on the dark map, civilization has a root structure, and each city is the node of the root system. Traffic is the root system itself. Although the illuminated root system is developed and luxuriant, most of the area is shrouded in dark unknowns and mysteries. The farther away from the root system, the heavier the dark color, representing the unknown and the deeper the danger. .

This is land, and there is a vast ocean.

Most of the seas are pitch black, and there is no stable sea route between continents. The poor ones are those island countries. The larger ones are still lingering, and the smaller ones are already covered by pitch black.

The ocean equals a daunting journey!

The night market on the Jiangcheng overpass has come to an end.

Around two o'clock in the morning, the vendors at the flea market had already started to clean up their stalls.

The shops on both sides have also closed, and tourists and tourists wandering around have become scarce.

The sanitation department was dispatched and began to clean up the mess of the day. A young cleaner pushed the carriage cursely into a narrow alley, watching the mess and greasy dirt on the ground, really wanting to cry without tears!

"Damn, wake up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, eat worse than pigs... I'm talking about Lao Tzu."

"Fuck, I will resign tomorrow, even if I join the pioneer team, I won't do this **** to make a living."

The young man wore a mask and dirty work clothes, and while tidying up fiercely, he made up his mind not to waste time like this.

Join the pioneer team, either live chic, or die agile.

The youth is fantasizing about possessing the emperor of the pioneering team and eating everywhere. From then on, he has counterattacked in life and turned into a height-sequenced person. Bai Fumei married a dozen and then a dozen...

Suddenly, the colors around him became brighter, and everything around him became a little distorted, and then he heard a voice saying behind him: "Excuse me, this is Jiangcheng, right?"

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