Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 94: Tragic

   Heavy snow was falling, and when the sky was completely restored, the spiritually attached snowflakes became more eye-catching.

   looked up, the feather-like snow has become a kind of light source that accumulates sand into a tower, and everything is shrouded in a dimly lit light source.

   The world is distorted again, like entering a fairy tale time.

   However, the unreality of fairy tales is short-lived after all. With the first experience, people can understand the preciousness of the moment.

   Flying over the walls, the people they saw did not express much surprise or surprise to them. Greater surprises and surprises permeated the world, falling on all objects within reach.

   Many people started to collect snow.

   Many people take out their own potted plants and pets to "dry"!

   is absurd?

   What is not absurd now, what is normal now?

   From their reaction, we can know how far the so-called truth and the so-called secret have spread and spread in secret.

   It is ridiculous that some people like Ma Liang thought that the truth was only circulated among a small group of people.

   They all underestimated the power of the information explosion era, and they did not expect that such a huge secret that has spread all over the world is not a secret at all, and it is impossible to suppress and limit it to a specific scope.

   Fragment, recipe, evolution, sequence?

   These have quietly spread, although most people only know a little bit of information about scales and claws.

What’s amazing is that the order did not collapse because of this. The expected panic and chaos did not happen at all before tonight. People have accepted it bit by bit and bit by bit for more than two months, and Treat it as a big secret, very precious, and keep it secret.


   But this is the reality!

   If it weren't for tonight, if it wasn't the first time to invest in the "profit" of time and space shocks, such window paper might last a long time.

   The blockage of the road did not stop the group of "supermen" from advancing. After half an hour, the heavy snow subsided and the destination appeared not far ahead.

   Only now, everyone's heart is very heavy.

   For such a long time, the communication in the hall is still unavailable, which indicates that the most worrying thing may have happened.

   After two more impenetrable blocks, Ma Liang stood at the gate of the Jiangcheng Special Hall.

   This is the first time he has come to this place.

   An unremarkable compound is located in the southern suburbs of the city. The guard post at the gate is empty, the guards are gone, the ground is in a mess, and there are some suspicious blood stains.

   walked in, and at first sight saw the guards lying in a pool of blood, and rifles scattered into scrap parts.

   The answer is already obvious.

   Shi Jianying's angry hands trembled, and everyone followed him in silence.

  Leaving the gate, there is a straight road.

  The gunpowder on the road has cleared, and thick snow covers the corpses.

   There are people with supernatural powers, soldiers, and many civilians.

   It can be seen that the incident happened suddenly. The soldiers hurriedly stopped to form a formation, and public officials were affected in the chaos.

   The blood on the scene was flooded, and a group of people were walking on the snow.

   It seemed that there was no need to move forward, Jiang Liying stopped, and brought her people to the headquarters of Beijing to report Jiangcheng's sudden change.

   Shi Jianying was still walking forward, passing by a corpse and looking through it, until the end of the road was a thick, bunker-like building.

   There was no snow in the hall of the building, and the corpses still kept their dying posture. Some were fighting, some escaping, some calling for help, some being affected, but so far, no survivors have been found.

   Shi Jianying roared in grief and strode into the building.

   The smell of blood inside is pungent, and even more tragic!

   A young sequencer found something in the corpse, rushed over with an exclamation, lifted a short-haired female corpse, freezed for a moment, tears poured down her eyes.

This is a sequencer, very young and beautiful, but now there are no signs of life, half of his body is burnt black, and a big hole is broken in his chest. Through this blood hole, Ma Liang also saw a dead body. The supernatural person behind her.

   Strictly speaking, if Shi Jianying took away most of the sequencers because of the movement of Ma Liang, it might not be tonight...

   Ten minutes later, Shi Jianying found the answer he wanted.

The alloy gate located underground is still in good condition, and the security measures are still working, but a large hole has been melted into the disposal room of a supernaturalist. After a long period of hard work, the corrosive superhumans have escaped. All surveillance has opened an escape route.

   is like the redemption of the movie Shawshank!

The survivors in the special hall were also found.

   The two sequencers left behind took more than a hundred men and women, hiding in a locked warehouse.

   The man was rescued and started the painful aftermath.


   The following matters have nothing to do with Ma Liang.

   Before dawn, he returned to the park.

   A large number of garrisons have taken to the streets.

   Order is recovering under strong pressure.

   The thick snow has turned Jiangcheng but the spiritual halo is gone.

   Just before dawn, the darkest period of time just arrived.

  The park is also like a ruin.

   The machinery and equipment, materials, demolished houses and garbage on the construction site are all abandoned everywhere.

   Ma Liang’s "helpers" have also dispersed, and the stored animals have also escaped.

   When the fighting master and the night watcher bid farewell, Ma Liang was sitting alone in the ruins.

   At this time, he has time to deal with his own affairs.

   The potion is almost digested.

   He touched his eyebrows and showed his first smile tonight.

   The park can be rebuilt if it is destroyed. If the reserve animals are lost, they can be collected again. People are gone and they can be recruited again. As long as they are promoted to Sequence 8 and do not fall behind the first echelon, everything is not a problem.


   The little thing rubbed his calf under him.

   Ma Liang knelt down and rubbed the hair on his head, then stood up and walked to the mixing room.

   In a hidden grid that only he knew, more than 30 pieces of fragments collected some time ago lay quietly.

   Ma Liang took them out, packed out a backpack, and put them all in.

   Then he went to the cold storage where spiritual materials were stored.

  The protective measures of the cold storage are well done. Only Ma Liang can open the thick alloy door. There is no loss inside, which made him feel relieved when he was nervous.

   Just in front of the cold storage, Ma Liang summoned all the Extraordinary species back, and quietly spent the darkest period of time before dawn.

Its daybreak!

   The waves caused by the second boulder being dropped have just begun.

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