Demon Hunter and His Hut

Chapter 16: secret

   "Her body is blue, it feels like the sea, she still has sharp claws, but it looks ugly."

   Kant wrote in his diary that when he saw this, Roger couldn't help but a black line on his face, but he clearly remembered the scene that Kant saw in the moonlight that night. Kant seemed to be ecstatic, and he didn't seem to dislike him at all.

   Next, he recorded the bit by bit of his life with the murloc, the two sides went from hostility to resistance, and then gradually accepted the other's existence.

   This process is very long, and various accidents occurred during the period. During that period, it was accompanied by an accidental attack. If it were not for the desperate rescue of the murloc, Kant would have died long ago.

   After that incident, Kant established an intimate connection with this inhuman life. He even wrote in his diary the first indescribable event between the two.

   That is not such a wonderful experience for Kant.

  Because he is passive.

   In a moonlit night, passively bear the hormones from the murloc.

   Kant rested for a long time afterwards.

   In short, a lonely man living in a solitary, a heterogeneous who mostly relies on instinct, two people on this isolated island, unexpectedly have extremely sincere emotions.

   With the warming of emotions, Kant desires more and more. He hopes that his partner can speak, and even become a normal woman.

   So holding this idea, he opened the "Book of Zhuan Ling" again, looking for ways to alienate people on it!

   I don't know if it was luck or disaster, Kant actually found a feasible way.

   "On a tidal night, crush the heart of a young man, spread the blood all over his body, and then assist with spells and patterns to start the transformation ritual!"

   "So back and forth, three times!"

   Thinking of the weird state of the murloc body at dawn, Roger was silent.

   He knew that Kant must have tried this method, and more than once!

   Sure enough, he quickly saw relevant information from Kant's diary.

   "The heart of a young man!"

   "The human heart."

"what do I do?"


   "No, no, I can't do this, that's not right, I might be able to go to the hospital quietly and have a look. With luck, I might be able to come across a fresh corpse."

   Soon after, the diary wrote again: "I failed!"

   "And I was almost discovered, maybe this is my life, in fact, it's good to live with Ivy like this."

   Ivy, he gave the mermaid the same name as the previous woman.

   Things came to an end here, Kant also let go of the thoughts in his mind, but soon afterwards something completely changed his life.

   He found a drowning corpse on the beach in the evening.

   "A fresh corpse, and the sea is rising, everything seems to be doomed by heaven."

   In the evening, Kant carved the formation, and then stabbed the short knife into the man's chest.

   Something terrible happened.

   He thought that the man who died by drowning did not die completely. Under the severe pain, the man opened his eyes, and against the other's sorrow and desperation, Kant took out the other's heart!

"I did not do it on purpose!"

"I did not do it on purpose!"

   "When I checked, he was clearly dead!"

  The diary is full of guilt.

   Seeing this, Roger didn't know whether it was an accident or Kant's self-dressing under sin.

  Many times, people’s memory is deceptive, it will beautify itself subconsciously, because no one can face an ugly heart every day.

   Killing someone is like tearing a hole in his psychological defense.


   "This circle and spell are really effective!"

   "The scales on Ivy's body have faded a lot, except for the color, it looks very close to a normal woman."

   "Try two more times, I will definitely succeed!"

   I want to hit a drowned person on a lonely island. This probability is about the same as waiting for the rabbit. Naturally, Kant will find nothing for a long time.

   figured this out, he started to become active, so he had the second active hunt.

  The name of the man he killed was Nick.

   is a newcomer who originally planned to take over for Kant.

   "He was lying, this Nick was not his last observer at all, but was assigned here to take over the new job."

   Roger thought silently.

   The job was replaced, which almost touched Kant's inverse scales. After leaving this lonely island, he had nowhere to hide. What's more terrifying is that there is no way to hide a murloc, whether it is in the downtown or in the wilderness!

   So even if there is no magic circle, Kant will kill the new researcher with a high probability.

   "The circle is in effect again!"

   "Ivy's change is more obvious. When the sun rises, she can completely become a woman, a perfect woman!"

   Kant’s words were filled with excitement between the lines, but soon reality gave him a braised stick.

   Because the transformed Ivy was afraid of the sun, and at the time when she completely became a human, she completely lost her previous memories. As a last resort, Kant could only lock her in a cage during the day.

   Seeing this, Roger knew what was going on when he heard the strange noise upstairs when he first arrived at the lighthouse.

   The cage on the 4th floor is extremely simple. It is not used to trap Ivy in the murloc state at all, but to confine her in the daytime!

   Facing such a major change, Kant was completely panicked.

   can be hurt by sunlight, which is not unacceptable in Kant's eyes. What makes him care about Ivy's memory.

   He began to panic, wondering whether Ivy would completely lose his memory after becoming a human being.

   Then the same as Ivy before...Leave him forever!

  His diary was full of confusion and hesitation. After reconsidering, Kant stopped the follow-up plan. He would rather choose an alien with blue skin than believe in a beautiful human being.

   Until that night, when he was patrolling the beach, he met Roger who was crawling on the shore.

   At the moment Roger stretched out his hand for help, Kant's heart was struggling violently. On the one hand, he believed that this was the will of God, and on the other hand, he was afraid of the terrible result of the transformation.

   Under such mixed emotions, he still brought Roger back to the lighthouse. After repeated consideration, Kant decided to give up and continue the transformation, so there was everything that happened afterwards.

   In order to prevent the secret from being leaked, he must drive Roger out of the lighthouse, and according to the previous attack rules, he can completely send Roger off the island before the next supply arrives.

   Then he can keep this secret and spend the rest of his life on the island.

   But unfortunately...

   The heavy rain and attack that night changed everything.

   Seeing this, Roger closed his diary and let out a long sigh. Although Kant once wanted to kill him, he could not hate this man.

   Replaced by himself, he might make the same choice.

   Putting Kant's diary and Zhuan Lingshu away, Roger turned and walked downstairs. When he passed the murloc leader's body, the pendant he placed in his arms was inexplicably hot.

   Roger gave a whisper and stopped.