Demon King Dad

v1 ~: Sixth year story Sixth year story 016 In

The idiot looked up at the drizzle. Keep waiting. But at this moment, the corners of his clothes were pulled by a pair of small hands. Turning his head, I saw Little Bread frowning, looking at himself very poorly.


Only one word was written on the sign, but this word was crossed. The idiot looked at the trembling body of the little girl, squatted down quickly, hugged her, and sat on the side seat.

It feels better to have an idiot holding a bun. She laughed again, erased the words on the board, and re-written "Hot" in front of the idiot. Of course, a girl who hasn't mastered many words can not accurately express this meaning. However, from her flushing face, she should feel a little "warm. Right,"

Looking at the happy face of this little girl. The idiot couldn't help but exhale, closed his eyes, held her, and shook it gently. Listen to the ticking rain in your ears. Feeling the lively heartbeat of this little body in his arms, at this moment, he even thought that this world was like this."

Quiet, snap, snap,

Footsteps, coming

The idiot opened his eyes and saw honey pears. She was holding an umbrella and looking around there with one in her hand. After seeing the idiot and the little bread, the female nucleus rushed over and stood blushing outside the pavilion.

"His Majesty"

Don't dare to say unnecessary words. Mi Li handed out the umbrella. The idiot glanced at her and nodded slightly. He put the little girl in his arms on the ground", slammed!

How did Little Bread expect that an idiot would suddenly push himself so hard? Unsteady, he stumbled out of the pavilion and was exposed to heavy rain. But before the little girl turned her head, a violent explosion suddenly exploded from the pavilion behind her.

Mi Li was surprised, because right in front of her eyes, a fiery red sphere penetrated the space and hit the idiot who had just pushed the bread away. This explosion was too sudden and too violent. Even the bread that was pushed out with her and Gangwang were all blown away by the aftermath of the explosion!

In mid-air, Mili immediately opened half of its wings, trying to adjust her figure, hugging the bread in mid-air. Landed safely. But that pavilion was obviously not so lucky. Almost in an instant, the entire pavilion was blown to pieces by the mass of things! The idiot inside was also blown out more than 20 meters. After breaking three small trees, he rolled a few times on the mud and stopped the castration.

How is this going? !

The muddy idiot took out the dark as soon as he stood firm and turned into a long sword form. His black pupils lost focus at the same time, and his enlarged pupils immediately picked the direction where the fireball flew! That is,,

The direction of the large arena? !

? !

No hesitation. should say. There is no time to hesitate. At the moment the idiot just raised his head, another hot sphere swooped down from that direction!

The moving speed of the fireball is so fast, it can almost draw a red line in the air! Its speed is too fast, it is impossible to dodge even fast. In no way, the idiot instinctively lifted up and extinguished, and slammed down towards the flying fireball.


There was another loud noise and another explosion. The idiot was shocked again. But this time he was prepared, after two laps in the air, he landed safely. Flames began to emerge from his body, followed by a wave of Dim Mi. The remnants of the flame pulled a bright red trail in the air.


But in this way, he also confirmed one thing

No matter who is launching the attack, the opponent's target is obviously himself. Moreover, being able to launch an attack from such a distance has fully proved that he even fled to any place. It is also impossible to leave the opponent's attack range.

In that case"

The third fireball arrived as expected, but the idiot at the moment had no intentions to fight hard. He held the sword, and his enlarged pupils stared at the fireball that arrived in a flash. When it almost touches its nose",

A short body, his body avoided the fireball like a barracuda, in this world of rain. Rushed out quickly.


The fireball exploded behind him.

Idiot, also pounced in the direction of the arena.

In order not to implicate the little bread, in order to find the enemy who wants to target his own hair"!

In order to eliminate this inexplicable threat, in order to continue to survive",!

Kill the attacker.

It was him, the best decision made now.

In the arena, Einstein also completed his own work. After solving the famous challenger, he walked back to the rest area very leisurely and exchanged high fives with Sha Dou again. Although the battle proposed by the Bucks was two-on-one, they didn't seem to have the meaning of such a battle at all, relying on one-on-one to win until now.

The drizzle made this open-air arena even colder. In a blink of an eye, nearly half of the people had been defeated, and the opponent did not even shed a drop of sweat. The King of Bucks shook his head, which really can't be regarded as consuming the opponent's physical strength.

"Father, these two people are deceiving too much! See if my stag is unmanned?!"

Evil Eight... The upper one is exclusively behind. Mumiaya stared at Einstein and Shaxun’s brother below, but couldn’t bear it. As the older brother, Mudu also took a step forward and said, “Father, it’s better to leave it to the two of us,”

"You guys are sure to win?"

The king propped his head and did not look at the two sons on either side.

"Must" maybe you can try

The king shook his head and instantly rejected Mu Dan's proposal. Said: "As far as I can see, the strength of these two people has reached the level of the spirit. There are very few warriors in this world, and the number will never exceed twenty. In terms of their age, it can be said It's really not easy

. Mudu, although you also have the strength of the essence level. But if you get off the court, the opponent is likely to join together. Their combination, I think there are not many people on the whole sad continent that can resist. When the time comes, you, the crown prince, will lose, which means that the Bucks really lost. This shame. Even if it loses another 100 people, it is hard to save

Mu Du lowered his head and backed away unwillingly.

"And Xie Huo, you are not as strong as your brother, but your brain is very good. It is your idea to expand the ten-player battle proposed by Walnut to a hundred-player battle. But if you really jump into the battle, do you think you can win?"

Xie Huo also lowered his head unwillingly. Had to shrink back.

The king looked at the ongoing battle under the stage, and his expression seemed very leisurely. But if someone can see his hand, he can find the hand of the king. Pinched together tightly"

Is there anyone, "Can you resist the combined attack of these two people?"

"Walnut girl" who is waiting for?

Waiting for? ? ?


Another ball of fire rushed into it, and the idiot who had seen it many times no longer felt as embarrassed as it was at the beginning. His right hand squeezed the Dark Desire tightly, and a chain immediately rose into the air and plunged into his arm socket. With the first prison that turned his right eye into scarlet, the idiot shouted and raised the Dark Desire high and slammed head-on. To that ball of fire.

Boom one by one one by one!

The invincible sword of darkness split the fireball forcibly, and the two hemispheres passed by the idiot, burning a tree and a piece of turf behind the idiot to ashes. The idiot's throat gurgled, and the dim extinguisher, still carrying a tongue of flame, plunged into the surface. The remaining flame was so forced, it spread out, burning everything within two meters. After dispelling the flames, the idiot rushed out again, jumped out of the park, and sprinted down the empty rainy streets.


Dimming, who was originally excited about this situation, did not show much excitement at this moment. There was no more ridicule and laughter in the blood pupil on the hilt, but more seriousness and seriousness.

"Weird, it's really "so weird".

The puddle on the road suddenly rose from the ground and turned into barbed ice. The idiot didn't hesitate, stepped directly on the roof of a building on the side of the road. He leaped over the various buildings and continued to rush towards the arena.

What's weird

"This feeling," so familiar, "feeling" is like the existence that created me "but" but this is impossible? ! Before eternity, "The only time I have cooperated with another opposing race in history, sealed this existence?"

"This terrible existence" is impossible." It is absolutely impossible." He shouldn't unlock the seal, because the power of the sleeve is divided by us and thrown out from different times and spaces." Could it be said that the sleeve is really resurrected? ?".

"No, it's impossible. If the robe is really resurrected, the attack will never be so easy, **** it, why" Why can't I remember the appearance of the sleeve? This feeling is also vague, like an illusion. Could it be that the impact of the first eternal seal on me is still there? "

The idiot didn't have time to pay attention to Dim Mi's muttering to himself, he ran sprinting on the tiles, suddenly. A ball of fire rushed forward again, and the idiot immediately stopped and avoided it by turning around.

But as if he had expected him to do so, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a pale lightning had surpassed all speed and poisoned the idiot's head.

Boom one by one one by one!

Inevitably, the idiot lifted up the Dim Mi to take the day's condemnation, and the huge force shattered the roof under his feet to pieces. He also fell into the dwelling below. The people living inside suddenly saw a boy covered in mud being bombed in by a thunder. All were shocked, screaming in unison.

No matter who the attacker is."

The trembling thunder may make the idiot feel a little pain, but it cannot kill him. His skin was scorched by thunder and lightning, and the remaining electric energy was walking around him. But soon. He stood up again. And those black and red pupils didn't have any doubts.


The goal is still the Royal National Arena!