Demon King Doesn’t Have to be Overthrown (The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated / Why Defeat The Devil?)

Chapter 141: It's simply a difference in treatment (s

Why are brave men so much stronger than people in this world, and even expected to be defeated by the devil?

It is because they have both powerful holy swords and unique skills.

Needless to say, the impact of unique skills on strength has been mentioned many times in the past. Whether there is such a skill, whether this skill is strong or not, can completely affect a person's ability to a great extent, and its importance Even above the level and other skills, what kind of miracles are possible.

Just like Sean, if he hadn't possessed the unique skill of [Tianen], how could he treat Bedo, a level 84 demon master as a monkey killer, when he was only at level 24?

When Sean mentioned that he had a unique skill, the rest of the **** team no longer doubted that he was capable of killing Bedo. It is conceivable that the unique skill had a great impact on a person.

Although unique skills may generally be of no use at all, brave men are different from others and usually possess quite powerful unique skills. This is one of their advantages.

The second advantage is that they all possess the holy sword.

This artifact born from the concept of "brave", when it comes to the impact on strength, it is no less than the unique skill of the brave.

Ordinary people have a unique skill that can have such a big impact on their strength. If they have a holy sword that is comparable to the powerful and unique skills, then how can they not be much stronger than others?

As a result, if you add the blessings of the existence of the three goddesses, the three advantages add up, and it is impossible for the brave to be too strong.

Among the brave men of all ages, even the weakest one is more powerful than the 98th-level legendary knight in the capital, and a little bit stronger than the three goddesses and six demon men. Weak, a thousand years ago, Mithra, who was hailed as the strongest brave in the past, successfully defeated the Demon King, which shows how much strength the brave advantage has brought them.

Now, what about the princess?

Powerful unique skills?

she has.

Blessings of the existence of the three goddesses?

she has.

Even the holy sword, she seemed to have it.

In this way, compared to the true brave, she is only a setting reincarnated from another world.

But don't forget, she is the royal family of the Mithra Kingdom and the descendant of the brave men thousands of years ago.

In other words, strictly speaking, this princess is actually the blood of someone from another world.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that she is the brave of this era, just the kind of native-born.

This made Sean feel a little bit angry.

"Why everyone is a brave, you are a princess, loved by all people, I can't even reveal my identity?"

It's just different treatment!

Of course, Sheen and the princess cannot be generalized.

Sean is the brave summoned. Now that the war has ended and the three tribes have achieved peace, if the demons know that the Protoss is still using the brave summoning ceremony once used to deal with him, it will inevitably cause great conflicts and conflicts. conflict.

And the princess is just blessed, she was born and raised in this world, can't let her family be born?

No, it's not right.

Sheen suddenly remembered something very important.

"Vivienne." Sean turned to Vivienne, and after hesitating for a while, asked: "Could it be that the reason Bedo planned a mass assassination in the capital ten years ago was for the princess Your Highness is here?"

Yes, Sheehan thought about this.

Indeed, the princess is uniquely blessed, even if the demons know that such a modern brave was born, there is no way to protest against this.

But the old demons were different.

They certainly do not want to see brave men born in this world again.

Therefore, they are likely to directly assassinate the princess.

Vivienne did not deny it either.

"It cannot be completely denied that they have no intentions in this regard." Vivienne pondered for a moment, and then said: "However, this may not be their direct goal, maybe that's not the case."

Shinn was also silent immediately.

"Isn't it a direct target?"

What is the immediate goal?

Sheehan recalled what happened to Laxia.

Could it be that the real goal of the Old Demon Sect was actually the thing in Laisha's hands?

Is the thing stolen from the palace actually the real goal of the Old Demon Sect?

"Forget it, I don't want to."

Anyway, Bedo and Kilian have already returned to the dust, and it is useless to think too much.

Compared to this kind of thing, Xien wanted to know whether the holy sword he saw from the princess was real.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible for the princess to possess the holy sword.

According to Nien, the holy sword is a force born from the concept of "brave", and brave only has a very small possibility to appear in another world, and even in most worlds, there are no braves. Only a small part of the world will give birth to a person with the qualifications to become a brave.

In other words, only people from another world can be brave, and only people from another world have the holy sword.

The holy sword of the brave cannot be abandoned and cannot be transferred.

For example, Xien, even if the holy sword is buried, it can return on its own the next day, and because of its exclusive use, others can't use this holy sword at all.

Therefore, only the brave can use the holy sword and possess the holy sword. Once the brave dies, the holy sword will be broken along with it. This is something that is recorded in books.

So, why does the princess have the holy sword?

Isn't she actually the summoned person from another world, isn't she born and raised in this world at all?

Sheen somewhat doubted whether the princess was summoned before him, and was summoned as a baby, but was raised by the royal family of this kingdom.

But there has never been a case where two brave men were born in the same era one after another?

The number of brave men is very small. Even if you search all over the world, there are fewer than ten brave men who have appeared so far. With this number, two people from different worlds with brave aptitude will be born at the same time. It's too low.

Moreover, the holy sword of the princess was a bit wrong. Not only was its strength too weak, but it was still in a sealed state. What is going on?

"Can't figure it out..."

Sheehan muttered such a sentence unconsciously.

At this time, Vivian next to her spoke out.

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it."

Vivienne seemed to think that Sheen was thinking about the assassination incident ten years ago, so she patted Sheen on the shoulder and spoke like this.

"Anyway, the masterminds are no longer there. Leave the complicated matters to those in charge. Let's enter the palace now and meet the people I want you to see."

Hearing that, Sheen had returned to God.

"In... into the palace?"

"I... can we go in casually?"

Lumia and Melika also became frightened.

"If they can, Mr. Belén and the others don't need to disband everyone and arrange for the visit to the palace." Thierry said indifferently: "We are not in the palace for a visit, but for a private meeting."

"That's right." Vivienne nodded and said: "I have a little friendship with the princess. Now, the other party should be happy to comment on us."

In a word, Sheen was stunned.

"Wait..." Sean reacted and said in amazement: "You said... that princess...?"

Isn’t that the person I want to meet...?

Seeing Sheen's stunned expression, Vivian smiled badly.