Demon King Doesn’t Have to be Overthrown (The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated / Why Defeat The Devil?)

Chapter 241: "Magic Life"

People and people cannot be compared with each other.

Once, Sheehan was in a state of extreme anger and spent five minutes turning over on the bed in order to get a bottle of water beside the bed.

However, the maidservant took only one hour to arrange a luxurious mansion of a great nobleman to a paradise like birds and flowers.

This gap is simply unbearable.

...Should we also call my sister-sama?

Sheehan began to think about this problem seriously.

Forget it, let's not talk about this topic.

Otherwise, Sean felt that he might be stimulated again.

As a result, Sheehan changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, why are you a maid serving Laisha?"

Sheehan asked a question he had always cared about.


La Xia was slightly startled, she didn't seem to understand what Sheeen meant.

Seen, Sheehan said so.

"You see, aren't you the same as Laysha?" Sheen pointed out: "I always think you are twin sisters, but if you are twin sisters, there is no reason that one is the eldest lady and the other is the maid?"

La Xia understood what Sheen meant, and fell into a little silence.

After a while, La Xia suddenly spoke out.

"Does Mr. Sean know about magic life?"

La Xia actually asked such a question.

"I know."

Sheehan nodded his head despite some doubts.

"The so-called magic life refers to the lower life form created by magic, right?"

Like the Gorem that Sheen encountered in the past, it was nothing more than a rock mixed with special magic minerals, but because of its existence near the source of magic power, it was affected by the magic flowing through, and eventually it deteriorated into a monster and possessed life. Some magicians use magic to artificially complete this process and behavior, use magic to make monsters such as Gorem, and drive them to fight and work.

A life form created by magic like this is a magic life.

"But magical life doesn't just refer to monsters created by magic." La Xia said lightly: "Like monsters like Gorem, the demon race is actually a race born under the influence of the demon king's magic power. The nature is similar to the monsters born under the influence of the source of magical power, but they are born naturally through the interference of magical power. The demons have also used this principle to create monsters."

In other words, monsters are originally a kind of existence similar to magical life. The reason why demons are not magical life is only because they are not created artificially, but born naturally, and are of the same nature as elves.

So here comes the problem.

"Just like monsters like Golem can use magic to create artificially, since the demons are also similar in nature, they can also use magic to create, isn't it?"

La Xia's words made Sheeen understand what she wanted to say.

"Are you...?"

Sheeen looked at La Xia in surprise.

"Yes." Laxia said very calmly: "I am the magic life created by Miss Laxia using magic."

Therefore, Laxia and Laxia look exactly the same, but they are not sisters, but master and servant.

Because Laxia is a magical life created by Laxia.

"The eldest lady created me with her own appearance as a prototype after the assassination incident ten years ago. The original intention was to create a booster that could help her fight against the chasing old demons in the process of fleeing. But there is a characteristic of magic life, that is, depending on the materials used to make it, the life form that is finally born may not have combat effectiveness."

Let’s take Gorem as an example. Some of them are just rocks mixed with special magic minerals. After being transformed into monsters under the influence of the source of magic power, their levels are generally not high.

However, some Golems are very rare and precious magic minerals themselves, without any impurities, and the minerals that form themselves are also very advanced. The grades of the resulting Golems will be quite high and their powers are very terrifying. .

In the past, there has been a huge Gorame with a level of eighty. It itself is composed of a precious metal second only to Kobelco. It seems that an underground vein of this metal is affected by a large source of magical power. It became a monster after thousands of years.

At that time, in order to crusade against such a huge Gorem, a country sent out a day and night siege for thousands of knights before it was taken down.

The same goes for the Gorem made by magicians. Depending on the material used as the body, its level and strength will be different after its birth.

The rest of the magic life is the same.

La Xia is naturally included.

"I don't know what kind of material the eldest lady used. When I was created, not only was my level very low, but the combat effectiveness was almost dispensable, and it was not useful at all."

La Xia said something like this in an indifferent tone.

"Fortunately, I am better at handling daily chores, so the eldest lady did not think about abandoning me. Even if the magic life like me can only handle chores, it should only drag the eldest lady. His hind legs made the escape of the eldest lady more difficult and difficult, but the eldest lady did not propose to abandon me once, and even claimed that she had never even thought about it."

Hearing this, Sean was a little silent.

He really didn't expect that Laxia and Laxia looked so alike, because of this reason.

At the beginning, he also thought that Laxia and Laxia might be real sisters, because Laxia has no talent for fighting, and Laxia is a stranger who can become a space magician, so Bedo focused on Laxia. Using Laxia to threaten Laxia, Laxia will join the Old Demon faction and become Bedo’s minion. Driven by him, Laxia did not find a chance until the assassination incident ten years ago, taking advantage of the old Demon faction attacking the capital. , Took the opportunity to rescue La Xia, and then fled Yaoyao.

It now seems that Laxia will join the Old Demon Sect and become a member of the Old Demon Sect. The reason has nothing to do with Laxia.

After all, Laxia was created after Laxia began to flee.

That being the case, La Xia was not born when Lai Xia joined the Old Demon Sect.

But the problem came again.

"If that's the case, why did that guy join the old demons faction?"

Sheehan was lost in thought.

Looking at Laisha's appearance, it should be that he doesn't want to associate with the old demon faction, or even disdain to associate with the old demon faction.

In this way, she chose to join the old demon faction, and together with Bedo and Kilian became the mastermind of the assassination incident ten years ago. In the end, she violated the actions of Bedo and other old demon factions and sneaked into the palace underground. I stole something important and dangerous.

What are the considerations for this series of actions?

Sheen suddenly felt that this woman was full of mysteries.