Demon King Doesn’t Have to be Overthrown (The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated / Why Defeat The Devil?)

Chapter 661: The changed situation

In this way, the new brave will marry the dragon demon among the six great demon men, to show that the tribes will stay in peace forever. At an astonishing speed, it quickly spread to the entire Omnipotensen.

Of course, the appearance of this news completely shocked everyone.

"The brave and the devil sign a marriage contract?"

"Is this a joke?"


On this day, whether it was the Protoss, Humans or Demons, they all fell into an incalculable shock.

As the natural enemy of the Demon Race, the brave man actually wants to marry the Dragon Demon, one of the apex of the Demon Race?

This can destroy the three views of all people.

Especially the members of the demons were even more excited by this news to explode.

"You actually let the Dragon Demon Palace go down and marry the brave?"

"Is Lord Sierra crazy?"

"What are the demons thinking?"

"For the sake of peace, is it possible to ignore everything?"

Everyone in the Demon Race became excited one after another, and was stunned by this terrible news that was enough to shock the Three Realms.

Just because this matter fell in everyone's ears, it was too ridiculous.

In the past, it was not that there was no marriage between the human race and the demons to accomplish good things.

But that was all after the end of the war.

Before the end of the war, if the demons have an affair with a foreign race, it is a proper taboo and not allowed by any race.

It wasn't until the end of the war that intermarriage with the demons became less sensitive.

However, for a long time, the six great demons have been single and have never signed a marriage contract with anyone. The brave is a destined enemy of the demons. Before the war, it was impossible to have a relationship with the members of the demons. After the war, the brave summoned them. The Great Secret Ceremony was sealed again, making it impossible for the brave to appear in this peaceful age.

As a result, now, not only is the brave who shouldn't have appeared again, but one of the six demon men who has always been at the apex of the demons wants to marry the brave?

Is the world crazy or is it crazy?

This is how everyone feels.

But no matter what, this matter was finalized.

Saila even appeared at the top of the Supreme Castle together with all the demon sisters, and announced to everyone in front of the entire demon clan.

"As early as when the brave first came into this world, I was aware of it later."

"Under such conditions, the Yaomei, the dragon demon Aiyi I was waiting for even went to the human world and found the brave man, staying by the brave man's side, monitoring his every move."

"In the process, our sister Ai Yi fully realized that the arrival of this brave man was an accident, that is, it was not a conspiracy of the gods, nor was it anyone in the demons who did something."

"Afterwards, feeling the maverick and personal charm of the brave, our sister Ai Yi met him at first sight, and finally fell in love that had never been seen in the past tens of thousands of years."

"So, in order to show that the peace of the three clans is permanent, and to prove to the world that there is no conspiracy behind this incident that will break the current situation, we decided to marry our favorite sister to the brave Sheen."

Later, Sai La also said that in order to eliminate the impact of this incident, she will be the supreme identity of the demons to invite the Protoss and Humans to go to the people with the three goddesses of the Protoss and the leaders of the major forces of the human race. In the world, a tri-ethnic meeting was held.

At the meeting, the three tribes will discuss the incident against the brave man, confirming that the matter has nothing to do with the calculations of any tribe.

Before the end of the meeting, the Mozu must not use any unrealistic suspicions and speculations against the fiancé of the dragon demon Aiyi.

Violators will be punished as crimes of treason and below.

Sai La made such a declaration with a group of sisters, and then drove away.

After the incident, the Protoss, who had disappeared for no reason, also immediately issued a statement saying that they would actively cooperate with the convening of the talks to show the peace of the tribes and the innocence of the Protoss.

After receiving this news, the major nations and major forces of the human race were shocked, and some responded immediately.

"The Mithra Kingdom will cooperate with the convening of the talks and participate in the talks on time."

"The Ragnar Empire will cooperate with the convening of the talks and participate in the talks on time."

"The elves will cooperate with the meeting and participate in the meeting on time."

"The Orcs will cooperate with the meeting and participate in the meeting on time."


As mentioned above, countries and forces have expressed their stances one after another.

Demons, Protoss, and Humans, the three major races of Omni Pertensen will hold talks to show peace and prove their innocence.

This incident immediately raged in the entire Omnipotensen.

At the same time, there are all kinds of discussions.

"Following the end of the war a thousand years ago, the passing of the Demon King, the surrender of the Demon Clan, and the welcoming of peace, the three clans will finally meet again for talks."

"At that time, I was talking about the future relationship of the three races, as well as the policy and agreement of non-aggression, right?"

"This time it's for the brave."

"There is also a marriage contract between the brave man and the dragon demon."

"how to say?"

"It feels like something big is going to happen."

People are discussing like this.

Even the Protoss can't avoid the vulgarity, each of the goddesses discussing this matter is called a lively, so that the God Realm ushered in a very rare hustle and bustle.

In contrast, the Demon World has become more chaotic than before in another sense.

no way.

A second ago, everyone was instigated, thinking that this was a conspiracy of the Protoss, a conspiracy of the Humans, and the brave would be a threat to the demons. The brave had to be eradicated and asked the Protoss and the Humans.

As a result, at this second, his own demon had to conclude a marriage contract with the brave, and accomplish good deeds, which could blow up all the demons to their heads.

When they reacted, their first reaction was protest.

Must protest.

"We are going to war with the brave, but the demons sold their sister backhandedly?"

"That's a brave man!"

"How can the demon I wait for marry a brave man?"

"Isn't the high-level people really willing to compromise for peace?"

This is the voice of opposition.

But I have to say that Sai La's previous remarks are still very useful.

She decorated Ai Yi's journey to the human world and staying with Xien, turning it into a purposeful action, thus proving the innocence of Xien and the Protoss.

Prior to this, Aiyi had declared to the world as a demon that she would always shelter Shin, and to be an enemy of Shin, that is, to be an enemy of the demons.

At that time, many demons were surprised by this, wondering why His Majesty the dignified demon would like to shelter a human noble youth like this.

Many people still couldn't understand why Aiyi had to follow Xien, stay with Xien, and not return to the demon world.

Until today, under the guidance of Sai La, people thought that Ai Yi would do this. It was really because the demons knew about Sheen as a brave.

Under such circumstances, the dragon demon Aiyi watched the brave man nearby and eventually fell in love. He also confirmed that the appearance of the brave man was an accident and not a plot by the gods. This was reasonable.

Therefore, although there are still some remarks that oppose it and believe that the noble demon should not be allowed to marry the brave who is the natural enemy of the demon, but most people have calmed down.

"Looking at it this way, maybe the emergence of the brave is really for another reason."

"Otherwise, when the brave first came to this world, His Royal Highness Dragon Demon had already killed him?"

"You know, His Royal Highness Dragon Demon has killed two brave men."

"Since the Royal Highness Dragon Demon has confirmed so, then maybe you can choose to believe that the Protoss is innocent."

"Look, anyway, the three clans will have a meeting, let's see what the final result will be."


The speech in the demon world began to turn, and only some people with ulterior motives have been deliberately inciting, or some clowns are trying to stir up trouble, lest the world will not be chaotic.

In this regard, Saila had been prepared for a long time, and launched a series of actions, working with her sisters, to get rid of these people with ulterior motives.

Saila also deliberately guided the trend of public opinion, let people spread some half-truth and half-false news, and finally completely controlled the chaos in the demon world and calmed the demon clan.

Especially those warriors who went to the human realm without permission to encircle the imperial capital and had not poured dirty water on Xi'en and told Xi'en to kill the demons wantonly, and they were all arrested.

Including Gülen, Yalid, Qibul, and Ireza, who was wounded all over, were all questioned by Xingshi, and finally were punished.

Ireza was imprisoned by Lid and would not be able to get out of the mountain for a hundred years.

Qibul was thrown into the wilderness by Mi Lu. It is said that a head and an arm were exploded by a finger, and he almost died.

Ge Lan was also punished by Shafne, and temporarily relieved of the position of cadre, working with the general demons in the status of the lower-level demons in the succubus collar.

The worst was Yalid, as a cadre under the brutal Poison Demon, he heard that he was put on the fire and roasted, and his roasting level dropped again.

Only Hutt Yadai was exempted from punishment for not deliberately targeting Sheen's relationship, coupled with the special status of the limit class.

Seeing these news, the people in the demons believed that the senior officials did not doubt the origin of the brave, and planned to be on the same front with the brave.

"History is about to be changed."

"Finally, the demons will also marry a foreign race."

"The brave and the Dragon Demon are not really mismatched."

"I hope that both the brave and the gods are really innocent. I didn't count me waiting for the demons."

The public opinion of the demon world was completely changed under a series of operations by the demon people.

The marriage between Sean and Ai Yi, like this, was confirmed.


The next day the news came out, the Imperial Capital.

Sean appeared in the suburbs with Laxia, Laxia, Thierry, Lilith, and Jacinta.

There were Harves, Cappellin, Rockett, Tilly, and the Knights of Broken Blade and the Knights of the Empire. The outskirts of the Imperial Capital were full of people. At first glance, they thought it was going to war again.

But this time, there will be no fighting.

Because Harves and others are here to see them off.

Sheehan and his party were ready to leave.