Demon King Doesn’t Have to be Overthrown (The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated / Why Defeat The Devil?)

Chapter 774: Summon the brave man

At the same time, in the devil's pool of the Demon King's Pavilion, the red gems were still spinning on Xian's head, blooming with scarlet light, illuminating the entire Demon's Pavilion.

The demons looked at the red gem with excitement, and even couldn't help but want to step forward and take down the red gem.

However, the red jade suddenly turned, releasing a shocking magical power.

That magic power is very different from the magic power under normal conditions.

If the magical power in the normal state is a stream of gas, then this magical power is a solid condensed from extremely thick and dense gas.

If the general magic power is like a thread, then this magic power is a needle.

That is the difference in quality.

Therefore, in the face of this magical power, the demons only felt stiff, and they couldn't even move.


A crowd of demons couldn't help shouting.

This situation is almost like the one who is rejecting them, making them very sad.

However, shortly afterwards, that terrifying magical power fluctuated again, and it turned into a rainbow-like air current through the magic pool and flowed into the bodies of the demons.

The demon people's expressions arose one after another, and the aura on their bodies suddenly soared.

This phenomenon made the demons startled at first, and then reacted.

"Is the mother making up for the lost power for us?"

Camina found this, and his face was beaming.

The same goes for the other demons.

The terrifying magic power released by the red gemstone, after the transformation of the magic pool, filled the small part of the power that the magicians had just lost.

In other words, not only did the demons not weaken this time, they also successfully pushed Sheen to the extreme level.

However, compared to this, the demons are more concerned about another matter.

"Are you awake? Mother!"

Lid yelled.

Sai La, Chafne, Mi Lu, Ai Yi and others also looked expectantly at the red gem.

They only hope that all of this is what their mother has done and is a sign that she has already recovered.

In this way, they have the opportunity to see their mother who has passed away.

This is what they look forward to most.

It's a pity that Baoyu didn't move at all, but it kept spinning there, like an instrument without emotion, with no response except power.



Saila and Shafne both yelled unbearably.

The demons uttered one after another, trying to evoke the existence of the dreaming person.


Ai Yi also murmured, with endless sadness on her face.

Under such circumstances, the red Baoyu finally made a little movement.

I saw it hovered up and down for a while, and then flew out.

Its speed is very slow, so that the devil can clearly see every movement of it.

It is like a very soft hand, passing in front of each demon. Whenever it comes in front of one person, it will stop, stay for a while, and then fly to the next person.

The demons only felt as if they had seen a familiar figure, appearing in front of them along with the movements of the red gems.

The owner of the figure seemed to be looking at them, as if touching their cheeks, so that they could clearly feel a trace of warmth.


After all, the demons did not hold back and shed tears.

This is true including Serra and Chavne.

In a daze, they seemed to have gone back to the past, back to the time when they were not yet born.

At that time, they were just little lives that were nurtured in the magic power of the demon king, without power and form, just like drops of water suddenly possessing consciousness in the vast ocean.

At that time, it was the vast ocean-like magic that had been gently nurturing them, giving them warmth, and also giving them life, so that they gradually became what they are now.

The feeling at that time was exactly the same as the feeling at this moment.

Because the magic of their mothers appeared again, and once again gave them warmth and helped them make up for the lost power.

The red jewels are like this, passing by the devil one by one, wrapping them gently with their own magic power, as if they are telling something.

In the end, the red jewel flew back to the top of Xien's head, and re-entered into Xien's body under the gaze of the demons without a trace of nostalgia.



A crowd of demons subconsciously pounced on it.

But in the end, all they can do is to hug a hot body.

Sean had already slowly condensed his magic power, causing the three radiances on his body to retract back into his body.

Soon, Sean slowly opened his eyes.

However, as soon as Hajime opened those eyes, they opened to their maximum in an instant because of the terrifying sight in front of them.

Seeing the beautiful young girls who were crying with pear blossoms raining in front of them, holding themselves tightly, and still naked, Shinn's head was completely down.

"This...what's the situation...!?"

It didn't take long for Sheehan's ghoulish yelling sounded in the Demon King Hall.

For a long time, it didn't calm down.


God Realm, a remote and sealed place.

In a temple, Nien looked at everything presented in the light curtain in front of her, and looked at Sheen, who was hugged by all the beautiful women and was in a state of downtime, and sighed silently.

"It's difficult now."

Nien was a little bit distressed.

Recalling the three ultimate brilliance, Nien mumbled.

"The power in his body, after this stimulation, I am afraid that it will really start to awaken."

Still the same sentence, no one knows Sheen better than Nien.

This is the brave she summoned, and she is also the goddess who is in charge of the summoning, and is the incarnation of the highest **** who exists in the same existence as [Call of the Brave].

In this world, no one knows the brave better than the true goddess of omniscience and omnipotence.

Especially Sheen, as early as the day she successfully summoned Sheen, Nien knew how special he was.

Of course, Nien also knew how terrifying power was hidden in Sheen's body.

That power, to be honest, is not comparable to the "only brave".

However, that power is dangerous and uncontrollable, and what is hidden is extremely deep. If possible, Nien really doesn't want it to awaken.

She only hopes that Sean can be her brave, and the rest is completely unnecessary.

Therefore, for Nien, Sheeen only needs to grow up steadily as a brave.

Even if it is just like this, when Sean breaks through the limit of life and enters a detachment level, then he will definitely not be weaker than the existence of the goddess of fate, Lidas.

Existence at that level is already invincible in this world where the Demon King has passed away and the Supreme God is invisible.

That's enough.

In this way, it was already Nien's greatest expectation for Sheen.

Who ever thought that, in the end, Sheen not only got the Demon King’s precious jade, but the hidden power in his body was also stimulated.

"The demon king Baoyu has been active in his body. This time, the six major demon men used magic power to stimulate his potential and enhance his power. In addition, he has grown to the limit level, the theoretical limit of life, and multiple factors. Under the induction of washing, the power was finally successfully awakened."

Although that power was only initially awakened, Sean definitely had no way to control it, using it, and even feeling its existence, but as Sean later broke through the limit level and entered the transcendence level, Perhaps, that power will be thoroughly stimulated.

By then, Sean could no longer be a simple brave.

"Should I shoot?"

Nien hesitated.

She wanted to make a move and use her own power to seal the hidden power in Sheen's body.

With the connection between her and the brave, it is not impossible to seal the power before it is fully stimulated.


"If you do that..."

Nien whispered a word.

But at this moment, another voice sounded, interrupting Nien's whisper.

"If you do that, you will use up all your strength, and you will no longer be able to maintain the body of the goddess. You will collapse and fall back to the original "summoning technique" form. "

When such a sweet voice to the extreme, but not much emotion, reached Nien's ears, Nien's heart was shocked violently.

She turned around abruptly and looked behind her.

There, I don't know when, a figure actually appeared.

"She" turned her back to Nien and didn't turn around, only her long silver knee-length hair was swaying gently, as if there was no wind.

"She" has slender and slender limbs, and her back is so beautiful that she can't help but reverie. A pair of jade feet are bare, revealing an aloof temperament.

"She" just stood there, not releasing any power, better as if there was no power at all.

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However, no matter who it is, the moment he sees "her", he will feel worship.

That is the instinct of life telling them that the person in front of them is the creator.

The origin of everything, the beginning of everything, the mother of everything, the creator of everything, the supreme existence.

"She" is --- "God".


Nien couldn't help but stepped back.

Her face was full of shock.

no way.


Nien couldn't believe her eyes.


" have fallen into a deep sleep forever, won't you wake up again?"

Nien tremblingly made a sound.

Upon hearing this, the goddess raised her head.

"Indeed, I am no longer interested in everything in this world. If I can, I won't want to wake up anymore."

The goddess, as if singing in the sky, uttered the sound of empty valley and orchids echoing in the temple.

"At least, before I fell asleep, I made this decision."

In other words, there is an accident now.

There is something worthy of "she" to pay attention to, and even the existence of emotional fluctuations has appeared in this world.

Therefore, the goddess, who should have been sleeping forever, woke up.

If this matter is known by the Protoss, you will be overjoyed, right?

Especially the three big goddesses, they will surely weep with joy, and they will all gaffe.

The goddess in front of them is their belief, their supreme spiritual support.

How many goddesses had expected her to wake up, and even shed tears when she was about to fall asleep forever, but could not wait for the mother god’s response for a long time, and could only take over the management of the world and be her own god. , To guide the direction and development of this world.

Now that the supreme **** they believe in has awakened, it is conceivable how excited the Protoss will be.

At least, it will definitely not be inferior to the devil who has seen Demon King Baoyu.


"...Since it has been decided, why do you wake up?"

As the only existence who did not welcome the goddess in front of her, Nian made a hostile voice.

"This world doesn't need you anymore, and there is no existence worthy of your attention. You should go back to your sanctuary and continue to sleep."

Nien's remarks can already be regarded as very rebellious.

For all the creators of this world, the true almighty goddess, for only daring to show hostility, Nien has reason to be obliterated.

Of course Nien knew how dangerous it would be to say such a thing in front of this true God.

But like the demons, she couldn't bear the emotions that flowed from her heart.

Regarding the existence of her mother goddess, Nien had only hatred in her heart.

And she also knew very well that in front of this truly almighty goddess, any concealment was useless.

She can easily see through a person's truth, essence, and even the future.

Only the demon king can show resistance in front of her.

Nien is not a demon king, nor does he have the power of a devil.

Therefore, she could not make any resistance to the existence in front of her, including concealing her inner thoughts.

That being the case, why bother to be pretentious?

Nien then showed her true emotions.


The goddess did not express any thoughts about this, but was silent, as if looking at the human man in the distance, without speaking for a long time.

This made Nien very irritable.

But before Nien was about to vent, the goddess spoke.

"He is not only your brave, but also my brave."

With the words of the goddess, Nien finally broke out.

"No! He is not!" Nien whispered as if being touched by the scales: "He is just my brave! He has nothing to do with you!"

The goddess was very indifferent to Nien's gaffe.

"I'm just explaining the facts." The goddess said indifferently, "Since the power in his body has been awakened, then I can't sleep anymore."

The implication is that the Supreme God is about to be born.

"Don't worry, I will not do anything to interfere with him." The goddess murmured: "But I will keep looking at him until he comes to me again."

Hearing these words, Nien almost didn't rush forward.

However, she endured it.

"...He is mine." Nien said blankly: "Even you can't take him away."

"Really?" The goddess said coldly: "Then let's wait and see."

After speaking, the goddess turned around and looked at Nien.

His face was exactly the same as Nien, but there was emotion that Nien couldn't understand.

Then the goddess said so.

"By the way, there is one thing you may have misunderstood for a long, long time."

What's the matter?

It's very simple.

"Actually, I only learned of your existence thousands of years ago."

The goddess revealed amazing secrets.

"Before this, I didn't know that [Call of the Brave] produced will, let alone that I had an incarnation in this world."

As soon as this remark came out, Nien's pupils shrank.

She wanted to deny loudly.

If this is the case, then, regardless of her will, who used her as a simple summoning technique, who kept performing brave summons...?

The goddess saw through her thoughts.


"That person is not me."

"The person who has always used you to summon the brave is also not me."

"In this life, I have only summoned the brave once."

"It's not me who uses you, but the poor woman who hopes to use the power of the brave to complete self-salvation."

With such words left, the goddess disappeared.

Only Nien was left, shocked by this sudden fact, unable to return to his senses for a long time.