Demon Protection Association

Chapter 51: Indestructible

The next day.

Brother Yong Ningqing returned to Zihua's flower shop after taking out the food as usual.

怕 Fear of the immortal realm of Grizzly Daxian being transferred to the 21st floor of Century Mansion, Lu Yuan will still put the medicated food that needs to be delivered to the flower shop of Ziliao.

The production of Grizzly Daisen has been very stable recently. One day fried chicken set and lobster fairy rice can make up to two hundred servings a day.

The takeaway veterans around know that this medicinal restaurant is limited, and the competition is even more fierce. At the same time, many people ask about it and can also customize it privately. Bear Tai Sin.

Kushiro even plans to open a public account.

After the opening of the Lingquan, everything is moving in a good direction.

Brother Ningqing Qing could collect about 300 strands of aura the day before the reiki opened, but now a little hard work, 460 strands is not a problem.

The Lingqi Spring's aura gathering bonus increased Brother Ningqing's aura gathering efficiency by about 50%.

Although according to this posture, the aura that provided him with survival in this world is still difficult to collect, but he was a shallower teacher, brother, and sister, and he would soon be able to wake up.

今天 Now today Brother Ningqing returned to the 21st floor of Century Mansion with an aura collected in one day as usual.

Brother Xuanyang reminded Brother Ningqing to pay attention.

He knew very well that of all the siblings ... his little sibling was the one who didn't care much about Qinglian Jianzong.

Ningqing's master and uncle are now dead, and the only one who can supervise her throughout the gate is Ningqing himself.

So he has been thinking about how to do ideological work for him when he wakes up.

He was surrounded by these thoughts in Ning Qing's mind until he returned to the fairy realm of Qinglian Jianzong. The feeling of something around him made him instantly enter the state of alertness.

Brother Su Ningqing quickly ran into the retreat room of Zongmen. The stone statue in the retreat room changed from three to two. The one of his sister disappeared in place.

The terrible foreboding instantly filled Brother Ningqing's body.

What's worse, Brother Ning Qing felt the breath of death in this retreat room!

"Qian Kun borrows the law." Brother Ning Qing struck a sign in the air in an instant, and he set an air-seeking sign on his little sister.

Once the little sister wakes up in advance without his knowledge, Brother Ning Qing can at least feel the position of the other party.

Qi Xunfu shows that the place where Xiaoshimei is is ... the fairy world of the Mo family!

Brother Xun Ningqing turned around without hesitation and rushed out of the fairy realm of Qinglian Jianzong to the location of the Mojia fairy realm.

When his footsteps just landed in the Mo's fairy realm, the breath of undead breath came from the room of Elder Moya.

Sui Ningqing ran quickly into the room of Elder Moya, and the scene presented in the eyes of Brother Ningqing made him stiff and stagnant.

The body of Elder Meng Moya was lying on the ground covered with blood, and the blood on her body was drawn into an extremely vicious rune of the ghost ...

"Grandma! Grandma!" Mo Lian knelt on the side of Elder Moya and shouted at the other side.

Kushiro far arrived at the scene long ago, when Lu Yuan felt Brother Ningqing's sight and turned his head to look at him.

"Brother!" It was too late when Lu Yuan wanted to call each other.

Brother Yuningqing turned directly to grab the door and went out to hunt for his little sister who disappeared.

"Who ... who." Mo'e's mood broke down a little, but soon a familiar voice came from her ears.

怜 "Poor, this is not the time to cry."


Mo Qing suddenly raised her head and found that her grandmother Elder Moya was standing in front of her intact, but when Mochi stretched out her hand to touch her grandma, her hand passed through Elder Moya's body. .

"Grandma you ..."

"I'm in the spirit and ghost state now, Your Excellency is extremely sorry ... The old man's Shou Yuan has been exhausted, but the method of making the spiritual lamp has not been completed for a long time, so I can only ask for self-reliance to use the spirit method to continue His own consciousness. "Elder Moya explained to Lu Yuan quickly.


Kushiro didn't say anything, but just silently looked at the scattered machine parts in Elder Moya's room, as well as an unfinished drawing of the psychic lamp.

Mo Merci, who was next to me, was still crying.

"Don't cry! Pity, I ca n’t touch anything as a ghost hand, neither the pen nor the wood can be picked up. Now you are my hand and eye. Before my consciousness completely dissipates, I must draw this Mohism spiritual lamp. Method of production is complete. "

Elder Meng Moya said to Mo Pei with a severe tone, Mo Pei quickly held back the tears in the corner of her eyes, and she understood what all this was done for her grandma.

"Poor children obey."

Mo Qingqiang endured the sadness in her heart and picked up the writing brush. Moya's long-aged ghost translucent hand was placed on the hand of Mo Qing holding the pen. She used what she learned throughout her life ... borrowing ink Pitiful hands recorded it.

Kushiro knew that there was no point in staying here.

"I'll get Brother Ningqing back."

Now it may be Brother Ning Qing who needs Lu Yuan more, and maybe Elder Moya begged the little sister to take the shot, and that little sister will perform ghost art.

However, this does not mean that the younger sister will show mercy to Brother Ning Qing!

Uh ...

Wu Ningqing came alone to the depths of this spirit spring filled with ghost spirit.

He saw the figure of a young teacher and sister who had not seen him for a hundred years in the sorrow full of dead spirit.

In the past, he had fantasized about how he would reunite with his little sister again and again, but never thought it would be the case today!

"Self-reliance! You can confess sin!"

Ning Qing was held by Ning Qing in his hand, and the blue aura surrounded the broken sword to form the shape of the sword.

He stared at the girl in the distance who silently closed his eyes, and questioned her.

"Convicted? What sin? The Mo parent always begged me to make her into a ghost." Xunyi opened her lilac eyes slowly, staring at the distant sword toward her. Brother Ningqing with a throat "I haven't seen it in 100 years, brother, do you welcome your sister and sister like this?"

"Please?" Brother Ning Qing gave a slight hesitation.

"Although I used to be a ghost cultivation, I have never indiscriminately killed innocent people, have you forgotten it? Brother."

She Xunyi slowly walked towards Brother Ningqing, until her white neck was about to hit the blade of Brother Ningqing's flying sword ...

At this moment, Brother Ningqing turned around in an instant, and the arc of the blade in the hand passed the instant of the blade to avoid the sister of Xunyi.

"You still feel bad for me at the end." A sly smile appeared on her face, and she seemed to want to coquettish Brother Ningqing, but Brother Ningqing took a step back and stared at her with a cold face.

"Then you go with me to find the parents of Mo to confirm!" Brother Ningqing knew that his sister-in-law's instinct, and her devious nature was not bad ... When this master was alive, she was limited to some mischief.

"Go back? Continue to go back to the gate that held you down forever?"

She Xunyi's expression also changed instantly. She stepped forward and wanted to hold Brother Ningqing's hand. Brother Ningqing waved the sword again and pressed the broken blade of his hand against the opponent's neck.

"Looking for ..." Brother Ning Qing no longer called the other party's name, but directly said the other party's name "Master Shishu sacrificed himself for your life, you can no longer say half a humiliation to my ancestors!"

"Then what? Do you have to sacrifice yourself?" Sister Xunyi suddenly shot and grabbed Brother Ningqing's wrist. "The lack of aura in heaven and earth, Qinglian's mentality can only keep you alive for two years at most. Brother? There is plenty of dead spirit here ... as long as you specialize in the practice of ghosts, it will not be a problem to live for thousands of years with your qualifications! "

Brother Ningqing closed her eyes tightly at last and seemed to have completed her consciousness. She suddenly opened her eyes ... the arm holding the sword turned suddenly.

The blade condensed by the aura on the interruption was reversed again, leaving a deep sword mark on the arm of Xunyi's sister. She felt the pain, released her hand, and took a step back to look cold. Brother Ningqing.

"Master, Uncle, Thousands of Brothers and Sisters, the sacrifice of the Qinglian sword ancestor Dao Tong! How can I abandon it for the sake of my life!" The aura of the flying sword in Brother Ningqing began to condense, and several swords appeared behind him Shadow.

"Others, others, others!" A lot of ghosts condensed behind Xunyi, and her dark purple pupils gradually changed to scarlet. "You Qinglian Jianzong all do this one by one! Why don't you think about yourself! I don't care what The meditation of Qinglian Jianzong! I just want you to live! "

Brother Yuningqing looked at the blood left on his sister's white arm, and felt a pain in his heart like a needle, but now he has more important things to do.

"Self-reliance! You have committed dozens of my door rules! Follow me and be punished!" Brother Ning Qing was surrounded by sharp swords all over his body.

"If your teacher can keep you alive! I will accept it even if I hit the bottom of Nine You! But it can't!" The spirit behind Xunyi Shimei has condensed into substance.

Brother Ningqing's Feijian Broken House accompanied the broken Qinglian sword stabbing towards the sister Xunyi. Hundreds of swords crossed the ghostly spirit surrounding the sister Xunyi, but she was directly directed by the sister Xunyi. Smash it with a wave.

She rushed directly to Brother Ningqing, and quickly and deterred Brother Ningqing's arm holding the sword, the ghostly surroundings completely sealed up the spirit of Brother Ningqing's whole body.

"Enough, Brother ... When you were fighting with me when there was ample energy in ancient times, I won more and you win less, and now you are so weak you are unlikely to win me." Xunyi looked at Brother Struggling Ningqing, distressed The touch of her is also cut into her heart like a blade.

Wu Ke's feeling of weakness did not let Brother Ning Qing give up, even if the flying sword broken in his hand had fallen to the ground, Brother Ning Qing also waved the other hand and hit the palm of the sister Xunyi.

"Go with me and be punished ..." Brother Ning Qing's consciousness was almost blurred, but he still said this sentence.

Sister Xun Xunyi seemed to be a little irritated, and the ghosts all over her exploded to blow Brother Ning Qing, but Brother Ning Qing hit the ground when she returned.

"Brother!" When she rushed to catch Brother Ning Qing who had passed out in a coma, another figure caught Brother Brother Ning Qing who was about to fall to the ground.

"You ... too hard to start?"

Kushiro kept his knees down and barely supported Brother Ning Qing's back so that his head did not hit the ground.

Brother Ningqing Qing has been completely unconscious and has lost consciousness. He can also see some wounds cut by ghost gas on his entire body.

"Tree ... is that right?" Sister Xunyi calmed down when she saw Lu Yuan. "I heard Mo's parents always said you saved my brother. Thank you for what you did, but can you return the brother to me?"

"Give it back to you?" The pupil under Lu Yuan's mask stared at the girl in front of her, and said, "I ask you, what you like should be the one who adheres to his own ethics, even if you sacrifice yourself, you have to rescue the Qinglian sword Brother Zong, not someone who has given up everything in order to live. "

"Alive is everything!" Xunyi's voice gradually turned cold.

In fact, Kushiro wants to tell her some futures that can survive by reiki, but it is useless ... She has entered a state close to bipolar disorder under the influence of the surrounding reiki.

"Is it necessary to fight?" Lu Yuan finally asked.

"Hit? Mr. Tree, I respect what you have done, but you are a minor repair with only three levels of Qinglian's heart, in this environment full of dead spirits ..." She said that the ghosts around here instantly gathered to her "What do you want ... hit me?"

Kushiro looked at this scene ~ ~ and finally sighed deeply, then Lu Yuan held one hand to Brother Ningqing who was unconscious, and the other hand reached his Peking opera mask.

"Did you know?" Lu Yuan made a face-changing action, and the Peking Opera mask on Lu Yuan's face instantly changed from a large flower face to a terrible evil face.

"They like to listen to me more than you!"

At the moment when the voice of the voice fell, the ghostly spirit gathered behind Xunyi Sister suddenly came to Lu Yuan behind her, and an aura of vacuum appeared around Xunyi Sister's body.

Instead, Lu gathered a large amount of dead aura behind Lu Yuan. In this dead aura, tens of thousands of ghosts will gather behind Lu Yuan.

They instantly formed a lineup on the battlefield. The ghost soldiers held up their spears and stood upright behind Lu Yuan. Several ghost generals slowly came to Lu Yuan behind their horses, and the burning ghost Secretly staring at the single girl in the distance.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The roar of roaring for thousands of years rang through the entire Lingquan, and the ghost pike slammed the ground constantly, and the whole ground shuddered slightly.

"Last general Xiang Yan, willing to break the city with the protagonist!"

鬼 A ghost will point the spear in his hand and point it at the distant ... little girl.

At this moment, Xunyi ’s sister is already in a state of embarrassment. She looked at the tens of thousands of ghosts and soldiers behind Lu Yuan, her face full of shock and kept back.

"I won't hurt you as much as your brother." Lu Yuan has completely turned into a ghost under his mask and stared at the other person. "The person who should run away now is you!"

PS (PS: It's time for recommendation again! Today is three more by the number of words! Three more ~~~)