Demonic School Grass: Demon is a Girl

Chapter 47: Secret house in the woods

I took the pen and paper on the coffee table and wrote a few elegant words:

Thank you in the future.

After writing, I pressed the paper on the coffee table with the pen, straightened up and snapped my fingers.

Suddenly, a phantom appeared where Qiang Mo was lying.

Qiang Mo pursed his lips and smiled, and hurriedly walked through the blind spots of the surveillance cameras, propped up the windowsill beside him with one hand, and jumped.

At the same time as he jumped out, the enchantment behind him disappeared suddenly, leaving only a sleeping phantom.

Qiang Mo, who fell from the window sill, stepped into the garden and looked around with a frown. There are at least three lines of defense in this place...

Pick up a few decorative cobblestones on the ground and throw them at the places where the sensors are installed.

Just as the cobblestone touched the sensor, an alarm sounded from the wall.

Indistinctly, inexplicable footsteps of a dozen people came.

Qiang Mo hid behind the tree sideways, only to hear the sound of his footsteps stopping, and suddenly, in his field of vision, he caught a glimpse of Feng Ban's figure.

With a cold tone, he said:

"All on alert."

After he finished speaking, he looked back at the boy who was still asleep on the sofa from the windowsill, suppressing the guess in his heart.

If it was him who touched the alert, who was on the sofa?

The leader of the team responded, and when he saw this, he turned around and prepared to leave.

The moment he turned around, Qiang Mo propped up the branches next to him, and a sideways turned out of the garden where the people were concentrated.

Then she looked at a few lines that appeared to be nothing in front of her, passing them one by one like a ghost.

Finally, a wall was found, and he finally left the banished villa.

I turned my head and glanced at it with disgust, why are there so many surveillance and defense lines...?

Thieves are too lazy to come to your place, okay?

Turning his gaze back, the young man glanced helplessly at the... forest in front of him.

Does his old man have a special hobby like stuffing himself into the virgin forest?

Her eyes dimmed, and the most important thing for her now is to remotely delete the data on her communicator and mobile phone.

Although, she didn't think banning could unlock her encryption.

He probed the little spiritual power he had left, and he was cruel, even if it was spent here today.

Using her spiritual power, her seemingly slow pace actually swept across the forest and headed for her territory.



In the villa, Feng Ban looked at the living room that was empty as soon as he turned around, the anger of the storm was brewing in his mind, and Qiang Mo tightly clenched his hand and left a note.

With a sudden sneer, Tori..., he had better pray that there would be no such Tori.


said coldly:

"Tell them to stop searching."

There was no one behind him, but a low voice appeared out of thin air:


Feng Ban looked at the lush scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling window, his eyes unclear...


Qiang Mo is now in front of a small house, which is different from the extravagance and luxury of the exiled villa, which is a bit shabby and corrupt.

Pushing open the door and walking in, it was a strange place. The floor was covered with a soft blanket, covering the damp ground.

The antique partitions and beds make people feel like they have come to a modern ancient attic, where the two blend together.

Qiang Mo went straight inward, and his fingerprints unlocked the door of the room.

He pulled out the chair and sat down with some relaxation, while opening the silver laptop in front of him with his slender fingers.

Wei Wei rested her head on the back of the chair, and habitually rubbed her fingers on the jade ring that was made from the meditative flute.

The laptop booted very quickly, Qiang Mo stopped what he was doing and turned to look at the computer screen.