Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1009: Pimping (sixth, ask for monthly pass)

"Park your car here, you can't drive in this car," said La Boer.

"How about we bet one hundred dollars, I can drive in."

"It's a hundred dollars." La Boer didn't even think about it, and bet directly with Chen Kun.

Chen Ye drove the car to the gate, and at the door, checked the maid of the invitation. When he saw Chen Ye's car, he let him go and let Chen Ye go in.

Chen Yan turned his head and looked at La Boer: "Thank you for your hundred dollars."

Laber was a little surprised: "Is management so lax here?"

Chen Ye has to come over once or twice a month. There are no people who don't know Chen Ye.

Especially Dell's housekeeper is Mary.

La Boer found that Chen Ye was very familiar with it.

Generally, when guests come to a party, they basically park their car beside the aisle.

But Chen Ye went straight to the garage, and with such a large estate, he could find the garage accurately.

"Teacher, have you been here?"

"Well, get off."

As soon as Chen Kun got out of the car, Mary appeared in the garage.

"Hi, dear."

Mary glanced at La Boer coming down from the car and looked at Chen Yan with a black face: "Chen, who is this woman? You know Fali is pregnant now, but you can't come out and fuck."

"Uh ... Mary, you are wrong ... she is my student, except that we have nothing to do with it."


"Really." Chen Yan shrugged. "I was here to accompany her to the party. By the way, wait until you look at her a little. If anyone harassed her, let me out.

"Okay, I won't be with you anymore. There are still many things to keep me busy."

As Mary turned and left, La Boer looked at Chen Yan: "Who is she?"

"She is Mary, the housekeeper here."

La Boer secretly said that it is no wonder that Chen Wei was so familiar with this place that he originally knew the housekeeper here.

La Boer came to the manor and looked at the scale of the manor in front of him.

This estate is really big beyond imagination.

Not to mention others, just the swimming pool is bigger than the house she rents.

"Is the host here rich?"

"Caa's major shareholder." Chen Yan said.

La Boer could not help but be shocked, caa major shareholder, but that is the Hollywood elite.

"If you are in trouble, go to Mary, and I won't be with you," Chen said.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll say hello to an acquaintance."

"Oh, okay."

Chen Ye went to the manor of Risfal next door.

After all, we're here, whether it's Dell or Risfal, we want to say hello.

Chen Ye and the people of Risfal's family were also very familiar, so they entered the gate of Risfal smoothly.

"Hi Chen, why are you here?" Risfal heard from the gatekeeper that Chen Yan was here, so he greeted him.

"It was a student of mine who came to a party at Dell's house. I didn't know that Dell had a party when I came over, so I came over to say hello to you." Chen Yan said, "Wait a while."

"Then let's go together," Risfal said.

"Isn't Lola at home?"

"She took Vera and Ronnie to New York to play, and I was the only one in the family."

Just then, Chen Ye's phone rang.

"Hey, Chen, I heard Mary just now, you're here with me, where are you now? Why can't I find you?"

"I'm here in Risfal, and we're planning to go together."

"Oh, then I'll wait for you."

After speaking, Dell hung up the phone.


Heathen found La Boer, and when he saw La Boer's exquisite makeup, he could not help but shine.

"Labor, come here, I will introduce some friends to you."

La Boer stared at Hesson with a twinkling glance, hesitating on his face.

"Everyone is here, and still trying to do something. It's not bad for you to know another friend."

Helpless, La Boer could only follow Hesson to the garden.

There were two people sitting in the garden, and when they saw Hessen and Laber coming, their eyes lighted up.

"Hey, Mr. White, Mr. Wilson." Heyson stepped forward and greeted, "She's a Labor, my model."

Heathen pulled Labor again: "Labor, Mr. White is an independent film director. He has directed several films. Mr. Wilson is a famous screenwriter."

When La Boer heard the independent film, he had lost interest.

What is an independent film is a literary film that is out of the Hollywood producer system, self-financing and even self-directing.

It cannot be said that independent films have no influence, but independent films have an undeniable niche.

If it is the top independent film directors, La Boer may still be interested.

But this White, she had never heard of it.

Heyson is telling the truth, White is indeed an independent film director.

But to be precise, he is only an assistant director, or an assistant director.

"Miss La Boer, your condition is really very good, are you interested in entering the big screen? If you are interested, I can help you choose a few good characters."

"Rabor, don't you always want to act in a movie? Still wondering what to do, thank you Mr. White."

"Thank you, Mr. White."

"Miss La Boer, I can also help you tailor a movie script. Let's discuss it in depth, how about it?"

White and Wilson's sugar-coated cannonballs smashed over, and La Boer laughed and smiled.

Always an attitude of rejection.

Neither accept nor refuse.

When they met, they said they wanted to give the character, a tailor-made script?

There is no possibility whatsoever.

"Ms. La Boer, I have provided scripts for many major directors, such as" Detective in the Fury, "and I am one of the co-writers. Many of them have been written by myself. Wilson voluntarily raised it. Gao own identity.

The so-called joint screenwriter is actually a small screenwriter in an editorial team, or even just a screenwriter assistant.

It's just that whoever has a touch with Steven today will become taller.

The two of them often use this to fool some less experienced girls.

"Thank you Mr. White, thank you Mr. Wilson, I still have something to do, let's go first." La Boer was sure that the two were just trying to play the white wolves with empty gloves.

The two saw Labor going to leave, their faces could not help changing, and they turned to look at Hesson.

Heathen immediately grabbed La Boer: "La Boer, what are you doing? I asked you to come here to introduce you to the network. Is that the attitude you have?"

"Hissen, I know what your idea is," Laber said coldly.

"Stay, not only do you have the opportunity to enter Hollywood, you can also get a lot of money, more money than you make a month in the catwalk."