Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1018: James' invitation (third, ask for monthl

These models are not more luxurious than Chen Yi's home.

But Chen's villa is more than just luxury.

It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery, and the entire environment is supporting the villa's suitability.

All models are looking at Fali with envious eyes.

Everything Chen Chen is attracting them.

Young, rich, strong, and full of mystery.

Always make these models involuntarily want to approach Chen Yan.

After La Boer went into the water, he quickly resumed his condition and obeyed James' order to dive underwater.

She is like a mermaid, swinging her figure, her hair fluttering in the water, without any clutter.

At this time, a huge black shadow appeared in the water.

Laber was startled, and the shadow was terrifyingly oppressive.

Labor was about to escape from the water, and James' voice came from the headset.

"Don't panic. This is Amon. It's very friendly and reaches out."

It's a shot full of dreams.

La Perle has never had such a magical encounter.

Because of the underwater light, she didn't see the whole picture of Amon.

But even so, she could still feel Amund's huge body.

When she touched Amon's head with her palm, the smooth touch made her forget the fear.

At this moment, Amon shook his head and flicked, a huge current of water rushed towards him, and pushed Laboer directly onto the water.

Laboer floated to the surface, and the cameraman followed, and gestured at James on the deck.

"Ok, it's time to come up," James said. "Change your clothes and take another set of shots."

"Mr. James, do I still have a lens?"

"Don't you need it?"

"No, of course I'm happy if there are more lenses."

The second group of shots was taken next to the villa. The other models watched La Boer have so many shots, all filled with jealousy.

A promotional video takes about five minutes.

But there are more than a dozen models here, and the time allocated to each model is less than thirty seconds.

But La Boer was close to a minute alone.

This is all to set off her alone.

The other models seemed to be supporting roles.

But there is no other way, who made her back.

Of course, for such promotional videos, each model will be allocated different time according to their own strength and fame.

It's impossible to evenly distribute time to everyone.

It is impossible for La Boer to win a single minute, and it will definitely be shortened in the later period.

However, even if it is cut short, La Boer has taken so many pictures, it will certainly occupy a large proportion of time allocation.

After the filming of La Boer was completed, it was followed by the shooting time of other models.

There is a collective shot of the model.

In front of the camera, these models are as brilliant as spring light.

Show yourself the best.

They know how to show the most beautiful pictures in front of the camera.

All gestures are so pleasing.

"Dear, do you see that, they are winking at you, these bitches." Faliwo was in Chen Yi's arms.

Chen Kun shrugged dismissively: "How could I like those stubborn fans?"

"That's how you guys like right and wrong."

It took an afternoon to shoot James and the model.

As the host, Chen Yun and Fali also prepared some food for them.

Even in the sunset, James did not forget to seize the opportunity and shot a few shots.

"James, don't you stay for dinner?"

"No, I still have something." James shook his head with a smile. "I disturbed you all afternoon and I should go."

"All right, be careful on the way."

"Chen, my new movie, would you like to make a cameo?"

"Go there if you have time." Chen Huan and James hugged: "Goodbye."

The models all gathered behind James, and their eyes were full of envy.

Even if they want to have a shot in James's movie.

But Chen Yun was able to take the initiative to get James' invitation.

The gap between people is so big.

The bus slowly left the villa.

A model asked boldly, "Mr. James, is there a new movie to start?"

"Well," James replied lightly, "still in the cast."

All models are shining with eyes.

"Does Mr. James need our place?"

"It's not certain yet, the script hasn't come out yet." James would not easily agree with them.

James glanced at La Boer again.

La Boer was a little wandering and didn't notice James' eyes.

"Mr. James, what does Mr. Chen do, and he is also in Hollywood?"

"No, he's a university professor," James said. "Did you forget it, he's a Labor teacher."

"But he seems rich."

"Capable people have money, is there any problem with it," James said for granted.

Capable people have money, which is the truth of this society.

"Rabour, are you interested in participating in my movie?"

Laber froze for a moment, the models in the entire bus took a breath of breath, and the atmosphere calmed down in an instant.

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at James in disbelief.

They did not expect that James would invite Rabour so actively.

Not even Laber himself thought of it.

"But ... why? I don't have any fame ... and I haven't filmed any characters. I'm afraid ... I can't handle it."

"Then you'd better go to an actor training class," James said. "My movie has three months to go and I will reserve a main role for you."

"Is it because of my teacher?" Laber asked hesitantly.

"Of course, I owe your teacher a very big deal." James said seriously.

"But ... the investors of the film allow it?"

It's not that La Boer doubts James' ability, but in Hollywood, not everyone is qualified to decide on a role.

Even the director of a movie has no right to decide on a major role alone.

Unless it's Steven's level.

Even if James succeeds, he is just a cutting-edge director, and even a young director.

"The film investor is plm. The boss of plm and your teacher are very good friends. If your teacher speaks, let alone the main character, even the heroine is not a problem.

The models took another breath, and they looked at La Boer with hatred.

It would be great if this opportunity gave itself.

Even if they knew, even without La Boer, this opportunity would not fall on their heads.

But they still couldn't help jealousy and hate Labor.

Unfortunately, La Boer is destined to be someone they can't mess with.