Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1035: Borrow money (third, ask for a monthly p

How do I experiment if I can absorb the heat of the explosion?

Reza figured out a way ...

A very unreliable way to create an explosion. Fiction.

Reza turned on the gas in the house and filled it with gas.

At the moment of the explosion, Retha felt great heat.

Heat poured into Retha's body instantly.

Easier than expected.

There was a sudden thought in Reza's head.

Revenge That Man!

This idea is getting stronger and stronger.

Anyway, that's a bad guy who kills people like hemp.

Even kill him.


These days Jesse's life has completely changed.

Even though she has no money now, she has treated herself as a rich man.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money, you can borrow money.

As a professional liar, Jesse knows people who are well-educated, including loan sharks.

Fight for famous brands, buy luxury cars, buy luxury homes.

Live a life of money every day.

But for someone with almost zero credit.

The thrill comes fast, and it goes fast.

One foot opened Jesse's door.

A group of people entered Jesse's house. As soon as Jesse saw the visitor, he immediately tried to escape through the window.

But the group came forward and grabbed Jesse's hair and dragged her to the ground.

"Jesse, why are you so scared to see me?"

Jesse looked bitterly at the usury boss: "Hi, Waka."

But Waka apparently wasn't in such a good mood to say hello to Jesse, and put a hand around Jesse's neck.

"Jesse, did you forget something?"

"Waka, you hurt me."

"You borrowed a sum of money from me two days ago."

"Yes what's the matter?"

"But your first interest hasn't been paid yet," Waka said.

How does the usury side of the US imperial loan account? First, give a sum of money, and then within a prescribed time, first ask the borrower to repay an interest.

The principal may not be returned first, but the interest must be returned on time.

Although the usury is not profit-making, the interest rate is still high.

A usury loan of US $ 100,000, with a profit of at least US $ 200,000, must be returned.

In addition to the $ 100,000 principal, there is also a $ 100,000 interest payment in installments.

In fact, it is similar to the credit card borrowing mode, except that the interest is much higher.

"Waka, I promise you, I'll pay you back soon."

"Of course, I believe in you. I hope you can pay back the money within three days. Otherwise, you will be a prostitute for me in Europe. I think you should get a lot of guests.

Jesse shuddered and looked at Waka in horror.

Waka, as a usury, certainly would not lend money to someone who has no ability to repay.

A female scammer like Jesse cannot normally pay back the debt.

But Waka still lends money to Jesse, because Jesse is beautiful.

Sometimes beauty is an asset.

At this time, Jesse had a little regrets. She had been so careless in the past few days that she was so proud of herself.

But letting her be a prostitute might as well kill her.

How to do? She has absolutely no money to repay usury.

Are you going to now put up for sale two things out of it?

Jesse thought about it and should discuss it with Retha.

After all, Aretha smarter than myself, maybe she could think of to approach.

"Hey, Therese, it's me, Jesse."

"what's up?"

"I do a little tight, I need money."

"Do you think I have money?" Replied Therese understatement.

"I want those two things Nachulaimai out."

"No, absolutely not." Therese immediately excited cried.

"But I really need the money now, just usury waka came to the door, he said that if I did not pay back the money, he would go to Europe when I sold a prostitute."

"You idiot, how dare you borrow money Waka? You do not know how deceptive it?"

"I could not help it."

Jesse borrow money when is the brain fever.

Money spent so exciting, totally thought consequences.

Therese headache, why and Jesse cooperation.

This woman is simply a fine court disaster.

But now if you do not help her, then she will give yourself attracted more trouble.

Retha thought about it, she thought of someone.

That she was once the most feared man.

That man must be rich, maybe he can get a little money from his hands.

She used to be afraid of that person.

But since she gained superpowers, she is no longer afraid.

Even the idea of ​​fleeing Los Angeles was no longer needed.

"How much do you want?" Reza asked.

"One million dollars."

"so much?"

"I borrowed half a million dollars, but I need to pay back a million dollars."

Actually Jesse borrowed 200,000 dollars, but she needed to return 500,000 dollars.

As for the remaining half a million dollars, she certainly wanted to spend more time.

It is impossible for her to get used to the life that spends money like flowing water and let her return to peace.

"I hope this is the last time," said Rutha Shen.

"I promise, I won't be confused again."


Chen came to the University of Los Angeles and just stopped the car.

A figure suddenly got into Chen's compartment and sat in the front passenger seat.

"Dear Miss Risa, is there anything?" Chen turned to look at Risa.

"I need money. Can you borrow me a little?"

Chen touched his chin: "Do you know what it means to borrow money from me?"

"What does it mean?"

"You will be enslaved to me forever." Chen said, "You know I don't like to joke, especially with unfamiliar people."

"Of course, I know." Reza nodded.

"How much do you need?" Chen asked.

"Two million dollars," said Reza.

"You don't deserve two million dollars."

Reza was a little annoyed, but she still said calmly on the surface: "I have a very high IQ. I passed the Mensa test and I have a IQ of 168. No more than ten people are smarter than me in the world."

"But you don't have two million dollars, and all your abilities are worthless until your IQ is turned into money."

Reza's eyes flickered, and she was hesitant to threaten him with her abilities.

"But I can invest in your future. If you can make $ 100 million for me in the future, you will be free again." Chen said.

The IQ of 168 is indeed rare in the world.

Chen felt that Reza was worth two million dollars.

Reza sneered, this guy was really greedy.

Does he really think that for two million dollars, he can always control himself?

"Okay, I promise you."

"Give me a bank account, and I will transfer the money to you."

"Don't you need an IOU?"

"You should understand that I don't need an IOU."