Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1218: Temporary Boyfriend (Fourth, ask for mon

Gageira has always maintained a psychological advantage over Chen Yan.

Maybe it's because she didn't really see Chen Yan doing it.

In addition, Chen Ye is not present every day. She is bored in the forging workshop every day, so she does not know what Chen Ye has to do.

Therefore, she always thinks that Chen Ye is a management type, and she feels that her forged weapons are enough for Chen Ye to use.

She really didn't understand what Chen Yan wanted for better weapons.

Both Gageira and Dongye Tianxi have a higher level.

Neither their light swords nor epees are at their highest level.

Of course, there are better materials, and it takes more time and energy to forge better weapons.

But they don't think it is necessary.

Chen Ye didn't know their thoughts. If he knew their thoughts, he would slap him to death.

Chen Yan took the weapon, and as soon as his front foot left, West came over on his hind foot.

"You two, hold this ring, this ring can let you into the trial tower."

"What trial tower?"

"The trial tower over there is where you can practice your combat skills after entering."

"No, I'm busy practicing my casting skills." Dongye Tianxi said.

"I don't need that either." The two were more personal than each other.

Anyway, no one is convinced, especially no one wins this game, and my heart is full of anger.

On the way back, Chen Ye saw a familiar figure in a convenience store.

"Hi, Saran."

Shalan was sitting in front of her car, drinking milk tea.

Looking up, Chen Yan said hello to her there.

Chen Ye got out of the car and bought a cup of milk tea in the convenience store. He leaned on Shalan ’s car and chatted with Shalan.

"Are you working the night shift today?"

"I'm not responsible for traffic management anymore," Saran said.

"I should congratulate you."

"You should congratulate yourself, at least I won't catch you again."

In fact, there is no pure traffic police in the United States. If a police officer finds a traffic violation on the road, they will also stop by.

But the main manager is a police officer like Saran who is in charge of traffic management.

Of course, if they encounter other types of crime, they will also intervene.

Especially if Sha Lan meets Chen Ye on the road, maybe she will have to manage Chen Ye again.

Every time Chen Ye met Sha Lan on the road, he would chat with Sha Lan.

"By the way, your car is in a temporary parking space." Saran glanced at the time: "No more than fifteen minutes of parking time, you still have ten minutes."

"Remind me at the last minute." Chen Yan said, rolling his eyes.

Just then, another convertible was parked by the side of the road. A man came down from the car and came to Saran's hand with a bouquet of roses.

"Saran, it's for you."

Saran stared blankly at the man in front of her.

"Inlo, I think I made it clear last time, or do you not understand me?" Saran looked at the man impatiently.

Chen Yan watched the show with interest, thinking in her heart whether she was going to help her and act as her temporary boyfriend.

"Saran, I really like you, and I will prove my heart with actual actions."

"No matter what you do, I won't like you, just give up." Saran said coldly.

"I don't ask you to accept me now, but please accept this bouquet of roses."

At this time, Chen Min stepped forward and took the rose: "This bouquet of roses is very beautiful, I thank you on behalf of Saran."

Inlo's expression froze: "Are you?"

"What do you think is my relationship with Saran?" Chen Yan looked at Inlaw with a smile.

"Anyway, it won't be a couple ... right, Saran?" Inlo turned to look at Saran.

Saran looked at Inlo expressionlessly: "Why not?"

"Why do you like him? Where can I not compare to him?" Inlo looked at Sharan angrily.

"You can't compare to him anywhere." Saran looked at Inlo sneer, she was already annoyed by Inlo.

Since Chen Yan was willing to help her, she simply pushed the boat.

"Well, Saran, even if you have a boyfriend, I don't care. I will use actual actions to prove that I am the best for you."

"Goodbye." Chen Ye waved her hands with a smile.

Yin Tieqing turned and left.

"Do you hate him?"

"A stupid person," said Saran. "He actually thought, as long as he pursued me, my father would invest in his company."

"Uh ..." Chen Ye was a little bit confused.

The American imperial society is different from domestic.

Domestically, if the son-in-law joins the wife's family and there are no other heirs in the wife's family, the husband will gradually take over the management of the wife's family.

It is a family industry such as the US Emperor, which rarely changes in the management because of the man's involvement, nor does it say that if the woman's heir is married, the man can enter the management.

In the future, even if a woman inherits her family property, she has nothing to do with her husband.

And they will definitely sign a premarital agreement before marriage.

"Even if he really pursues me, my father will not invest $ 50 million in his company." Saran said.

"What is his company's business?" Chen Yan asked curiously.

"Tourist company, by the way, he also mostly receives tourists from Southeast Asian countries." Saran said.

"A travel company wants to invest $ 50 million? Is he planning to spread the Pacific Ocean with dollars?"

"He's a speculator."

"It's almost time, I should go. If you don't leave, you'll have to give me a ticket." Chen Yan stuffed the rose into Saran's hands: "It's for you."

"Can you be sincere next time you give me a gift?"

Saran looked at the rose in her hand, then shoved it directly into the trash can next to it.

It didn't take long for Chen Yu to drive, and she felt a car following her.

Chen Yi looked at the car behind him, wasn't that the Inlo car just now.

Chen Yan parked the car to the side of the road, and Yin Luo's car was also parked behind him. Yin Luo got out of the car and walked to Chen Yan's car.

"Sir, how about you?" Yin Luo put his hands on Chen Yan's door.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yan looked at Inlaw.

"It's about Saran."

"Then what?" Chen Yan looked at Inlaw.

"Do you know what the Sharan family does?"

"She and I are both male and female friends, do you think I don't know?"

"Do you want to get a lot of money?"

"how much is it?"

"Five million dollars."

Chen Yanmei looked at Inlaw and promised five million dollars for half a day. Is he so cheap?

"You look at my car first, and then talk to me about the price." Chen Yan rolled his eyes.

Both Chen Kun and In Luo drive convertibles, but their cars are Porsche 918, while In Luo drives cars less than 100,000 US dollars.

Inlo's expression froze: "Well, ten million dollars."

"You talk to me first, what plans do you have?"