Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 129: Night Road (Monthly Ticket)

"Dell, do you still recognize me?" Chen Yan needs to determine if Dell's consciousness is still sober.

"Chen ... help me ... I'm so miserable ..."

"Where does it hurt?"

"whole body."

Fari stood aside and said, "He looks like a sheep-mad."

Chen Yan shook his head and said, "It is the abnormal contraction of the heart pulse caused by the electric shock ... Truila, did you take anything before you played?"

Trila hesitated, then nodded.

"Which kind of poison ...?" Chen Ye was not surprised by Tsera's answer. In fact, Chen Ye had already discovered that Dell had a hobby in this area a few times before, and it was not big ... Hemp is more intense medicine.

"High purity MDMA."

MDMA is the main component of methylenedioxyamphetamine, shake ... head ..

In fact, the amount of shake..head .. pills is relatively low. If you take MDMA alone, although it can bring strong hallucinations and pleasure in a short time, it also means that the toxicity is stronger.

This is all about dying of addiction, and Chen Yi can hardly understand the mentality of such a person.

Of course, as a doctor, Chen Ye was not obliged to persuade Dell to detox, and Dell could not listen to him.

After Chen Yi's inspection, it was determined that Dell was suffering from functional complications caused by abnormal contraction of the heart pulse, which led to spasms.

To put it bluntly, it is the functioning alert of the body.

"Go and fill the bathtub with water, warm water ... You can reach the temperature of the water." Chen Yan turned to Tura and said.

A few minutes later, Trilla ran out of the bathroom.

"It's already full."

Chen Ye picked up Dell and walked to the bathroom. With Chen Yi's strength, it was easier to hold Dell.

Then he put Dell in the bathtub, turned his head and said to Fari, "Get me the box."

Trilla and Fari both stood outside the bathroom door, and didn't go in to make Chen Zhe mess.

Fali knows some first-aid techniques, but she doesn't quite understand Chen's treatment.

"Chen, why put the patient in warm water?"

"The human body is very sensitive, especially to temperature, warm water can relieve the symptoms of meridian contraction, but it still needs acupuncture, but I think you should not understand acupuncture."

In fact, Lao Mei is no stranger to acupuncture, and acupuncture-related shots often appear in film and television dramas.

"But, can you see the patient's body parts clearly across the water? Isn't it crooked?"

Chen Huan was not skeptical of his own methods. Others could question him, but acupuncture was practiced from small to large.

Acupuncture doesn't just look through glasses, it also needs to feel the touch to determine the position.

Dale soaked in water, although it will refract the light, but Chen Ye can determine the acupuncture point only by the touch even without eyes.

Dell's body gradually calmed down, and the spasms had stopped.

After acupuncture stimulation of the acupuncture points, Dell's abnormal cardiac contraction has been relieved.

Chen Yun sent Dell back to the bedroom and gave him a muscle massage.

"Chen ... lightly ... it hurts ..."

"It's a good thing to feel pain." Chen Yan's strength was very heavy, and he pressed all the soft parts.

In addition to the abnormal contraction of the heart pulse, Dell also has a poisoning reaction, which is obviously due to poison ...

Chen Ye also needs to detoxify him so that he can spit out toxic substances.


A car was speeding down the road towards Dashan Town at night.

David's speed was fast and Sienna was sitting in the front passenger seat.

Kris on the back seat reacted a little, and she kept holding the mirror.

"Kriss, can you put away that mirror?" David said, looking at the mirror behind him.

Kris didn't seem to hear anything and kept her head down looking into the mirror.

Sienna's face was a little heavy, and Chris looked as if she was asleep.

"Kris ..." Sienna turned and tried to call Kris.

Chris didn't respond, and both David and Sienna were very heavy.

Suddenly, David saw Chris in the rear mirror, no ... not Chris, but a completely strange face.

David was so scared that the steering wheel was almost unsteady, and the car swayed on the highway.

"David, drive well, what are you doing?" Sienna complained.

"No ..." David looked back at Chris, who was still Chris, and hadn't changed anything.

"What's wrong with you?" Sienna saw David look wrong.

"I'm not sure," David said with a embarrassed expression. "When I saw Chris in the rear mirror just now, I ... I found that she became another person ..."

Sienna also tried to look through the rearview mirror, but did not notice any changes in Chris.

However, Sienna didn't think David was wrong.

But she didn't know what was going on, and she was a little nervous now.

Because she couldn't understand what was going on.

"Not yet in Dashan Town? I remember when I came last time, it didn't seem to be that long." Sienna asked impatiently.

David tried to restrain his fears as much as possible. Although he was a police officer, the identity of the policeman and the pistol in his pocket were not useful in the incident they are facing.

"David, did you see the billboard in front?"

"What's wrong?" David saw an intermediary billboard on the side of the road.

"I remember that billboard seems to have passed."

"Maybe put in more places, and some highways will have the same billboards," David explained, but he said this for the sake of peace of mind.

"No!" Sienna suddenly said, "I remember very well that the billboard's lighting, the middle lamp has been flashing, and we did pass that billboard."

"Maybe a coincidence ..." David continued to drive the car forward.

But it didn't take long before the same billboard appeared again.

There is a row of lights above that billboard, and one in the middle is blinking.

Suddenly, David felt scalp tingling.

"We have been wandering on this section and never went out," Sienna said.

"This ... why ... why is this so?"

Suddenly, a figure came to the front of the car, and David stepped on the brakes in a panic.

"Hit?" Sienna turned pale.

The two got off the bus quickly, but when they got to the front, they found Kris lying on the ground.

"What? What's going on?" David stared at Chris in horror.

Here is Chris, who's in that car?

Sienna's complexion turned back and looked into the car, but because of the headlights, they were in the backlight and couldn't see the situation inside the car clearly.

Sienna walked to the door three or two steps and looked inward. The car was empty.

No one.