Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 139: Ken's Dark History

Instead of staying at Sienna's house, Fari brought in Sienna, David, and Chris.

Several people were eating hot pot in the living room. David said as he ate, "How can you miss such an interesting thing."

He is a fan of supernatural events, and for him, this is not to be missed.

Although he encountered two supernatural incidents, he was responsible for escape.

But David was happy about it, and Sienna said frankly, "I'm here to eat and drink, and by the way, what can help."

Chen Yan looked at Kriss: "What about you? What are you doing here?"

"Come on," Chris said.

"Actually, Kris lived alone, so she followed." David explained to Kris.

"Kris and I are working together now. She helps solicit. I am responsible for driving out the evil spirits." Sienna's mouth was stuffed.

"We're all tight," Kris said slightly shyly.

"Tell me what's happening now." Sienna put down her beer bottle, and here Chen Chen can open her belly to eat.

After all, it is not easy to have a full meal, but compared to David, it is slightly pediatric.

David poured the hot soup base directly into his mouth, and Chen Yan looked at David with a black face.

"Someone in the town wants to summon a demon." Chen Yan said.

"Summon the demon? Like last time?"

"No, it's a little bit worse than the last time. The last time the demon that just projected through the media, this time may be a direct summon of a complete demon."

"Did you fix it?"

"Although it is a complete demon, I have consulted professionals and it should not be too powerful." Chen Yan said.

"That means you can do it yourself?" Sienna asked.

"Anyway, as long as we don't get any big lord, big devil and the like, they and Besser can get it."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"I'm able to fix the demon. It doesn't mean that I can kill the murderer. It is estimated that to complete the ritual of calling the devil, the killer will have to kill several more people. If the other person holds a gun at my head, I will kneel. So what are you doing here? Is it chaotic? If we were followed by the murderer, all of us in the house would be blamed. "

"I also have guns, but I am a policeman." David said confidently, "In the future, I will meet the gangsters and solve them, and you will be supernatural."

"But we still have to work. We can't stare at the homicide in the town all day." Chen Yan said: "You are a policeman, you can go around every day, I can't."

"It's okay. Leave it to me. I'll help you find the killer."

"No, I'm not sure right now, if that killer has any supernatural powers, even if you have a gun, it's not safe."

"If you pay, I can partner with David temporarily. If he encounters supernatural powers, I will protect him," Sienna said.

"This meal is a deposit."

"What? Then I'll go to the stall. Chris and I are so poor that they can't even afford to eat."

"You, I understand, why didn't Chris work?"

Although Kris has quit her previous job in a dress shop, but with her professional value and professionalism, shouldn't it be difficult to find a similar job?

"I feel that my past life is too ordinary. I like the feeling of being with Sienna." Kris said, paused and added: "And she can give me a sense of security."

"Sienna, Chris, you won't be ..." David was very shocked and bitter.

"Whether we are or not, you have no chance."

叩叩 ——

The noise continued in the living room, and there was a knock at the door.

Chen Kun ran to open the door and saw Bant standing at the door.

Bent looked a little embarrassed in the rain of the night.

"Chen, I just heard Ken talk about the **** he had done before. What do you think I should do? Would you like to call the police?" Bante was very distressed.

He didn't even know if Ken was telling the truth or whether he had killed anyone.

"Bent, calm down. I've been to the scene just now. I'm sure Ken is not the murderer. As for his past things, I don't want to make an evaluation."

"Where are Ken and Mary?"

"Mary is now working as a maid for a family in Los Angeles. I don't dare to tell her about it now. She is at home."

"Come in and have something to eat. There is a friend of mine, a police officer. I told him about it and asked him to help here to investigate."

"Thank you, Chen, I ... I don't know how to thank you."

Chen Yun patted Bent's shoulder: "Relax, don't think about it so much, I will try to help, call Ken also, come into my home and talk to my friends about the details. To help. "

"Chen, will your police friend ..."

"Rest assured, he's just my friend now, not the police."

Class nodded and ran back to drag Ken out.

After entering the room, Chen Ye helped introduce everyone.

When introducing Sienna, Sienna took the initiative to introduce herself and took out a business card: "Hello, I'm a psychic, and you can come to me if you need this."

"Um ... she's a psychic who cleansed this house for me. As for being ineffective, I don't know." Chen Ye was a little embarrassed.

"Ken, you tell the whole story, maybe so many of us can help you find some details you didn't find."

Ken still glanced at Chen Ye a little uncertainly. After all, he slipped into a person's house, and the person was still dead.

"Relax, since Chen said it wasn't the one you killed, then I also believe Chen's words." David said to his face.

"Ken, don't procrastinate there, say it quickly." Bant said rudely to his son, aggressively.

"I and Deppler used to be friends. We played together and ... drugged ..." Ken lowered his head and was afraid to touch his father's eyes: "But for a while, I was short of money. No money to buy poison ... Deppler urged me to steal something from the winery. "

"What did you steal?"

"The winery's ledger."

"The winery's ledger?" Everyone froze. They thought that Ken would steal valuable things, but did not expect that Ken would steal the ledger.

"It's Deppler. He said someone wants a winery account book."

"Who wants it?"

"I don't know. He didn't disclose his identity."

"Then you stole the account book, you should know the condition of the winery? Did you find any information?"

"I slipped into Mr. Tread Paton's office and took a U disk copy. I didn't read the account information."

Kenton paused and continued: "I sold a thousand dollars."

"Then Depple threatened to have evidence that you stole the ledger, is this the USB drive?" David asked.

"Maybe, I'm not sure."