Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1553: war

"Dapu Farm, it must be in that area."

Lila Gevich's men insisted: "The area of ​​Dapu Farm is not large, so it should not be difficult to find."

"It's not difficult? Our people can't go to Dapu Farm now, aren't you hard to find?"

"Patriarch, the ground is inaccessible, but we can fly over by helicopter, can they still shoot our helicopter from the sky?"

Lila Gevich's eyes lighted up: "Yes, rent a few more helicopters, just how much it costs, as long as you find it."

"Patriarch, that guy has charged you, and the trial will begin in three days."

"Mesike Pule wants to hold me back and think about the beauty. You will be ready for me in the next few days. Just find the entrance and all rush in. Let's go to war. Come on, we are not the white dogs. "

Lila Gagevich looked grim and serious.

Although his attitude was tough, he knew better that the war between the two races was not good for either side.

He knew it, and Mesquite Pule knew it too.

Just like before, he took a bit of pride to stop Chen Yi from going.

In fact, he came to test Chen's attitude.

After confirming that Chen Ye had no relationship with Mesquite Pule, and Chen Ye was not a bully, he showed a carefree attitude.

Lila Gevich is not a fool. He knows how to judge the situation.


Mesquite Poole returned to Dapu Farm.

Seemingly calm farms are actually full of traps and whistle.

Mesquite Pull got out of the car.

Two people who came out of the big house were fully armed.

One of them also carried a bow and arrow, and was as slender and tall as Mesquite Pule.


"Well, go in and talk," Mesco Poole said.

Mesquite Poole's mood is not high, and his face is more dignified.

In the lobby of the big house, there are still a dozen people, either standing or sitting, male and female, old and young.

"Lila Gevich has just torn his face," Mesco Pule said.

"Since we have died more than thirty people, it has already begun." One of the old men glanced at Mesco Pule, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone: "You still expect to be restrained by human laws."

"Without human law? With weapons in our hands? With bows and arrows? Or with the blood of our people?"

"We are not afraid of death, as long as it makes sense."

Mesko Pule sighed: "Comrades, it's no longer the Middle Ages. Each of you has a family, or even your own family. Are you really planning to wage a war?"

"This is not our choice. It is Rila Gevich and his fallen miscellaneous choices. We don't want war, but we absolutely don't fear war," said a tall tall man.

"It's not the time to say this now, this war is really coming." Mesco Poule looked at his clan: "Lila Gavich basically determined that the entrance to the cave is here, and next They are bound to investigate, three days! Three days, as long as three days have passed, then Lila Gevich can do nothing. "

"A few days ago, the depraved clutter wandered around."

Mesquite Prow frowned: "Is there a conflict?"

"No, they didn't step into our place."

"Send all the minor children out of the farm and to our tribe."

"No, I can already pull the parasitic bow full, I have combat effectiveness," said a teenager, blushing.

"I can help too," said another girl, determinedly.

"Children, I'm not kidding. This is real war."

Mesquite Pule said solemnly: "I'm not talking to you either, this war has nothing to do with children."

These children are the future of their family. No matter how the war is fought, they have nothing to do with these children.

At this time, other ethnic groups also felt the attitude of Mesquite Pule.

They faintly realized that it seemed that the situation was worse than they thought.

In fact, over the past three hundred years.

The two communities have fought many times.

From individual battles to frictions among many people, even dozens of people have fought.

But now it looks like something is wrong.

Mesquite Pule actually wanted to send the child back to his hometown.

This is no longer friction or fighting, this is real war.

No one objected to Mesco Poole's decision, except for a few children at the scene.


In a Porsche store, two minors are sitting in a Porsche.

"Coward, Mesco is a coward, he is not worthy of our patriarch at all." Bardel growled.

"Shut up for me." Baoer, looking aside, looked extremely gloomy.

At this time, a sports car entered a franchise store.

Their father, Abraki, greeted him like a businessman.

Chen Ye got out of the car, and Abracci came up: "Hello Mr. Chen, may I help you?"

Chen Ye is an old customer of this franchise store. Chen Ye's two cars were bought by this store, and the Porsche 918 was given to the handsome boy.

At the same time both cars are here for care and maintenance.

In addition to buying a car, Chen Min spends tens of thousands of dollars here every month.

So Abrams is extremely polite.

"I need to change the tires," Chen said.

"Okay, I'll arrange for a repairman to come and do a comprehensive inspection of your car first." Abraqi said, "Would you like coffee or tea?"

"No need, I'm strolling in your shop." Chen Yan said.

"Please help yourself."

Of course, Abramci would like to walk around the shop.

Maybe Chen Huan fell in love with that car.

Chen Ye does have plans to buy a car.

Mainly their own garage is too big, but there are too few cars.

Therefore Chen Chen plans to put in another two or three cars to fill the facade.

Chen Ye came to the car where Badr and Baoer were sitting.

First, they made a circle outside, and then said to the two children sitting in the car.

"Two people, can I give this car a try?"

"What if I don't let it?" Badr looked up at Chen Yi, in a rather bad tone.

Bao'er pulled Badr and said to Chen Wei: "Sorry, my brother is a fool."

"Of course, beautiful lady, I can see it." Chen Yan glanced at Badr, who was obviously adolescent and rebellious against everything.

When Badr heard Chen Yan's words, he jumped up immediately: "Boy, what are you talking about?"