Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1611: Business

"Mr. Risfal, your quotation is too high. If our company follows your quotation, there will be no profit at all." Sun Min looked at Risfal.

Sun Min works for a foreign trade company, and this time she represents the company and negotiates with Risfal.

Risfar is a giant in the maritime industry, but Risfar's asking price is too high.

"I can't do anything about it. The oil price has risen in the past six months. If I continue to maintain the original price, my company will also have no profit."

Not that Risfal had to embarrass Sun Min, but that it was difficult to do business in this world.

Especially in the shipping industry, oil prices have always been restrained.

If the price of oil is high, he will raise the price.

Why does the price of oil determine almost everything in the world?

It is because the price of oil determines the price of transportation, and the price of goods for merchants increases.

Then they also need to raise the price of top grade to maintain their interests.

In China, the property market also determines the prices of goods in the Mainland.

The truth is the same.

Risfal has recently started investing in other industries.

For example, hotel operation with Dell.

Now their first hotel can be said to be in full swing.

It can even be said to be very successful.

The huge profits made Risfal have a kind, immediately abandoned the transportation industry and turned to the hotel industry.

Of course, after calming down, Risfal thought more.

Although the success of the first hotel, and the huge benefits made him a bit forgotten.

However, the success of the first hotel does not mean that the second and third will succeed.

And all of his connections and businesses are in the shipping industry.

If you rashly transform, discard the business you are most familiar with.

Selling the most skilled maritime industry instead means giving up everything.

Although the maritime industry is currently unable to make big money.

But the advantage is also obvious, that is, it will not depreciate.

The advantages of the transportation industry are here.

No matter how hard it will not lose money.

Because no matter how high the price of oil, the things that should be shipped still have to be shipped.

But the hotel industry is different.

If you make a big profit, once you lose money, then it will be a big loss.

Once a hotel suffers a big loss, it is either strong enough.

Either a blood loss sale hotel.

"If so, I'm afraid we can't cooperate." Sun Min said.

Sun Min is threatening Risfar, after all, the shipping industry is not just a Risfar company.

"Ms. Sun, at present the freighters on the west coast of the United States. Only the freighters of my company have free space. The freighters of other companies are basically full of cargo, and those maritime companies that are not as large as my company have absolute quotations. It's higher than my offer, unless you are willing to transship your company's cargo to other ports, but then your cost will increase again, "Risfal said.

It can be said that Sun Min has few options now.

It can even be said that her only option now is Risfal's company.

Sun Min pondered for a while and then laughed, "Mr. Risfal, after your freighter arrives at a Chinese port, wouldn't you want an empty ship to come back?"

Risfal hesitated for a moment. Of course, he knew that the cost of running an empty boat and transporting things offshore was different.

"Miss Sun, even if your company has a company to ship, it is not possible to load a full 10,000-ton freighter."

Each of Risfal's freighters is capable of carrying more than 10,000 containers.

Sun Min was able to provide them with hundreds of thousands of containers.

For Risfal, it does save some costs, but it is far from reaching the point where he can reduce the price.

A freighter of about 100,000 tons must at least carry more than 6,000 containers in order to barely break the cost.

"Our company has very extensive contacts in the Mainland. Don't forget that our company's main business is foreign trade. Many companies' products are transported through our company, especially the foreign trade of agricultural products. I can assure Mr. Risfal if we If we can cooperate, then our company can provide your freighter with 3,000 containers in Chinese ports. "

Risfal throbbed and groaned for a while: "If that's the case, I can reduce the price by 10%."

"10%? That's not enough. Mr. Risfal, we want to get more concessions, and I think we can cooperate for a long time, not a one-time sale."

Risfal was very impressed by Sun Min's proposal.

"15% discount, if we can carry out more business cooperation in the future, the discount can be even more."

Sun Min finally showed a satisfied smile. The 15% discount price has reached her psychological expectations.

Then it was the signing of the contract, and she only needed to sign a letter.

"Miss Sun, your smartness impressed me. Do you Chinese all do business like this?"

"Mr. Risfal, it's not that I'm smart, but that we are not fools. We all know that only win-win can make cooperation go, don't we?

"You're right ... Yes, Miss Sun, I wonder if you are interested in coming to my company to work for me?"

"Sorry, I haven't considered this for the time being." Of course, Sun Min would not take Lisfal's words seriously.

This compliment she heard almost every day.

"Miss Sun, there is a party in my house this weekend. I wonder if I am lucky enough to invite you to come?"

"Of course, this is my pleasure."

Europeans and Americans expand their connections through parties.

So party culture flourishes, and parties are held for anything.

Like Risfal, there are two or three parties in a month.

The Chinese have a wine table culture, but in fact they are similar in nature.


"President, we have selected several crimson tasks, but we have not made the final decision yet. You make the final choice," West said.

"Okay, I'll go now." Chen Yan immediately hung up.

Recently, the association has been evaluating and selecting crimson tasks.

Every task is not so easy.

Even for some tasks, everyone does not know where the difficulty is.

Such tasks are usually eliminated directly.

Because not knowing where the difficulty is, it means greater difficulty and unknown risks.

To choose, choose those tasks that have at least a trace.

Of course, this kind of task everyone has heard of.

It may also be because the difficulty is too great, so the reputation is also great.

Therefore, the choice of each scarlet task must be carefully considered.

Everyone hopes to go in peace and return in peace.
