Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1707: White-faced ghost toru

The samurai's face had a weird smile.

Step by step towards the two.


Just then, the roar of a motorcycle came from behind the samurai.

The samurai turned around and saw an awesome heavy-duty motorcycle rushing towards him.

The motorcycle rider was wearing a black windbreaker and a red-black helmet.

There is also a machine gun on the left side of the reassembled motorcycle.

Da da da

"Sanhua!" The samurai sword in the hands of the samurai drew a sword flower.

Machine gun bullets kept splashing on Mars.

The reloaded motorcycle slammed into the samurai.

The samurai flickered, avoiding reinstalling the motorcycle.

"Lan Sakura!" The samurai again tried.

Suddenly, the warrior turned into a streamer, his figure was almost to the extreme.

"Well ... Sakurako be careful!"

Suddenly, a short figure appeared in front of Tochigi Sakurako with no sign, holding two small knives and crossing to block the samurai attack.

"Little magic star." Saw Kishimoto and Chiyoshi were very happy to see the visitors.

Little magic star is among them, the member who is best at using the knife.

"How come a demon sword cut in the city?" The little devil star looked at the warrior in regret.

Although he had just blocked the samurai's blow, he still felt the horror of this demon sword in front of him.

The samurai tilted his head and said in his mouth, "One, two, three, four."

Slowly, the smile on Samurai's face became brighter and more horrible.

The two little knives crossed in front of his chest in the little magic star's hands.

He also uses a knife, and he can feel the horror of this demon sword more than others.

The demon sword slashed with blood.

This monster knife has cut a hundred people in the end? Or a thousand people?

Just then, the samurai bowed his head slightly.

There was another person behind.

"Murata." Everyone saw that Murata had arrived, and couldn't help it.

Murata is their leader and the strongest.

Murata Ishio pinched his fist and looked at the samurai badly: "Did this guy ruin my weekend?"

"A word!" The samurai suddenly turned back and slashed to Murata Ishio.

"Steel!" Murata's body suddenly turned into metal.


The katana ripped off Murata's clothes, but he could only leave a light white pattern on his chest.

"Are you just capable of that?" Murata Ishio patted his chest.

The warrior gently stroked the blade and posed in a bow.

Suddenly, the breath on the samurai changed.

"Murata be careful!" Shouted the little magic star.

The samurai at this moment is no longer a puppet, but a razor-sharp sharp blade.

The black breath was released from the samurai.

"Aura cut!" The samurai turned into a black streamer, and the naked eye could no longer capture the figure of the samurai.

The knife was almost invincible, and attacked Murata Ishio with boundless terror.

Murata Ishio only felt choking oppression.

A giant fist struck from the side of Murata Ishihara, directly hitting Murata Ishiba.

The giant fist replaced Murata Ishio and received a terrible blow from the samurai.

One arm flew up.

The owner of this arm is a ghost.

It is Chiyo smoked style god, red ghost.

Chiyoshi smoked with the same feeling. Bai Gui was cut off with a knife, and she felt that her arm was broken.

"Damn it." Murata Ishio saw Chiyo Suke helped him with this knife, and immediately felt irritated, flew towards the samurai.

The samurai had the knife head down, holding the handle in both hands, and suddenly pierced the ground.

Suddenly, a ripple rippled in all directions.

The actions of the five people at the scene were momentarily slow.

The samurai also turned into a white ghost.

Everyone knew the identity of the demon sword in an instant.

"White-faced ghost Toru!"

It was the most terrifying one among the many demon swords.

Many of the monster knives circulating in the world are made by humans.

For various reasons, he turned into a demon sword.

But Baimian Gui is a monster knife made by a hundred ghosts.

And the sword with the blood of Emperor Toba.

Of course, Bai Mian Gui Tou also has another identity, the former general of Yu Zao.

When everyone was dull, the white-faced ghost turned into a white light.

The first victim was Murata Ishio, whose body was directly cut open by a white-faced ghost.

The little magic star was frightened, and barely raised two little swords to meet.

But instantly, the two little knives smashed.

Little magic star's left arm flew up.

The white-faced ghost Toru didn't stop, but instead turned to the third goal, which is Chiyo smoked.

Suddenly, a mighty spirit fell from the sky.

The enchantment created by the white-faced ghost Toru was instantly disintegrated.

That arrogant spirit stiffly prevented the attack of the white-faced ghost.

Zhang Tianyi descended from the sky, shot with one hand, and landed on the white-faced ghost's chest: "Give me."

The white-faced ghost Toru was directly bombarded for dozens of meters and hit the building glass behind.

Bai Mian Gui Tou just about to get up, suddenly holding one hand around Bai Mian Gui Tou's shoulder: "Let me play with your sword."

The white-faced ghost didn't even want to think about it, and the blade edged away.

But that hand caught the white-faced ghost's hands holding the knife handle first.

Chen crushed the hands directly, and tore the demon sword.

After the demon sword started, Chen's body suddenly changed.

Chen has heard that the demon sword can affect people's minds and is driven by the demon sword.

But Chen didn't feel that way.

But the appearance turned into a samurai appearance, and even the appearance changed. He turned into a white-faced ghost with two horns in his head and red eyes.

Demon wavy in Chen's body, but it just flowed on the surface.

Nothing else has changed.

At this time, Zhang Tian walked into the building and looked at Chen: "Monster, you can catch it before you can hold it."

Chen felt a toothache, his body flashed, and fled as fast as possible.

Zhang Tian was shocked for a while, this monster was too fast, even he couldn't catch it.

If the monster had been cut off just now, how could he resist it?

"No, that demon sword cannot have such strength." Zhang Tian frowned, looking down, and a dead body on the ground, the palms of the body twisted and deformed.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tianyi suddenly understood.

The demon knife just now is not the one that was shot by myself before.

And people who can take the demon sword in such a short time without being driven by the demon sword, I am afraid.

Zhang Tianyi took out his cell phone and dialed Chen's phone: "Chen, was that you just now?"

"It's me." Chen did not deny: "You said, if you wait for the return of Baji Qiong Gouyu, a monster knife suddenly appears, attacks and takes away Baqi Qiong Gouyu, is this reasonable or unreasonable?"

"Uh ... haha ​​... reasonable, or thoughtful."

In fact, this is also a temporary intention of Chen. Although this demon knife is useless to him, it is not completely useless.

At least pretending to be a person controlled by the demon sword is still very deceptive.