Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1892: This is what Sun Tzu said

Yang Guo sighed sadly.

He would like to say that I fight with you.

However, considering the serious consequences, Yang Guo chose the ancients, and his eldest husband can bend and stretch.

"Not everyone can practice borrowing."

"You don't care if I can practice, you say the trick first."

"This borrowing is borrowing everything from heaven to earth. Everyone can borrow different things. Some people can borrow the potential of the beast, some people can borrow the potential of mountains, rivers, seas, and others. The potential of wind and clouds, someone can borrow the potential of water and fire. "Yang Guo's palm stroked in front of him, a cloud of fog lingered on his palm, gathered but not scattered, but in the end it was a pinch, the cloud dispersed, Yang Guo looked up and said:" I The power is the dust, which is tangible and immaterial, qualitative and boundless. "

"Do you have any power in this situation?" Chen Yan really did not see the power of this situation.

"I'm Rozkegang."

"Then you can take a look at me." Chen Yan said.

Yang Guo was annoyed and cried, "Did you ask me to teach you the trick, or did you raise the bar with me?"

"Well, you continue." Chen Yan shrugged.

"To learn to borrow, you must first understand what the potential is." Yang Guo continued: "Everything in the world has potential, there are living things, and there are dead things."

Talking, Yang Guo leaned down and held up the washed-out seawater.

"This holding water also has potential." After speaking, Yang Guo returned the seawater in his hands to the waves: "This wave also has potential, this sea also has potential, and this world has potential."

"Your concept is a bit big, is there a universe?" Chen Kun asked, not holding back.

"Are you a barbie?" Yang Guoqi disease.

"Good students should learn from each other. This shows that I am a good student. Shouldn't you be proud of having a good student like me?"

"get out."

"Okay, okay, I don't speak, you continue ..."

"Hua Xia has some sayings, such as breaking bamboo, unstoppable. In fact, it has pointed directly at its essence, but very few can really understand the essence of it." Yang Guo continued: "The potential is not static, the potential is changing at any time, However, the know-how and skills of potential can be roughly summarized in four words, Fenglin Volcano. "

"Is this sentence from Dongying?"

"Get off, this is in" The Art of War of the Sun Tzu. "" Yang Guo scolded: "Blood like wind, Xu Rulin, aggression like fire, motionless mountains, the world's momentum is nothing more than these four forms."

"Sun Yun also knows how to practice?"

"I don't know if Sun Xun practiced the power, but the power was indeed learned from Sun Xun's" The Art of War in Sun Tzu. "

"So what kind of potential is the most powerful?" Chen Yan asked.

"No one is the most powerful, it just depends on how powerful you can grasp and use." Yang Guo said.

Its disease is like the wind: it moves fast, like the disease of howling wind.

His Xu Rulin: Soothing march, his ranks Qi Su is like a forest tree orderly.

Encroachment is like fire: Invasion and harassment are as fierce as fire and cannot be stopped.

Do not move like a mountain: The soldiers stand firm, but they are as solid as a mountain and cannot be shaken.

"You haven't said the most important thing yet. How do you practice?"

"Not practice, but enlightenment. Do you understand?"

What Chen Kun is most afraid of is the so-called enlightenment.

His past practice, in addition to regular practice.

Many times through their own reasoning and anticipation, and then step by step to today.

This is a completely different concept from what Taoism calls enlightenment.

What enlightens you is that the aura of light emerges.

Just suddenly wanted to understand.

This is what Chen Yan is not good at.

When Chen Ye and Lao Ye communicated.

The most annoying thing for Chen Ye is that the old lady always tells him this kind of stream of consciousness.

You will understand what it means later, or you need to understand it yourself.

"How did you do it?" Chen Yan asked again.

"I once violated the gate rules in the mountain gate and was punished by the ancestors. I meditated in the meditation hall for ten days and ten nights. One night, I saw Feng Xiang rising slowly in front of the Sanqing statue in the meditation hall. Smoke, and then I suddenly flashed my understanding of the potential, and then I realized the potential of dust and smoke. "

Yang glanced at Chen Yun: "But this trend is not for everyone to understand, it requires a high level of talent, and we don't necessarily have a few people on this mountain who understand this trend."

"Talent? I'm stronger than you, isn't that enough to show my talent? Since you can do it, I can certainly."

"Strength is not everything."

"No, strength means everything." Chen Yi said for granted.

After all, Chen Yan suddenly made a fist, and a fist shadow broke through.

The shadow of the fist fell into the waves more than 20 meters away.

A loud bang made a huge wave.

Is this potential? Yang Guo was startled.

No, this fist seems to be overbearing.

But it felt powerless.

This is not potential, it just looks like a magic attack.

"It's no use you to scare me. I said that strength doesn't mean everything. There are a lot of elders who are better than me on Longhu Mountain. "If you want to understand the potential, you must first understand what your potential is. If you don't even find your own potential, then you just want to participate in the potential."

Although Chen Yan was tough on his mouth, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

As for Yang Guo's words, he still remembered them in Chen Yi's heart.

Find your own potential?

Is your own potential the sea?

Chen Huan turned to look at the sea, surging, violent, and boundless.

According to Yang Guo.

The potential should be ever-changing.

But the sea is the sea, what does it have to do with so-called potential?

If you borrow the power of the sea, you don't need potential at all.

So this potential does not really represent something or something.

Your own potential does not represent the sea.

It is his own heart, and only the human heart will have the ever-changing ups and downs.

Representing potential with something is actually your own personality.

For example, Yang Guo's potential is dust.

Yang Guo's character is bland and casual.

Chen Ye was a little tired of this, and a good practice trick, he had to engage in such a stream of consciousness.

Isn't it good to write a trick honestly, why should it be so mysterious?

Later generations are more troublesome to cultivate.

Chen Ye thought about it, so what is his character?

Seems to be similar to Yang Guo, so is his potential also dusty?

Chen Yan closed his eyes and imagined the plume of smoke before the idol.

I don't feel ... I don't feel any.

Forget it, that feeling is too dark, still imagine some more practical.

Chen Zheng turned to the green hill behind.

Try to see if you can feel the green hills.