Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 2112: Well-known psychic

Lindsay Beyonce is also a violent.

West's words had stirred her war.

Lindsay Beyonce smiled.

"Old man, don't remove my bones."

West ticked his fingers: "Come."

Lindsay Beyonce rushed towards West.


The moment Wess lived in Lindsay Beyonce, Lindsay Beyonce was a golden cicada.

This move to get rid of the shell can make Lindsay Beyonce instantly out of control.

So in a sense, Lindsay Beyonce's ability is very restrained by West.

But that means at the same level or close.

If only from the magic level, there is still a certain gap between Lindsay Beyonce and West.

Lindsay Beyonce repeated his tricks and killed West in an instant.

West is not good at fighting alone.

He has existed as a military division in the past operations of the Paranormal Society.

But this does not mean that he has no fighting power.

West looked at approaching Lindsay Beyonce.

Raised his right palm, and slammed his finger.

Suddenly, Lindsay Beyonce lost his balance, and his body in the air seemed to lose its tendency and fell heavily to the ground.

Lindsay Beyonce immediately wanted to stand up.

But West pressed his finger down, and Lindsey Beyonce immediately felt an invisible weight on his back.

The invisible thing that rests on Lindsay Beyonce is actually air.

West's sluggish field is not just capable of affecting living things.

Even air can affect it.

Within a certain range, the air loses fluidity.

Lindsay Beyonce wanted to get out again with the same moves.

But this time, she was completely surrounded by air.

And the thick air completely sealed her retreat.

"Old man, if I break the shackles, I'll pinch you." Lindsay Beyonce said fiercely.

West clamped his legs hard: "Then I can't get you out of it."

Lindsay Beyonce grew angry.

But the power gap is there.

Even if she wanted to break free.

This is not a problem that tricks can solve.

"Okay, okay, I give up." Lindsay Beyonce yelled, turning his eyes.

Instantly, West lifted Lindsay Beyonce.

"Boss, let's go."

West turned away from the lively Chen who was watching.

Just then, Lindsay Beyonce rushed behind West.

"Get down." West didn't turn his head back, suppressing Lindsay Beyonce directly to the ground.

They left without turning back.

"President, what do you think of her?"

"Have she been in contact with other psychics in the past? Her combat experience looks very rich, unlike the powerless idle psychic."

"Have you forgotten, she spent two years in the juvenile detention center, and according to my investigations, she did all evil in the juvenile detention center."

"Her fighting skills were practiced in a juvenile detention center? If so, then I can only say that she is a genius?"

Generally speaking, it is difficult to sharpen such outstanding practical skills without rich combat experience.

But genius does exist in this world.

If this Lindsay Beyonce is really a genius.

Then everything will make sense.

In the presence of genius, any irrationality can become reasonable.

"What about her strength?" West asked.

"It's good, but it's just good, but if you really want to recruit her into the Paranormal Society, it's better to polish her temper. The Paranormal Society follows personal will, but it doesn't do whatever it wants."

"In addition, Maiev also wants to become a full member."

"I agree with Maiev to become a full member. After all, we know her well." Chen said, "What does her husband Giggs mean?"

"Gigs is not against it."

Giggs now also lives with the association's headquarters with Maiev.

It is said that Giggs found a professional manager for his company and then did nothing.

Every day is to relax in the association and the people in the association.

Or to accompany Maiev.

Maiev also became an outside member after Chen Shouken was awakened.

"Who's next?"

"Totti Belster, very famous in Washington, is a frequent visitor to television stations, and excels in spirit removal, prophecy, and curse."

"Really traditional."

These magics belong to the traditional magic system.

Of course, the proportion of such traditional psychics in the whole Western spiritual realm is also very large.

Chen and West rush to the home of this well-known psychic.

Just downstairs, a man came out of the apartment.

"President, that's him."

At West's reminder, Chen immediately turned.

Chasing behind Totti Best, Chen Shen held Totti Best.

"Hello, Mr. Totti."

"Hello, are you guys my fans? I have very little time, so get your phone."


"Don't you take a picture?" Totti Bester said for granted.

"Mr. Totti, I think you are mistaken. We are not your fans and we are not here to take pictures of you," West said.

"Well, if you're trying to get in trouble, I'm afraid you're the wrong one. I'm a psychic, and I will let you live in fear for the rest of your life."

Both Chen and West had black lines on their faces.

This Totti Belster is a very self-confident and arrogant person.

They couldn't say a word, and Totti Berst kept talking to himself.

"Mr. Totti, we are your companions, and we are also psychics."

"Are you going? Are you still looking for trouble? Or are you going to try with me? I'm not interested, you should go find someone else. My magic is for those evil beings, not for them. Human, I don't want to hurt you. "

"We're not trying to compete with you, we just want to see how strong you are," West said.

"I still refuse. You don't even understand who you are facing. The person who asked me to use magic on him last time has now become a pool of mud. You certainly don't want to be like that."

"We are also psychics, so you don't need to worry about hurting us."

"No, that person said the same last time, but he thought he killed him eventually. I blame myself and vowed not to use magic on humans."