Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 215: The limits of the body (the first one, a

Chen Ye rested at home for two days, and these two days were also Chen Ye's most leisurely period.

Farley didn't go to work, so she mingled with Chen Yan at home every day.

Robbio thought that Fali was taking care of Chen Ye, so she gave Fali a leave of approval.

In fact, Chen Yun had lived and died on the second day after he was discharged from the hospital.

On the third day, the two resumed their work.

Chen Ye has passed with six other parties, including Fali.

Sell ​​the rights to the story movie they experienced to PLM Films.

The total price is 700,000 dollars, 100,000 dollars per person.

The impact of this incident was so great that it could even be said to have caused a sensation in the United States.

That night's video had more than 100 million hits on major video sites.

Not only PLM companies contact Chen Ye and others, but also other large and small film companies.

It's just that the price is not very friendly and there is no sincerity.

David and Leonardo were also rewarded in their respective police stations for their performance that night.

Kate became famous in the media world war. The material she filmed that night became the focus of major media scramble to buy.

Sienna and Kris were the most anxious to get the money, because after that night David and Kate's relationship heated up.

Now the two of them can't wait to move out. Otherwise, they will live with David again, and maybe there is no moth.

Chen Ye temporarily lent them money so that they could go out and find a house first.

Leonardo may be because he attaches great importance to the friendship of Chen Yan and others.

And he feels that after going through a danger, their relationship will be more unbreakable.


At the gym, almost every acquaintance came over to say hello to Chen Kun.

"Chen, you are great. I saw you kick a Mexican away."

"Chen, take me to see Amon. My son is clamoring for Angel Coast every day, but I haven't seen Amon after he went."


Gaia came to Chen Yan's side: "How's your body recovering?"

"It's been pretty good."

Gaia pulled Chen Ye's collar down and looked at the wound on Chen Ye's chest: "It recovers quickly."

"I am also a doctor myself after all."

"Restoration is good, but today's class is a bit lighter. You and Anderson practice."

Gaia looks rough, but in fact she also has delicate females.

It's just that she never shows it on weekdays.

In fact, Chen Ye's injury has basically recovered. After all, he was at home with him and had no trouble with Fali these two days.

Gaia had been observing Chen Ye's condition while Chen Ye and Anderson were practicing.

Gaia is absolutely impeccable in terms of training students.

Whether it is personal ability or responsible attitude towards students.

"Chen, you come down."

Gaia cried, and Chen Kun and Anderson stopped practicing.

"I'll give you a test."

"No, you have to beat me like last time? Or did you play in person? I'm not hurt yet ..."

"No, it's a simple data test."

"These numbers have actually been tested by my friends before."

In fact, Chen Yan had already tested his data at Ford's house before.

"What is your squat thrust?"

"490 kg."

"Are you sure you did not report an error?"


What is 490 kg?

The world record for world heavyweight squat thrust is 470 kg, and this is the world record for heavyweight.

Gaia's own limit is almost 265 kg. Of course, Gaia does not practice this, so the data must be incomparable with the world limit record.

"What about deadlift and bench press data?"

"Deadlift 550 kg," Chen Yan said, "bench press 380 kg."

In fact, this is the data of the past few weeks. Chen Ye feels that his physical fitness is still growing and has not reached his limit.

Gaia pulled Chen Ye to the boxing machine: "Come and try this."

"how to spell?"

"Punch out at full speed. I didn't call you to stop." Gaia said.

Chen Kun moved his hands and feet, and put his hands up.

"Get started." Gaia heard the sound of a bang in front of Gao when the stopwatch was pressed in his hand.

"Stop." Gaia paused for the stopwatch and walked to the boxer's screen.

The above shows that punches are made 121 times and 121 times in ten seconds, which is another world record.

The highest punch strength is 211 kg, and the lowest punch strength is 165 kg.

This is still very powerful data in the fast boxing.

Gaia cleared the data to zero: "One more time, this time you have accumulated strength and punched in the strongest way, just one punch."

Chen Yan took a deep breath, his arms pushed out, and his fists smashed into the punching bag of the boxer.


The boxer punching bag was hit and there was only one data 1000 on the machine screen.

Gaia shook his head. The highest boxing player in the world is the former heavyweight champion Tyson, but his official figure is 221 kg.

However, the strength of Chen Quan's fist has exceeded the limit that human beings should have.

Gaia took a look at Chen Yan. Purely in terms of physical fitness, I am afraid this guy is not a human.

Gaia watched a video of Chen Ye fighting with the Mexicans that night. In the video, Chen Ye's few moves were almost a trick, and all of the Mexicans were left with a lifelong disability.

If Chen Huan really goes to fight or boxing, it is possible to kill someone.

"Aren't you a biochemical weapon made in China?"

"Have you ever seen a biochemical weapon that you hit on the ground?" Chen Yan rolled his eyes.

"If you are going to play a game, I can train you to be a champion in the fighting world. You can choose a fighting game at will."

"Please, I'm just a doctor."

Gaia shook her head with a bitter smile. It was rare to encounter a person with such a good physical fitness, even a gifted one. Unfortunately, this person is not here.

In addition to his poor skills, Chen Yan is first-rate in all aspects.

Of course, Gaia is not someone who likes to force others.

If Chen Yun is willing, she certainly hopes that she can cultivate a champion in the fighting world.

If Chen Huan is not willing, she will not force it.

Out of the gym, a business car parked in front of Chen Yun.

A woman leaned out, "Mr. Chen, please get in the car."

Chen Ye seemed to be familiar with this woman: "Are you?"

At this time, the rear window shook and it was Chen Ye's mother.

"Get in the car." This is the first time in nearly half a year that Chen Kun has seen his mother.

"Does your daughter need bone marrow?" Chen Yan asked, standing still.

Chen Ye's mother looked at Chen Ye. Chen Ye's eyes looked more like a familiar stranger.

Calm and respectful, Chen Yun's mother was silent for a long while and said, "I just want to ask, how is your injury?"

"It's okay, it's much better, thank you for your concern."

"That's all right, I still have business, bye."


I'm so tired today, I have to go to bed earlier