Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 2240: Incredible story

"Do you know what is the most difficult assassination of the missions I have been in?"

"I don't know." Zhang Tian looked at Kelly with interest.

"Do you know Kyle Corps?" Kelly asked again.

"Have you heard of that, mercenaries?"

"No, this is a private army formed by the super-rich Kyle, with a membership of 1,000 people for a long time, and they also have a fixed military base ..."

Kelly said while watching Zhang Tianyi's expression secretly.

Zhang Tianyi did not show the look of expectation.

In fact, when hearing this, Zhang Tianyi had already guessed, and Kelly would tell him how she killed the Quartet.

This kind of story is not attractive to Zhang Tianyi.

If Zhang Tianyi wants to hear such a story, there are a large number of psychics in the spirit realm willing to tell him all day.

"That military base is located in Antarctica, close to the central area, and it is almost impossible to get there by most transportation." Kelly said, "Do you know how I got to that military base."

Zhang Tianyi thought about it, all he could think of was to use the magic to go to that place.

For Zhang Tianyi, this kind of thing is not difficult.

But after thinking about it, Kelly was just an ordinary person.

"To that end, I rented a space shuttle and made a high-altitude jump when flying to a military base at a height of 50,000 meters. At the same time, to avoid detection, I could not use landing at all." Kelly continued.

"A 50,000-meter jumper? Don't use a parachute? Are you sure you're not telling a story from the spiritual realm?"

Kelly ignored Zhang Tianyi's questioning and continued: "Of course, this requires certain technical support and certain external conditions. When I dropped from the shuttle, I was carrying an inner ring inflatable ball. Yes, this inflatable ball can automatically inflate in ten seconds. "

"The inner ring inflatable ball you are talking about is the kind of ball outside in the playground, but inside there is a kind of space where people can play inside?"

"That's the kind."

"But the sphere should not be able to withstand the impact of a 50,000-meter vertical drop. You can't withstand it."

"Of course it is impossible to do under normal circumstances, but what if it is not vertical? On the day of the high-altitude jump, I calculated that the weather in that area happened to be an extremely cold storm, and the landing location I chose was about 70. Five-degree **** ice. "

Zhang Tianyi finally showed surprise: "That is, you calculate the wind force, figure out where you will be blown by the wind, and then cushion it by a slope? Land safely through the inner ring inflatable ball?"

Of course it can be done in theory, but the risk of doing so is very high.

A calculation error, or a wrong evaluation of the storm, may kill Kelly.

The whole story of Kelly is not how she killed the Quartet, but the incredible process.

Kelly's story really attracted Zhang Tianyi.

"In fact, as you said, although I have calculated and asked a professional mathematical engineer to perform calculations, in the process of implementation, I was blown away from the intended landing position and completely deviated from the intended slope."

"Then how did you do that? No, how should you survive?"

"At the time in the sky, I was constantly falling at a descent speed of 100 meters per second, so I did n’t have much time to think, so I could only change my strategy and open the inner ring to inflate the original height of 300 meters The ball changed to 150 meters, which means that if I don't handle it properly, I will fall into a meat sauce in less than two seconds. "

At this time, even Ivery and Zoma Dennis showed surprise and curiosity.

They all want to know how Kelly managed to save the day.

"I pierced the outer membrane when the inner inflatable ball was full of air, letting the air of the ball burst out instantly, forming a propulsive effect, and continuously advancing along the storm, while also reducing the impact of my fall."

"Are you successful?"

Although Kelly is now standing in front of Zhang Tianyi.

But he couldn't help but ask Kelly this question.

"On the bright side, I succeeded, at least I didn't fall." Kelly said with a grin. "But my legs and one arm completely broke, I lost the most basic ability to move, I was in the snow and ice, and I lay for six days in the most terrible extreme cold storm in the world. "

"Although unfortunate, but it can be said to be lucky, I fell into the habitat of a group of penguins. This group of penguins is not afraid of humans. They are even curious about humans. They are really a group of magical animals. The next day they made contact with me as if they were the same, and they started catching fish for me. "

"In six days, I recovered the most basic action, and then coincidentally, Mr. Kyle went out for hunting, and his hunting target was this group of penguins. I lay in the penguin group and was surrounded by it. Many penguins gave me a fatal blow to my target. It was my most difficult task. Everything deviated from the original plan, but at that moment, everything was back on track. "

Zhang Tianyi was incredible at Kelly's accomplishment of this incredible way.

Everything deviates from the planned plan, but everything is back to the track somehow.

It's hard to imagine how Kelly survived six days.

"Nice story." Zhang Tianyi didn't hear the flaw for a while, so he thought the story was quite good.

Kelly's handling of the details is also very good, thrilling, exciting, and incredible.

"Yes, I was fourteen that year."

Zhang Tian took a breath.

Wende, who had always been expressionless, could not help but stare.

"In the years to come, every two years, I will return to that penguin group and spend a few days with them. It was also that experience that made me an animal protector."

Kelly paused and continued: "That was my most difficult task, and what I want to say next is the weirdest assassination target."

"Of course, he is not the target of the mission, but he is hindering me."

As a killer, Kelly didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

And her tone even made Zhang Tianyi take it for granted.

"After several contacts, I found that he was just an ordinary person, an illegal doctor, and then on a hazy morning, I shot his head with a sniper rifle, and I could clearly see the blood spattering on the wall, There is also a picture of flesh and blood flying. When I calmly packed my things and left, he appeared again in my field of vision, but this time he appeared directly in front of me and accompanied him. It's a monster. "

Zhang Tian frowned: "Let me guess, is that illegal doctor ... Is he a Chinese?"