Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 2447: I will give you money if I win

Tiger didn't want to believe his eyes.

He punched a hole in the wall with one punch.

This wall is a concrete reinforced structure, let alone a fist.

Even if you take a hammer, you can't punch it in with one punch.

But now he can punch a hole with a punch.

Is this what the devil potion does?

This effect is incredible.

Tiger felt he could beat anyone now.

Bach was also a bit surprised.

He didn't expect that Tiger's match for the Devil's Elixir was so high.

And he knew exactly how effective the devil potion was.

At this moment, it is no exaggeration that Tiger could fight an adult brown bear and twist the neck of the brown bear.

Tiger looked at his fists, and at this moment he felt unprecedented confidence.

Even in the face of Chen Yan, he has the courage to say no.

"When is the game at night?"

"What? Can't wait?" Bach was pleased with Tagore's excitement.

"I feel like I can kill a lion! What a captivating power."

As night fell, Tago and Bach set off for the underground boxing arena.

But as the car came out of the gate, suddenly a figure came out and stopped in front of the car.

Both Tiger and Bach were startled and looked closely.

Wasn't that man in front of the car the same opponent as Tygo?

Tiger remembered that the man seemed to be named Singa.

Singa is also black. His body is taller than that of Tiger, but it is slightly longer than Tiger.

Bach got out of the car: "Singa, do you want to die?"

"Bach, you said, as long as I lose to Tiger, you give me money. My daughter needs surgery, but your money hasn't been paid yet." Singh said straightforwardly.

Bach sneered at Singa: "I don't remember saying that."

"You **** bastard, you lied to me !?" Singa angered, accusing Bach.

"Get out of here immediately, or I'll call the police." Bach looked at Singa disdainfully.

"I want to break the news to the media! You not only make me punch, you also threaten me with the safety of my daughter's life!"

Bach's eyes flashed a cold chill.

It's not the first time he's done his own customer fake contest.

There have also been attempts in the past to threaten him with such things.

But he still stood here intact.

As for the men who threatened him, they have basically disappeared.

"No one has ever dared to threaten me, do you know those who want to threaten me with these things, where did they end up?" Bach's glasses flashed a cold light.

In fact, Singa was also afraid. He had heard about Bach's reputation in the circle.

Not bad enough to describe his bad.

At this time, Tiger also got out of the car.

When Singa saw Tagore, his eyes flashed with hatred.

Tiger smiled: "Bach, let me handle it."

"You?" Bach was a little regretted, what was Tiger going to do?

Tiger went to Singa: "I don't care what disputes you have with Bach, but I am willing to give you a chance."

"what chance?"

"Let's fight, as long as you win, I'll let Bach pay you."

"When? Where do you fight?" Singa wasn't afraid of Tiger at all. He thought Tiger was a parallel.

Otherwise, his agent would not find him that day, and let him cooperate with the fake punch.

"It's here," Tago said indifferently.

Tago ticked his fingers: "As long as you can win me, you can get money."

"That's what you said."

"Yes, I said." Tiger twisted his neck.

"Tago ... you have a match later."

"I know, so I need to warm up now," Tago said confidently.

When Singa heard Tago's words, she became furious.

He was just his warm-up target?

This too despise people.

Singa was already in position.

"Come on, let me see how confident you are."

Tago stood in front of Singa three or two steps.

"You can start."

Xin Jia left a left uppercut and waved heavily.

Got it! Singa was quite confident in her attack.

Tiger was so arrogant that he didn't have any resistance.

Indeed, Singa's prediction is correct.

His left uppercut hit heavily on Tago's chin.

But Tagore didn't move, but Singa.

He felt like his fist was hitting an iron wall.

"Too weak, you are too weak like this." Tiger shook his head.

Singa's face changed, and she quickly stepped back to make a defensive posture.

At this moment, Tago felt completely different from last time.

Last time on the ring of the official competition.

Although he was ready to lose.

However, at that time, Tiger's offense and defense, strength, speed and skills did not make him feel pressure.

In the half-truth, the seventh round.

He deliberately sold a flaw and was beaten by Tago.

But at this moment, Tiger felt like he was an insurmountable mountain.

Tiger shot and smashed his fist.

First hit was Singa's arms in front of him.


Singa's arms and hand bones were like broken wooden bars in an instant.

But Tago didn't pull back, the horrifying power banged directly on Singa's face.

The entire Singa flew a few meters away and fell to the ground completely unconscious.

"Bach, you want to kill his mother?" Tiger asked indifferently.

Bach was about to say when he was killed.

Suddenly, when he saw the flowerbed across the road, he seemed to have light.

"Don't mess around, paparazzi," Bach whispered, "Let's go."

"Let him be lucky." Tago spit and turned back into the car.


The next day, almost all the media reported a personal battle between Singa and Tago in the dark.

Singa is still lying in the hospital, but he still claims that Tago and his agent used to make him punch.

But no one believed him.

Because a paparazzi captured the scene of the two fighting last night.

Tiger's strength is obviously much stronger than Xin's.

They couldn't think of the meaning of Tago's need to find Singa for a fake punch.

So although Tiger hurt Singa, he has more people willing to support him and believe him.

On the contrary, Singa became the object of everyone's shouting.

He was portrayed by the media as a rogue and villain.

Because he lost the game, he asked Tagore to extort money, and to use false news as an excuse to beat Tagore.

Then he was knocked to the ground by Tago, which proved his point.

Chen Ye watched the broadcast in the news.

Picked up the phone and called West.

"West, you can help me investigate someone's identity."

"Oh, sir, who do you want to investigate?"

"A man named Singa, a heavyweight boxer, is the guy who has been buzzing in the news today."