Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 2449: Deadly sin

"Mr. Tagore ..." Withers covered his face.

He had just been educated by Alex and gave him a science look at how rich her boss was.

At the same time there are terrible consequences of being hostile to him.

By the way, also helped Chen Yi pass a word.

"That's what he said."

Tiger's face was cold, and there was even a hint of fear.

"Can I give it and get it back with my own hands?"

Bach was beside him, and looked at Tiger: "Tag, he is not as scary as you think, he is past tense."

"No, Bach, you don't understand. He is really terrifying. He is the devil." Tiger's tone also became hastily: "Do you know, he and I were both blocked in the parking lot, and the other party asked me Hit a fake punch, and with a smile, he punched and killed those who surrounded us with one punch. "

"Then he still faced me with that kind of smile and said to me in a gentle tone, if one day you let me down, then I can give it back with my own hands."

Tiger looked up and looked at Bach: "I once vowed not to do anything to disappoint him, and never to face him with that smile."

"You didn't do anything anyway ... and he had no evidence, did he," Bach said.

Tiger looked at Bach with a bitter smile: "Do you think he's the kind of evidence-seeking man?"

Bach looked cold: "Since he doesn't reason with us, then we don't need to reason with him, rest assured, leave it to me."

"Bach, don't use radical means, you will anger him."

"Tag, you don't know me or our company." Bach patted Tag's shoulder: "You can be your big star with confidence, no one can threaten my customers."

The more Bach said so, the less reassured Tiger was.


Chen Ye never thought that that big boy would be a real bad guy.

Chen Ye's impression of Tago stays with that shy, introverted boy who is always passionate about Yantai and longs for victory.

This change came so abruptly that Chen Yan was still in between.

West helped him investigate a lot of information about Tiger.

Trick .... 嫖 This kind of thing is a matter of personal needs, and Chen 曌 can turn a blind eye.

And his emotional struggle with his ex-girlfriend, which can only be said to be a personal relationship issue.

Even when he assaulted his ex-girlfriend, Chen Xun at best just called the police instead of intervening.

However, Chen Ye received some information from his ex-girlfriend, which he could not accept.

That's not just a matter of reaching the bottom line of morality. It is enough to kill a few times in China.

As the saying goes, men get worse when they have money.

Tiger is the most typical example.

In plain words, he just drifted away after he became famous.

And still drifted over.

Chen Yan feels that it is too much for rich people to declare their identity and smash the bottom people with a stack of banknotes.

However Chen Chen clearly underestimated Tiger.

Tiger and Ford are completely different, and also different from Evry.

Ford's career has both troughs and highlights, and then he ran into peace after meeting Chen Yan.

Coupled with his growing environment and family stability, Ford's mentality has been good.

Moreover, he often communicates with Chen Ye, and Chen Ye technically has nothing to teach him.

However, in terms of exercise and nutrition, Chen Yun can still point him.

Maybe Ford also floats, but he can control himself.

Evry is different. Her family background is unusual.

She has received elite education since childhood.

Today she is the most famous athlete in sports.

It is just another successful way beyond her inheritance.

So her mentality is the best, and she also keeps in touch with Chen Yi.

Tago is different. How inferior he was in the past, how arrogant he is now.

After a person has been depressed for a long time, once he finds a vent, it will become crazy for a long time.

Not that poor boys can't get rich overnight.

If someone could guide them then.

Tagore is not what it is today.

And how proud the former Tiger made Chen Ye is, how much Chen Ye hates him now.

At this moment, Chen Min's mentality is that I have cultivated it by myself, so I will destroy it myself.

And Chen Yun wants to destroy him in all directions.

Don't talk to Chen Yi, he is still a child.

Not to mention he still has salvation, he just lacks guidance.

Wrong is wrong, other mistakes can be made, and there is a chance to save the atonement alive.

But some mistakes are irreparable.

Two big unforgivable sins committed by Tiger.

One was a drunk driving, which killed a mother and daughter, and then he guilty of crime in order to escape responsibility. The mother and daughter's family, his husband hanged himself at home half a month later.

At least the police concluded that he had committed suicide by hanging himself, but Chen Ye did not think so.

Tago has been in contact with the underworld for some time ...

Therefore, this type of news is often seen in the media, and the sphere of influence of the gangster he is dealing with is exactly near the neighborhood where the man who committed suicide was living.

The second major crime was that he had violated a woman. That night, the woman and his family were all buried in a fire.

The first major sin was investigated by West, and the second major sin was a mere word from Tago's ex-girlfriend.

Chen Ye also went to the scene of the fire and brought a report from the fire station.

A report from the fire station showed that someone had intentionally set fire.

But there is no clue to the suspect's arson.

Chen Ye is not a judge, so Chen Ye never needs to pursue evidence.

Many times, judges are no longer pursuing justice, but law.

But the original purpose of human beings to create laws was to maintain justice.

If in court, everyone knows that he is the most guilty person, but if there is no evidence to prove that he is guilty, whether he can not be sentenced is a philosophical reasoning.

Chen Huan is not a philosopher. He cannot explain whether justice or law should be upheld.

Chen Ye only knew that he should do what he should do.

As said, it is God ’s business to decide whether you are guilty, and I am only responsible for sending you to see God.

However, one thing Chen Ye can be sure of is that Tago cannot see God.

Just then, Chen Ye received a call.

A stranger's phone.

"Hey, is it Mr. Chen?"

"Which one?" Chen Ye did not like this kind of pretending to be a mysterious stranger, because such people instinctively made others hostile, such as Chen Ye.