Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 2485: Murphy's Fear

Murphy brought Chen Yan to the cow's body.

The carcass started from the neck and continued to the abdomen, missing nearly a thousand kilograms of meat.

Chen Qian looked at the carcass thousands of times: "There are no beast scratches on the cow."

If it is a beast, when attacking the cow, the cow will inevitably resist.

Large areas of scratches were then created during the fight.

But there were no scars on this cow.

This is the biggest anomaly.

And there are only wolves in this large predator.

Only wolves can kill cattle.

Other small and medium-sized carnivores, such as tadpoles and puma, cannot kill cattle.

And they can't eat so much meat.

Chen Yan couldn't help thinking of the Crypt Demon.

But it's not right to think carefully.

The right side of the mirror lake manor, although leaning against the forest, connects the deep mountain where the crypt cave is located.

However, his relationship with Crypt Demon is quite good.

The Crypt Demon will not rush to attack his cow.

If they want to eat beef, they can contact Chen Yi.

Instead of sneakily attacking Chen Yan's pasture.

Moreover, Chen Kun will go to Crypt Devil's Lair every month to exchange things with them.

And it's a long way from Crypt's lair.

The Crypt Demon is a race of phobia, and it takes at least a day to go back and forth here.

So basically it can be ruled out that the Crypt Demon.

But since it is not a crypt monster, nor is it a wolf pack.

What kind of animal is that?

Wild boar herd? No, wild boars are omnivores, but they do not actively attack large animals such as cattle.

Since there are no scratches on the cow's body, it can only be a one-shot death.

It seems that only humans can kill a cow in one shot?

However, no traces of human activity were left at the scene, nor was there on the cattle.

Besides, if it is done by humans, there is always a reason.

Someone did steal cattle in the past.

But their purpose is to sell money.

Not to kill.

Chen Yan squatted next to the carcass of the cow, and turned over some of the wounds that turned over: "Can you tell what animal bite marks?"

Murphy also squatted next to the carcass of the cow: "The canine teeth are very powerful, the bite force is amazing, and they can bite the bone directly."

"What about the carcass of another cow? Where is it?"

"Not far away, boss, I'll take you there."

The other cow was not far from the first carcass.

It is less than 300 meters away.

The wounds and marks are exactly the same as the carcass of the first cow.

"Both cattle were attacked near here." Chen Xun compared the positions of the two cows' carcasses, and then looked back: "From a straight line comparison of the two positions, the thing that attacked the cattle should be from this Direction past. "

Chen Ye came to the edge of the forest, and the dense forest at night seemed a little deep.

Chen Zhen went in towards the dense forest.

But after walking for twenty minutes, I didn't find anything valuable.

There are no traces, no traces left by vehicles.

So it should be possible to exclude humans.

Humans cannot come here on foot.

After all, come here from the outside or come from the outside.

However, there are 20 to 30 kilometers on foot, a large part of which is a sandstone desert.

Or come in the direction of Mirror Lake Manor.

However, if he came from Jinghu Lake Manor, then Chen Xun could not fail to know.

And the odds of a stranger trying to cross the mirror lake manor are slim.

Is there anything that can come here silently and then kill the cows in a short period of time, even before the cows have time to resist?

The possibility of animals can be almost ruled out, but the possibility of humans seems to be small.

Unless the other party comes over by helicopter, then chaos here, and then leave by helicopter.

If that's the case, how boring the person is.

The purpose of this is nothing more than to block yourself.

But his losses are almost negligible.

There is also a possibility that the people who come here are psychics.

The purpose is unknown, the ability is unknown, and the strength is also unknown.

Chen Min thought of the man who set fire to Dashan Elementary School.

Will it be the same person who was attacked this time?

It is indeed possible.

"Are there any strangers in the town lately?"

"I did not notice."

"Okay, you have to be careful these days, you don't have to work the night shift, just go out and play with Rebecca for a few days."

Chen Ye didn't want to let Murphy take risks.

Now, whether or not it is a person, what purpose, what strength are not clear.

Although Murphy is a vampire, his strength has not seen him grow from the moment he recognizes it.

In the face of most psychics, he has no chance of winning.

Chen Ye heard his mother say that the strength of a vampire is the accumulation of time.

Murphy is too young, he is still the lowest level vampire.

"Boss ... wouldn't you fire me?" Murphy panicked.

He now lives with Rebecca, only to realize the importance of money.

And Rebecca spent money uncontrollably.

If he loses this job, he really doesn't know how to live.

Maybe he can get a new job, but he knows how high his salary is.

Can I get my current salary if I find another job outside? He doubted it.

"No, it just gives you a few days off. You can't handle this."

"Boss, I'll take care of it," Murphy said firmly. "I'll get the murderer out and pinch him."

"Well, you don't need to deal with it. Go out and play for a few days. If the money on hand is not enough, I sponsor you."

Chen Yan turned and left.

Murphy stood in place, froze dumbly.

Chen Ye had no other ideas.

After all, Murphy's mother promised to take care of Murphy.

So it is impossible to really let him face the unknown danger.

But Murphy didn't think so.

Because Chen Zheng didn't let him take responsibility, made him feel that he had lost the value of existence.

One of the things people are most afraid of is losing the value of their existence.

Murphy's eyes were a little firm.

Back at home, Rebecca couldn't help showing doubt when she saw Murphy returning so early.

Because Murphy's working hours are all night, how come back so early today.

"Murphy, why are you back so early today? Aren't you watching the ranch today?"

"There is something wrong with the ranch. The boss stopped me from looking at the ranch."

"What? You lost your job?"

"The boss gave me a few days off and didn't let me work until the problem was resolved."

"How can this be." Rebecca knew better than Murphy that his job was important now.

After all, Murphy now has an absolute high-paying job, $ 30,000 per month, which can make them both very, very comfortable.

But if he loses this job, Murphy will almost never find another job.