Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 2803: Precautions

"Mr. Chen, hello, I am the director of the film crew this time, Farui Lysander."

"Hello, Mr. Sculley has already told you?"

Farui Laisende is a bearded man in his sixties, but he doesn't have much old looks.

On the contrary, there is a kind of vigorous spirit.

He is the director of the outdoor film crew hired by sc television station this time.

The entire filming team is owned by Farui Laysende.

They have filmed many documentaries, explored programs, and won awards.

There is also an exploration program, which once won the annual championship of the exploration program.

So they are quite famous in the industry and are very professional film crews.

Inviting them to shoot twelve episodes of the exploration program entitled "Lost Civilization" cost Chen Yao US $ 7.5 million.

The filming team has a total of 25 people, each of whom has their own areas of expertise, and also includes a host.

"Lost Civilization" is divided into twelve episodes, three episodes as a unit.

The first unit is naturally a desert island at sea located in Mexico.

The island is called Kudo, and a few decades ago, some indigenous tribes in Mexico survived.

However, because of the harsh environment and lack of materials on the island.

Therefore, the indigenous tribes on the island either moved to the nearby coastline, or died on the gongdu island.

The residents of the nearby coastline also circulate some legends of the gongdo island.

A few older generations have lived on the island of Kyodo.

They belong to the group of people who directly entered the civilized society from the primitive society.

Therefore, they still retain many customs of the tribes and legends.

Of course, their filming plan is to interview the elderly who have moved from Gondola to the interior.

Then go to Gongdu Island to shoot some content, and then do some further processing.

They are exploration programs, which are biased towards science and education, but they are definitely not real science and education programs.

In fact, the core is still an entertainment program, so it will naturally add some specious legends and supernatural interpretations.

Anyway, it is cultural processing, and some legends are unscientifically confirmed.

Chen Zou set off with the team and went to Gongdu Island with the filming team.

In Chen Zuo's own words, that is the hobby of the rich.

Of course, in order to compensate the team, Chen Luo gave the team $ 500,000 in private compensation.

The money was given directly to Farui Laysende.

In this team, Farui Laysende has the absolute right to speak.

So it is necessary to have a good relationship with him.

"Mr. Chen, although I have n’t been to Gongdu Island, the previous research sent people to nearby coastal settlements to communicate with the villagers. It is said that the environment on Gongdu Island is quite bad, and there are a large number of vipers and crocodiles There are many dangerous natural environments, so we ca n’t be sure what unexpected situation we will encounter. Even if we are a professional team, we ca n’t give you any guarantee. It ’s best to be mentally prepared before you go. ”

"Of course, I understand that I have participated in many exploration teams, from Africa to the Amazon to the Caribbean Sea, all of which have left my footprint. Although I am not a veteran, I have at least some experience. I will try not to Hold back the team. "Chen Luo said politely.

Facing Farui Laysende, Chen Luo did not show aggressiveness.

After all, he is a cooperative relationship with him, and he is not his own.

"Then I wish we all made a good progress." Farui Lessend was quite satisfied with Chen Zuo's attitude.

Moreover, since Chen Zuo has experience, there is no need to worry that he will make some rude requests in the process.

Farui Laysende has really encountered such people in the past.

He once met a star involved in shooting in a wilderness shooting project.

The star wasn't even a first-line star, but he constantly made it difficult for the shooting team and kept dragging the team behind.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any entourage?"

"No, just me."

"Well, that's good, in addition, some equipment needs your own preparation."

"You said, I write down."

"Thick rain boots, gloves, a set of field suits, insulated pots, flint, saber ... Of course, if you think it is necessary, you can add an additional semi-automatic pistol and a few bullets."

"is this necessary?"

"Generally it is not necessary, and our team actually has a certain amount of armed forces." Farui Lessend said with a smile: "But for most amateurs, firearms can calm people down of."

"Okay, but can the firearms pass the customs?"

"Can't take it, but Mr. Chen should have a way to find firearms in Mexico."

"Want to bring food?"

"We have compressed food."

"Can't game meat?"

"Games have many uncertain risks, such as the diseases they carry, the difficulty of handling, or their own dangers, and the supply is not guaranteed, so a filming team like ours needs to perform shooting tasks in the wilderness. Avoid contact with game as much as possible. Once a member of the filming team is infected or injured by wild animals, it will be a big trouble for the filming team. Delaying the filming progress is still a small problem. More often, the team will let the team Have to face many legal problems. "

"Then can I bring my own food?"

"Mr. Chen, it ’s best not to bring it by yourself. You bring uncompressed pasta and meat, which just puts a burden on yourself, and your burden will often become a burden on the team. , So it ’s better to avoid some things beforehand. "

"Okay." Chen Luo shrugged.

"The plane at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, a one-and-a-half hour flight, we will arrive at the coastal village to be photographed at night. My people in that village have already inspected it in advance. , Mr. Chen can take a day off at the resort hotel, we need a day of filming time in the village. "

"it is good."

In fact, Chen Luo had already inspected the village beforehand.

It is indeed a good leisure area.

Not even worse than those resorts.

It's just that there is no matching public facilities, and the scale is also much worse, so it is unknown.

Then Farui Lessend explained many things to note.

Farui Laisende ’s specialty is not in how much safety he knows.

But his attitude is always based on prevention.

For almost all dangers, he takes precautions as much as possible, rather than how to deal with them after they happen.

If it wasn't for Chen Yao to have no intersection with him, Chen Yao would like to dig him down.