Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 3008: Escape from here

It was when Chen Yao met with Steven and Rasfa.

Chen Zhao's phone rang.

After looking at the call, Chen Luo said to the two of them, "I'll answer the phone."

"President, there is something to report to you."

"what's up?"

"Remember the elves you let go the night before?"

"Remember, what happened to them again?"

"It's not something that happened... At least, they haven't done anything yet." West paused and said, "It's the group who bought a batch of wet magic star powder."

"What is this thing used for? Is it the material of mass destruction magic?"

"It's not for killing. I heard Rouen Fashimoto say that this wet magic star powder is used to create a temporary magic ban area."

"Oh... It's estimated that it was used to kill people and go beyond the merchandise. Don't worry about them, as long as they don't make any big trouble, how will they fight with them themselves." Chen Luo said casually.

Chen Zuo thought about it and added a sentence: "Our people should also be on guard. If they are used to retaliate against us, there is still a certain threat in the field of forbidden magic. If they are found to deal with us, contact me immediately. Give me the same last time."

"Got it, President."

West doesn't dare to hold it anymore, I can do what I can.

Last time, a woman group almost wiped out the supernatural power of the supernatural society.

West also understands the limits of the supernatural society.

If Chen Zao is there, then the Paranormal Society has no limits.

It is not a problem to destroy a thousand-year family.

But if Chen Zao is not there, then the supernatural society is a second-rate force.

So now West is not tossing.

Knowing the positioning is enough.

Now the association wants money and money, people and people, resources and resources.

The rest is a matter of time.

There is not enough information.

They need to have enough time to turn resources into strength.

Now the strength of the Paranormal Society is improving rapidly.

At least faster than normal forces.

Arrange a few foreign organizations and forces for friendly exchanges.

Almost this is the future direction of the Supernatural Society.

To put it simply, it is lascivious development, don't wave.

As for the group of Shadow Elves buying Wet Devil Star Powder, even if it is really used to deal with the Supernatural Society, the threat is actually not too big.

Of course, it should be common sense.

It seems that the group of Shadow Elves is quite smart.

It's not like someone who does silly things.

So the necessary precautions are needed, but the cup bow snake shadow is not necessary.

Would you like to call to warn the shadow elves?

Forget it, let them finish playing quickly and get out of Los Angeles.

I hope they will be a little better this time, and the TV stations that don't want to make trouble are dispatched.

Chen Zhang hung up the phone and returned to Steven and Rasfa.

"Steven, where exactly do you need money? If you really need it, Chen and I have a lot of cash here."

In fact, Rasfa is the same as Steven, although they are billionaires, but cash is not enough for Chen's daily income.

But Rasfa can borrow money, whether it is private lending or banks are willing to lend money to him.

This is the advantage under the credit system. Rich people will never be short of money.

"No, I wasn't worried enough, so I was ready to ask you to borrow a bit, but after the sky-high price of the red crystal, my gap was not enough."


"In other words, did you make any investment? Or repay the loan?"

"Okay, don't ask." Steven apparently didn't want to continue this topic, and interrupted the two's inquiry decisively.

"Well, we need help to greet us at any time."

Chen Luo and Rasfa did not intend to continue questioning.

Because of drinking, Steven asked Famtis to drive Chen Luo back.

Of course, that wine is similar to boiled water for Chen Luo.

But... drinking and not driving is a basic quality.

"Famtis, how about Yiwen recently?"

"Um..." Famtis hesitated a moment, and seemed to be thinking about something: "I'm not sure if it's good or bad."

"What's wrong? Has something happened to it?"

"It has eaten a bit more recently, and secondly, it seems to have developed a second time." Famtis said.

"It's a good thing to eat, and secondary development is also normal. There is a certain chance that secondary development will occur in cats."

"But if you are free, I hope you can go and see me. I don't know that cats will develop secondarily, but I'm sure that the secondary development of Yiwen must be abnormal."

"Are you sure, okay, I'll check it out when I'm free."

"Well, where is the front? Why is it so bright?" Famtis pointed to the light that appeared on the road ahead.

This is not the first time she has helped Chen Luo drive.

She is also very familiar with this road.

But I don't remember such a strange road.

Chen Yao was also puzzled, strange, and could not perceive the domain.

When the vehicle entered the bright road, a fireball smashed from directly in front.


In the light of fire, Chen Zuo mentioned Famtis and left the scrapped sports car.

"What... what happened?" Famtis paled.

She is also an experienced former mercenary anyway.

But in the explosion just now, she felt death.

If Chen Yao is not around, he may really be dying.

"It's okay, it's just a very ordinary assassination." Chen Luo shrugged and said, "It's a pity that my car was less than two months old. Two sports cars were scrapped. I bought this full-color series. Now that three vehicles have been scrapped, according to this scrapping speed, the full-color series may not be able to support this year."

Chen Zhao scratched his head: "You said, should I find a car to produce a custom-made car that can't be blown up, like the one like Washington One."

"Chen, being bombarded in the car, is this a trivial thing for you?"

"In fact, it's not a lot, plus this time there are a total of two." Chen Luo said helplessly: "And all concentrated in these two months."

"Now we don't have any weapons, are you sure it's okay?"

Famtis looked at the figures on both sides of the road and was ready to fight at any time.

"Relax, no matter what happens, as long as you stand behind me, it's fine."

"President of the Paranormal Society, you look very confident." Dratu came out of the darkness.

Chen Luo looked at De Latu, and then looked at several Shadow Elves around him.

"Well... Did you forget what I said to you the day before yesterday? Or what misunderstanding was caused by my words?"

At this moment, a blaze of fire fell from the sky, and I saw Goose holding the red crystal from the sky.

Goose was about to speak, and Frigga suddenly said, "Escape from here."