Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 376: Kill a few (the first, ask for a monthly

The bald man with a beard immediately smashed Chen Yi with a shotgun, but Chen Yi grabbed the barrel and twisted it hard.

The gun barrel was directly twisted by Chen Yan, and the bald and bearded man had not responded yet.

Chen Kun took two steps back, and his bald beard was covered with blood.

"Ah ... kill me! Kill me!"

Chen Yan punched the bald-headed bearded chest with an unreserved punch. The bald-headed beard's voice stagnated, and he fell straight back, his mouth spitting with blood.

The power of Chen Quan's fist is greater than the power of a man holding a hammer.

What is the concept of more than a thousand kilograms of force hitting the flesh and blood?

He was lucky if he didn't bombard a pair.

Chen Yan took some effort at the end, after all, there were two girls watching behind.

Chen Ye didn't want to make the scene too bloody, but the bald and bearded man was dead and couldn't die anymore.

The gangsters around were holding sticks in their hands. When they saw their boss was attacked, they immediately gathered around.

"Chen, be careful behind!" Fali saw a gangster sneaking into Chen Kun from behind, and an iron rod smashed into Chen Zhu's head.

The iron rod slammed heavily on Chen Hou's head. Chen Heng was in pain. After all, he was flesh and blood. Although the anti-strike force was far more than ordinary people, it was still very painful when he was beaten with an iron rod.

Chen Hui turned around and punched him, and the man was twisted by the iron rod that was attached to his hand.

Chen Huan turned to look at the gangsters, showing a sneer.

The gangsters have not realized the seriousness of the problem, they feel that the number is still their advantage, so they rushed towards Chen Yan without any care.

Willis on the ground heard the noise around him, but at this moment he couldn't get up, and could only turn his head to watch the gangsters besieging Chen Chen in the distance.

Just then, a gangster fell in front of him, and Willis was a little surprised.

The gangster's injury was very serious, and his entire arm showed an irregular twist.

Then there is one, the third, the fourth ...

Willis got up hard, he found seven or eight bandits lying on the ground.

Three of them were dead, and two of them could not see where the fatal injury was, but the bald and bearded man was very injured, and his heart part collapsed obviously.

Another was kicked out a few meters away, and then smashed on the rock, as if not dead, but seriously injured.

At this moment, Willis finally understood what Farley was saying when she was at the burger.

This guy is really terrible. A dozen people were killed and injured by him, but he seems to have only a slight injury.

At this time, the door of the RV opened again, and the princess, black horse, and white horse joined the battle.

This tonnage of the princess can slap one with a slap.

Heima and Baima are to prevent these people from escaping. Whoever dares to run them drags them back and sends them to the princess to slap them.

In just ten minutes, the gangsters were all lying on the ground.

Willis estimates that the gangsters died at least four or five.

Farley and Farr also got off the car. Farley was okay, and Farr couldn't stand it.

She really didn't expect that, on a weekday, Chen Yun was giggling, so scary when he was fierce.

These gangsters here were either killed on the spot or disabled for life.

Farr helped check Willis' injuries, while Chen Zhen found the source of the signal interference and then called the police.

When the police arrived at the scene, they discovered that the scene was far more violent than they expected.

Chen Zheng was a legitimate defender, plus he saved Willis, so he didn't get any trouble.

However, the three were taken to a nearby police station and took notes.

The occupations of all three are legitimate occupations. Chen Yun is a professor at the University of Los Angeles, Farr is a doctor, and Faree is a member of the Coast Guard. All three occupations are respected occupations.

This also makes them a lot less trouble, even if Chen Ye is suspected of being over defended.

However, the police will not be embarrassed by this, and they are even willing to excuse him.

For the police, saving their brother is the same as saving them.

What's more, each of those gangsters is sinful, and almost everyone is carrying a murder case.

They were beaten to death when they sinned. That is more than death. They deserve it.

Even after the three men left the police station, a police car drove them and kept them off the patrol boundary before leaving.

However, the three were delayed for four or five hours.

The original plan was to reach Sacramento at 4 pm. As a result, when they left the police station, it was already 3 pm, and their journey was only halfway.

Farr was the most frightened, but she was a doctor after all, and her mental quality was perfect.

She has seen a lot of dead people. No matter how terrible she is, she hasn't seen it before, and soon she adjusted her mentality.

But after today, she also met Chen Yan again.

This guy who looks harmless to humans and animals on such weekdays is so terrible once angry.

The three arrived at almost nine o'clock in the evening, which was Sacramento.

"Fari, what time are you and Far coming back? Both your mother and I have made dinner, but you haven't arrived yet." Laurent called again to urge.

"The car broke down on the road, and we were delayed for several hours on the road," Fari said.

She had discussed with Farr, and did not want to tell what happened on the road today, lest Laurent and Winnipeg be worried.

Laurent and Winnipeg live on the outskirts of Sacramento and they have a small farm.

The RV passed by a wheat field and finally stopped in front of a two-story white bungalow.


"They are here and you are all ready."

"Mr. Laurent, rest assured, everything is ready." Howard's voice came in the darkness.

"This circus bear won't hurt Fari and Fal?"

"This bear has been cultivated by the circus since childhood. It has long been wild, not to mention that Mr. Grom of the circus is here. Grom is the best animal trainer."

Grom patted the brown bear next to him, and the brown bear licked Grom's palm, looking quite docile.

"Relax, Mr. Laurent, the prince will do his job very well."

"Remember your task is to frighten that bastard, and it's best to let him pee, Karim, is your camera ready?"

"Ready, Mr. Laurent."

"Kane, if you wait for Farley and Farr Advanced House, you pull them out ahead of time."

"Understand." Kane replied, "But Mr. Laurent, are you sure we will not be killed by Chen?"

Howard and Karim dozed off involuntarily, but they remembered it well.

At that time Chen Ye was secretly calculated by them and kept in the ice storage for several hours.

As a result, Chen Yan threw them a few hours at sea the next day.

To be honest, they are really reluctant to help Laurent.

But Laurent couldn't stand it, they finally agreed to the plan.

Among them, they also complained about Chen Yan.