Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 76: Wanda's Choice

"Wanda!" Fari's face was a joy, but the next moment, Fari showed hesitation.

The big dog in front of him looks very much like Wanda, but ... Wanda cannot be so spirited.

In addition, Wanda was not so big. Before, Wanda was tortured by illness and lost weight. At that time, she weighed less than 25 kilograms.

But looking at this big dog, he weighed twice as much as Wanda.

But that kind of look, that kind of close look.

Fari also became hesitant. Is it really Wanda?

"Chen, can I help you?" Leonardo also came.

"Wanda?" Fari only had Wanda in her eyes at the moment.


Wanda had ran to Fari's side and licked Fari's hand.

"Are you really Wanda? Are you dead?"


"Miss Fari, what are you doing to my Wanda?"

"Your Wanda? You thief, you stole Wanda, I want to call you!"

"When will I steal your Wanda?"

"Isn't it enough to prove it?" Fally pointed at Wanda.

"I have his pet card. Can you show me your Wanda pet card?"

"I ... I thought Wanda was dead, so I signed off."

"Why do you think your Wanda is dead?"

"It has cancer, and my colleague said that he has been euthanized."

"Look ... does it look like it has cancer?"

"You are the doctor !? You cured Wanda?"

"Leonardo, do you believe what she said? Do you think I can cure a dog's cancer?" Chen Yan now died without confessing.

"I don't care how you cured Wanda, but it still knows me, and you all see it, it knows me."

"Wanda, do you recognize Leonardo?"

Wanda trot again to Leonardo and licked Leonardo's palm.

"You see, it's so enthusiastic to anyone."

"No, it's different. It looks different to me."

"Please, Miss Fally, if you can't produce evidence that I stole your dog, then please leave my house. I don't welcome a crazy woman who accuses me of stealing a dog."

"Why did you name it Wanda? Or was it originally called it?"

"Um ... Leonardo, can't I name my dog?"

"Of course, ma'am, if you're fine, please leave here," Leonard said badly.

"I won't go unless Wanda goes with me."

"If you make such an unreasonable trouble again, then I can only take you to the police station." In Leonardo's view, Fari is making an unreasonable trouble.

He was more willing to believe Chen Yan's words. After all, Fali himself said that her dog had cancer and then she had been euthanized.

And Chen Yan's dog is just because her name is the same as her dog, which is not evidence.


"Are you ... are you Glenn in the Crime Unit?" Leonardo noticed that Gelin was also here.

"You are not needed here, Chen and I will solve the problem."

"Okay, Chen, I'll go first."

Chen Ye didn't understand what Ge Lin was going to do.

"Chen, and this Miss Fally, I don't know if it's Wanda you said, but it looks like you, so I think it can let it make choices, choose you, or him."

"Ge Lin, is this necessary?" Chen Yan looked at Ge Lin with a smirk.

"This is respect for everyone present, what do you say, Chen?"

"Well, let it choose."

"You stand there with her, Wanda, come here."

Wanda ran to Ge Lin, and Ge Lin leaned down and touched Wanda's head.

"Wanda, are you willing to follow Chen? Or Fali, you make your own choice." Ge Lin pointed to Chen Kun and Fali standing side by side.

Wanda tilted her head and looked at Chen Ye and Fali, who didn't quite understand Ge Lin's words.

"Wanda, do you choose me or she?" Chen Yan asked again.

"Wanda, you remember me, let's fight together." Fari looked at Wanda anxiously.

Wanda sat beside Ge Lin, and no one had a choice.

"It doesn't seem to make a choice," Chen said. "But I believe that it prefers to be with my master instead of this strange woman."

"It didn't make a choice. Why would you say it prefers to be with you?" Fari retorted indifferently.

"Here is his home. He has his friends here."

Chen Kun called out, "Beseb, Carrie."

Besseb and Carrie ran out, and Wanda immediately stepped forward and had a fight with them.

"You see, I really can't find the reason why it left me and my companion." Chen Yan said with a grand face.

Fally was furious: "I think someone can prove it is Wanda."

Fali called Robbio's phone and pressed the speakerphone: "Robio, I'm in Chen's house now, come here."

Chen Xuan's mind was a little stunned, Fari was going to dig a hole for Robbio.

"Chen? Which Chen?" Robio questioned.

The stone on Chen Yun's heart suddenly landed. Fortunately, Robbio was not stupid, and the reaction was really fast.

"Do you still want to lie to me? Wanda wasn't dead. You didn't kill Wanda. You gave Wanda to Chen, didn't you?"

"Fari, Wanda is dead, why are you still not willing to accept this fact? It is dead, it has cancer, and it is impossible to get better."

"Robbio!" Fari snarled and grinned. "If you cheat me again, then we will have no friendship."

"Fari, sorry, Wanda is dead. If you blame me for killing Wanda, I accept, but please also accept the fact that it has died." Robbio's answer was extremely calm.

"I don't believe it, I don't accept it!"

"It's true whether you're willing to accept it."

Kenan patted Fari's shoulder: "Fari, let's go."

Although Kenan is more willing to support Fali, intellectually, he still believes in Chen Yi's side.

After all, a dog of the same name is not unusual.

Moreover, he felt that Wanda in Fali's mouth was indeed dead.

It's just that Fali is unwilling to accept the reality, so she insists that Chen Yan's dog is her Wanda.

"I'll find the evidence!" Fari gritted her teeth and stared at Chen Yan. "I will expose your true colors and let everyone know that you are a shameless thief."

"It's best not to harass me until you find evidence, otherwise I'll call the police."

Chen Shu closed the door, but there was a coolness behind him.

He was confident he could fool the world, but he couldn't fool Ge Lin.

"Can you explain what is going on?"