Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 849: Why do n’t you just listen to advice (

(Wrong in front, outdoor swimming for triathlon is .5 kilometers, not 5 kilometers)

Yamila has already seen that Chen Yan is really capable.

At least he was really strong in swimming.

Even if Yamila is no longer willing to admit it, she has to accept this fact.

After all, able to defeat two national team players.

And Chen Ye is not a professional athlete yet, he is just an amateur coach.

But he actually killed two professional athletes, and was still in two different swimming events.

But at this time, she also saw that Chen Yun's physical strength had begun to be consumed.

Then at this time, working with him is the best choice.

The first aspect, whether it is 50 meters or 200 meters freestyle, requires explosive power.

After explosive power, physical energy will inevitably drop significantly.

So he may not have the physical ability to swim .5 kilometers in the triathlon.

In addition, even if the triathlon loses, Chen Yi's physical fitness will be reduced to the limit.

In the next game, Chen Yi will have no physical strength to fight again.

This is also the abacus made by Yamila.

Chen Yan glanced at the other one, named Kunk.

"I'll let you three hundred meters."

Kunke looked at Chen Yan calmly: "Thank you then."

After the start of the race, Chen Zhen really let Kunk 300 meters, which is six laps, before launching.

Yamiela felt that Chen Yan was probably trying to restore as much physical energy as possible, so he deliberately allowed 300 meters.

This time, Chen Rong did not surpass Kunke with super speed, but accelerated with uniform speed.

It took 20 laps, that is, a distance of one kilometer, before Chen Kun surpassed Kunke, and Chen Xu kept the advantage of 50 meters. .

The 5km race is really too long.

It took Chen Min 16 minutes to play the whole journey.

Chen Yan once again climbed ashore with the smile of the winner.

However, Evelyn's eyes were a little different.

It was because Chen Kun had let Kunke a distance of 300 meters.

Coupled with the leading twenty seconds, it was close to three minutes.

If these three minutes are deducted, Chen Kun is equivalent to breaking another world record.

At this time, even the dullest person felt that Chen Yan's strength was not trivial.

Not only in terms of speed, but also in physical fitness, Chen Wei is also monster-level.

After comparing three completely different projects one after the other, Chen Yong has won with absolute advantage.

This is enough to illustrate the problem.

At this time, the national team coach no longer talks about who kicks out of the national team.

Because if he persists in this idea, today the national team men's team will be directly disbanded.

Only Eve Lei knew at the scene that Chen Yi's physical fitness was much more than that.

Chen Yan glanced at Ymira provocatively.

"The warm-up is over, who is going to die now?"

All members of the national team looked at Chen Yan with angry eyes.

"I come!"

One hundred meters breaststroke player Cooper came out.

"Come on, he may only be good at freestyle. Use breaststroke to tell him your strength." The coach patted Cooper's shoulder.

In less than a minute, Cooper failed.

At this time, the hearts of all the male players of the entire national team were all cast a shadow.

"Next, come."

The coach glanced at his team members, all eyes were dodging.

"Wayne, come on."

Wien is a men's 800-meter freestyle swimmer.

To defeat this monster, only the energy consumption method is used.

Start with items that consume a lot of energy.

Continue until the end, and then send the strongest.

But Wien's result also ended in a disastrous defeat.

Armilla was already standing still.

At this moment she has more money than anyone.

Lost another million dollars.

Who will defeat this monster?

Next was the men's 400m medley, which failed again.

Everyone is desperate, no one can beat him!

"Who, you haven't boarded yet, what are you swimming for?"

Now Chen Ye called directly.

"Four hundred meters freestyle," Peterman replied.

"This farce is so far, no comparison." The coach finally could not bear it.

He felt that Amira was completely pitting him.

Chen Yan has destroyed the confidence of all the men in the swimming team.

Now all men are exhausted physically and mentally.

Even people who haven't played yet can no longer fight.

If you continue to compare, even if the national team does not dissolve, they can not recover in a short time.

Everyone had been bruised all over, only the man, and he was still there in a light and light look.

"Coach Rodman, don't compare anymore. He is an individual capable monster. Don't try to compare him with any sports. He used the same method to destroy all the students who specialize in sports in our school, from high jump to long jump. From track and field to swimming, no one can beat him, even a professional player is not his opponent. "Yvlei said.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Evré.

"He won't be tired?"

"All his so-called tiredness is disguised, and he likes to tease others in this way, making others feel that he is tired. He used to travel twenty or thirty kilometers across the sea." Evelyn knew Chen Chen so much. Already.

This shameless **** always uses this method to give hope and then to despair.

"I don't believe he is good at any sport. He can't even fight."

"I don't know his strength in other fighting events, but he once broke a boxer's arm and that boxer has since retired, so you can play with him normally, don't try to anger him."


The eyes of everyone looking at Chen Yan were unnatural. Chen Yan was still leaning his legs and eating apples.

"You are better than me. I have eaten three apples."

Yamila gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Yan: "You play me, you lied to my money."

Chen Zheng raised his finger and swayed: "I have never deceived you. The competition was proposed by you. I have never forced you. The notarization was also proposed by you. By the way, how many games did I win? Count it, the 50-meter freestyle, the 100-meter freestyle, the 200-meter freestyle ... "

Chen Yun pointed with his fingers, and looked at Yamila: "It seems that there are only nine, thank you for your patronage, a total of nine million dollars."

Amira felt dizzy.

She paid nine million dollars, but she was not reconciled.

And in such a shameful way, he lost nine million dollars.

"I'm so happy today. When I meet a fool, I have to give me nine million US dollars in vain." Chen Yan looked at Coach Rodman: "Sir, isn't your competitor really worth it? Or should we discuss it, I will give you half a million dollars for each round and I will use it as compensation. "

Yamila was about to suffocate. How could there be such a shameless person?