Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 907: Unrivaled (fifth more, monthly pass)

"These faceless monsters have killed a lot of people. Let's hurry to support them. Otherwise, our logistics will be dead."

"Don't you want to see my undead magic?" Helice said.

Everyone's footsteps looked at Helice.

Hailis looked at the surveillance picture on the wall and reached out to start casting on the screen.

The crowd felt that the powerful magic of Halith was being released.

On the screen, those logistics members who had already died actually stood up again.

Immediately began to attack those faceless monsters.

Eric's eyes flashed: "Let your magic work."

"You better not touch me," said Halis.

"Uh ..." Eric's hand paused in the air, awkwardly.

"Halis, Eric is also for the sake of the team. It's not necessary to be stingy," Paine said.

"Undead magic is taboo magic, do you know why it is taboo magic?"


"Because the living beings cannot be released, if there is no special bloodline, they will die as long as they are exposed to the magic of the undead." Helice said coldly, "The breath of death is not something everyone can bear."

"Then I won't lend it." Eric drew back his palm.

"Eric, should I lend you my magic?" Hans Artair said.

Eric hasn't decided yet, whose magic to borrow.

But at this time, the situation at the doorway changed rapidly under monitoring.

A huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the grass in front of the door.

"What it is?"

The shadow was fast and rushed directly into the battlefield.

Under the light of the base entrance, everyone saw the creature clearly.

It was a giant creature like a woman, naked.

No nose, no eyes, no ears, only one mouth.

The body is swollen and there are three pairs on the chest *****.

Bloated limbs, but very agile.

"What the **** is this?"

Except they saw that it was a female creature, they had no idea what it was.

Just then, a green liquid spewed out of the female creature's mouth.

Whether it was its men, the resurrected corpses, or the logistics staff who were stubbornly resisting the invaders, they were all contaminated with green liquid.

All individuals contaminated with green liquid are mutated, including its subordinates.

After it had been contaminated with a green liquid, it suddenly mutated.

The trench coats on them began to tear, and then turned into furry monsters, which also had only one mouth and no other facial organs.

The resurrected corpses turned into creepers, with one more tail, and the head split open, like a mouth.

They may not be the most powerful, but their appearance is the most terrifying.

They are like the ghouls in the movie, with limbs supporting the body like table feet and starting to crawl around.

And those former logisticians, who became contaminated with green liquid, turned into new faceless monsters.

Kua Kua

The giant mother screamed, and all the monsters, creepers and faceless monsters poured into the channel of the base.

Everyone's face became very ugly.

"Osolisa, call for support."

"I've called for support, but I don't think it's hopeful."

Osorisa's voice came from the headset.

"You want to give up on us?" Paine's face became very ugly.

"I'm also in the base, do you think I would not call support? Or do you think I'm not afraid of death?"

"So why?"

"Who do you think can support us?" Osorissa asked, "unless it is the army using weapons of mass destruction, but it is too close to the city of Los Angeles, and there are a lot of weapons hidden in the deepest part of the base. So it is absolutely impossible to use weapons of mass destruction. "

Osorisa paused and said, "The other is the Counter-Terrorism Operations Department. The Counter-Terrorism Operations Department does not have the ability to deal with such monsters. The original formation of you was to allow you to deal with such monsters."

"So ... what shall we do?"

"Fight," Osorissa said. "Also, if members of the Occult Society are willing to help, maybe we still have life."


There was a loud roar outside the conference room.

Those monsters have been killed here.


"Secretary, these monsters are very dangerous and can infect ordinary people into faceless monsters." Osorisa communicated with Leon.

"Then organize a super anti-terrorist group to annihilate these monsters," Leon said.

"Secretary, I'm afraid they can't do it, they can't protect themselves now," Osorissa said. "And if these monsters are allowed to access the arsenal hidden at the bottom of the base, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Leon's face suddenly became extremely ugly: "Then I ... I organized manpower to annihilate."

"Minister, if you are sending a special counter-terrorism force, forget it. Once they come into contact with the mutant venom released by that mother, they will become companions of the monster, and according to the preliminary assessment, even the rocket launcher will not attack the mother. No injuries, unless it is the use of larger-scale weapons of destruction, otherwise it will be very difficult to cause damage to the mother body, and the counter-terrorism special forces cannot fight such monsters. "

"That is to say, you can't deal with this monster at all?"

"Yes ... the Paranormal Society!" Osorisa.

"They? Those traitors, do you think I will ask for them?" Leon shouted, "I will never bow to that Chinese, never!"

"All right," Osorissa said helplessly.

She is also trapped inside the base, and the Paranormal Society is her last hope.

Leon roared for a while and finally calmed down.

"How's it going?"

"Very bad, half of the logistics staff in the base have been transformed into monsters by that mother."

"Does our newly formed team have no chance of winning?"

"I hope they win too, but things don't look good."

Leon's eyes flickered: "Can the base be closed?"

"It cannot be closed. The entrance to the base was completely destroyed, and it was destroyed in a closed situation. This monster's lethality is too powerful."

"Osolisa, what should I do? Do you really want me to ask that **** Chinese?"

"You are the minister, you have the final say."

Leon heard it, and Osorissa's tone was a little bit resentful.

After all, they are treated as abandoned, abandoned in the base, and no one will be happy.

"I think of a way ... maybe West will cooperate with me."