Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 930: Distance (eighth, ask for monthly pass)

Chen Ye was a trash can, and James was there to talk about his trash mood.

Chen Ye found that it seemed like he knew each other, and Steven seemed to do the same.

"Chen, sorry, bother you for so long."

Chen Yan smiled and shook his head: "It's okay. If you're upset, go sit with me and drink with me."

"I'll go back first, and I'll visit you when I'm busy with this."

Chen Huan and James hugged: "Don't think so much, relax."

Watching James leave, Chen Yan received a call from his mother.

"Chen Yun, do you have time? Come and sit at home."

Chen Yun estimated that her mother wanted little Ge Lin.

Although Chen Ye and his mother are relatively distant.

However, Chen Ye did not object to her mother's contact with Xiao Gelin.

No matter what their relationship is, his mother is always Granny Little.

And one more person loves Xiao Gelin, Chen Ye thinks this is something to be happy.

"Mom, then I'll take Xiao Gelin over tomorrow."

"Okay." Mom answered almost instantly.

The next day, Chen Yun took Xiao Gelin to her mother's house.

Yura heard that Chen Ye and Xiao Gelin were coming and waited at the door.

When he saw Chen Ye and Xiao Gelin's car coming, he immediately stepped forward to hug Xiao Gelin.

Little Gelin still remembers Yura, and when she got into her arms, she took a sip on her face.

"Brother, look, Little Green also recognizes me."

Chen Ye took out a red envelope: "This is for you."

Yura thought it was money. When her mother used to celebrate the New Year, she would give her a red envelope.

Yura poured out a look and was a gold coin wearing a red rope.

"Brother, what does this do?"

"It's safe." Chen Yan said.

"Where's mom?"

"In the living room." Yura took Chen Ye to the living room.

Chen Ye discovered that Chen Ke was also there.

But the two just nodded.

"Yura, give me Xiaogelin." My mother couldn't wait to **** Xiaogelin.

"Chen Yun, what can Xiao Gelin eat now?"

"She now eats some soft foods in addition to milk powder," Chen said.

"How old is she, and you give her soft food?"

"In two months, I plan to wean her," Chen said. "So let her touch other foods now, otherwise we won't be able to wean."

"Weaning is very painful, for both adults and children. Otherwise, I'll help Xiao Gelin wean, I have experience." My mother looked at Chen Yan expectantly: "Fali is also holding a big belly now, which will affect her."

Chen Yan shook his head: "It's not necessary anymore, I still want to wean Xiao Gelin myself."

Weaning a child is also an experience for Chen Yi, an experience that cannot be missed.

Weaning a child also marks a growth stage for the child.

Generally, a child is weaned at about one year old. At this time, the child's digestive ability in the stomach has improved, and it can digest some more complex foods.

However Chen Chen observed Xiao Gelin, including her sister-in-law.

Some faster-growing children can be weaned earlier.

After weaning, children can get more comprehensive nutrition through the food they eat.

Disappointment was evident on mom's face.

Of course, the child is Chen Ye's, and the decision-making power is also in Chen Ye's hands.

She is also a mother herself, and she can understand Chen Yi's ideas.

She and Chen Yong have always been respectful and respectful.

Although the term respectful as Bin is used to describe couples.

But in fact, their relationship is like this, respect each other, and not interfere too much in each other's lives.

"By the way, Chen Ye, this is my red envelope for Xiao Gelin."

Chen Yan took the red envelope and opened it up to see that it was a contract for share transfer.

Chen Ye only glanced a few times, then frowned slightly: "Mom, take this back."

"Chen Yun, this is for Xiao Gelin."

"Now it's not the Spring Festival and it's not Xiao Gelin's birthday." Chen Yan's attitude was firm.

Mother's face suddenly became ugly, and Chen Zheng said, "This share belongs to Yura. Xiao Gelin is not qualified to own this share."

"Brother, can I give it to Xiao Gelin, too?"

"No," Chen Xie vetoed on the spot.

Mom soon recovered calmly: "Well, I didn't think about it."

"By the way, Chen Ye, I heard that you have a lot of connections in Hollywood, and your cousin is also an actor, if there is a way, help Chen Ke introduce some departments." Mother changed the topic on her own initiative.

"Actually I don't have any connections, just to be a director's health consultant."

Mother didn't know, because what she knew was what Chen Ke told her.

But Chen Ke didn't really believe what Chen Ye said.

Chen Ye has a relationship with Steven and James, she has seen.

How Chen Chen made a mess in James's set, James was indulgent.

In addition, plm's chairman and Steven are also vying to be the godfather of Ge Lin.

This is obviously not as simple as the so-called recognition.

"Auntie, don't embarrass your cousin."

Chen Ye is unwilling to help, and of course she won't warm her face to her cold butt.

Chen Ye and his mother can be said to be very clear-cut, and Chen Ke faded into the clear water.

If he met on the road, he would not necessarily say hello to Chen Ke.

"Well, Xiao Gelin's Chinese name, do you think about it? I have a few alternative names. Would you like to refer to them?" Mom asked.

"Xiao Gelin's Chinese name, I plan to take it when she turns one year old."

"Oh, that's fine."

In some families, children will be given a small name first, and then they will be given a big name when they reach the age of one.

The Chen family also has this custom. Chen Ye feels that Xiao Gelin is still a small name, and the big name is not taken until the age of one.

Mother was also helpless about this, Chen Ye separated all the growth of Xiao Gelin from her grandma.

However, there was nothing to do about it, Chen Yan's relationship with her was already very weak.

Their relationship has always been that way, more intimate than strangers.

"How are you planning to spend Christmas with Fari?" Mom asked again.

"Not ready yet."

My mother wanted to invite the Chen family to come and spend Christmas together.

However, Chen Ye rejected her several times before, so her mother felt that it was unlikely that Chen Ye would be invited.

In fact, Chen Yun planned to have a party on Christmas Eve and invite friends in Los Angeles to party.

Christmas is their two-person world, and some shows are scheduled.

As for the pets at home, except for Xue Xue, which is a pure wild animal, all other animals contain demon blood.

What interest could they have for Christmas?

Without trouble at Christmas, it's worthy of Chen Yi.

"By the way, Mom, this is the wine I brought. Ferry and I made it myself." Chen Yan took out his gift.

"Anonymous wine? This is you and Fari?" Mom saw the bottle and recognized the origin as soon as possible.

"Auntie, is this wine famous?"