Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 945: Sit on the ground (first, ask for a mont

"Hi, Mr. Chen." Paul took the lead to embrace Chen Yan. "It's great to see you're fine. I made a big mistake that day."

Chen Xipi smiled and didn't laugh, just kidding, would you give me a parachute bag that can't be opened, do you want to smile at you hippie?

Chen Ye couldn't do this anyway, at least Chen Ye couldn't determine whether the other party was malicious.

In comparison, Chen Yun looks forward to embracing Sonamfield.

"Paul, don't you tell me about this lady."

"This is my lieutenant, Demi Sonnfeld."

Chen Kun stepped forward and shook hands, but Demi refused directly.

When she picked up her father that day, she kept asking her father what was going on with Chen Ye and him.

But her father never told him that she always believed that Chen Kun was bullying his father.

Chen Zheng retracted his hand a bit awkwardly and looked at Paul: "Paul, I want to know"

Paul glanced at Demi and said, "Let's go to the camp."

Entering the camp, there were several people in the camp, all of whom were soldiers.

"Mr. Chen, I received a message from a superior earlier that an expert would come today. I didn't expect you to be an expert."

"Let's just make a long story short, I want to know what's going on here."

Paul felt the gap between Chen Kun and him.

This is understandable, after all, he almost killed him that day.

"On the west side of the camp, about one kilometer, we found an underground building complex with a very large area, and then we sent two groups of exploration teams into it, especially the second team, fully armed, Equipped with the most advanced war weapons, but in the end only one person came out alive, but he was also seriously injured and died shortly after. "

"So have you confirmed what creatures are there?"

"No, we didn't find any creatures."

"So what do you know about the situation inside?"


"Then what is the purpose of your military to explore this underground complex?"

"No." Paul gave another negative answer.

Chen Yan sneered in his heart. If he had no purpose, he would explore the underground buildings. Are you stupid?

"Then you call me, what problem do you want me to help you with?"

"The problem we want Mr. Chen to help us with is how to get our people in and then out."

"Sir, I think this is a waste of time, and he can't solve anything at all." Demi said dissatisfied.

Everyone in the camp looked at Chen Ye, who was leaning on one leg.

"I don't care how you think about me. The purpose of my visit will not change. I can explore the underground buildings for you, but you need to pay enough."

"What's the cost?" Paul frowned.

He didn't know how his superiors were looking for Chen Ye, nor did he know how Chen Ye cooperated with the above.

"You guys gave me half a million dollars a day, let me be a consultant, of course, only one day." Chen Yan said.

Everyone took a breath, half a million dollars a day?

Is this an expert or a star?

"My team and I specialize in dealing with some extraordinary creatures, so in this regard, we are more professional than your military."

"Mr. Chen, have you met such an extraordinary creature?"

Chen Huan took out his cell phone, opened the photo and showed it to Paul.

In the picture, the mother was not completely detached from human form when she mutated to the second stage, and she was drilling out of the skin.

Chen Yun took a picture with her hand on her mother's body.

"This is an extraordinary creature solved by our team." Chen Yan said, "Can this prove it?"

Paul glanced at it, then gave a few glances to several others.

In the end, Demi's face showed disdain: "This is a fake, obviously a Hollywood model prop, or the photo itself is ps."

With just one photo, it is indeed difficult to make people believe that this is true or false.

"If it is true, why is there no video?" Demi asked.

"To anyone who is hostile to me, whatever evidence I take will be taken as a fake, and if you make a video, you will also say that it was made by computer special effects." Chen Yan said calmly.

Paul could see that Chen Ye and Demi had holidays, otherwise Demi wouldn't be so targeted.

"If I asked your team to grab a living creature in this underground complex, how much would it cost?"

"Two million dollars."

"What payment methods do you accept?"

"Cash ... yes, it's two million dollars after tax."

"Yes, when will your team arrive?"

"You don't need a team," Chen said. "Take me to the entrance."

"Mr. Chen, this is not a joke," Paul said solemnly. "Two groups before and after us died in it."

"I'm not kidding," Chen said. "You just have to prepare me two million dollars."

"Sir, why stop him if he wants to die."

Paul stared at Chen Yan with a blinking gaze: "Mr. Chen, are you serious?"

"I don't think it will be more difficult to survive without a parachute at 10,000 meters."

Everyone couldn't help but look at Chen Yi, who survived at 10,000 meters without a parachute?

Is it really possible?

Of course, it is not completely impossible.

If there is a net large enough to continuously spread the impact of the fall, then it can survive.

Someone once challenged 7600 meters to fall without a parachute, and finally landed on a net to survive. (This is a real case, you can find this video if you are interested)

"Well, now that Mr. Chen feels he can do it, I accept the offer." Paul said, "Mr. Chen, what equipment do you need?"

"A net."

Soon, Paul prepared a trip for Chen Ye and packed it in a backpack and handed it to Chen Ye.

Chen Yan looked at the entrance of the deep tunnel, and a gust of wind blew from it.

Even if he just stood at the entrance, the soldiers around Paul were all on guard, and the muzzle kept pointing at the darkness of the entrance, it seemed to be afraid of what kind of monsters would rush out of the passage.

"Mr. Chen, are you sure you want to go in alone? And only bring a net."

Just then, a roar like a beast came from inside, but when it came outside, it turned into a whistling sound.

Everyone's face changed, and Paul said, "Mr. Chen, the contents often make this kind of sound."

Chen Xuan looked in the darkness, and there was a shadow of a beast faintly passing by, but because he was too far away, Chen Xuan did not see clearly.

"Well, I'm leaving."