Descent of the Phoenix

v1 Chapter 1081: The world is chaos 9

However, there is really no way to take you all the way. You also know that the Royal Blood Guard is only a royal.

Oh, I don’t know when it’s time, your Haotianmei house, family and friends, gold and silver jewelry...”

"His Royal Highness, I am a sacred man of the snow, and I am afraid of the people. How is the island?" The words of the hoof of the horse have not been finished yet, and immediately there is a military commander rushing up.

"Yes, fight, I am not afraid of anyone in the Snow Country."

"Play, surrender, hey, my snow country will never surrender..."

For a time, the whole time was still silent, but now it is passionate and high-spirited. Only the group of ministers who rushed to the battlefield now boiled.

Looking at the impassioned ministers in front of him, Yun Zhao’s eyes were flashed and sharp.

One of the golden armrests of the slap, the call of the cloud called: "Well, since you all opened your mouth, then whoever dares to drag the back of my snow country, then don't blame this prince."

"Yes." Neat and uniform, with a boundless decision.

The summer wind curtain roll, the climate at this time is already in the midsummer.

Numerous messages come from all directions, or go in all directions.

The world is beginning to boil.

However, in this countless news, a message was sent from Tiansheng Palace to Tianchen.

“Looking for Tianchen Wang Xuan’s where Ling Ling’s name is, to determine the true and false.”

Hot air, this summer has never been hot.

The island of the island sent troops to the Central Plains, and the alliance with the post-gold, while attacking the proud cloud and snow saint.

And the proud cloud and the snow sacred blood as the alliance, the Temple of Heaven rituals, sent troops to confront, not you die or I die, never give in to the underworld.

Millions of soldiers and horses sharpen their swords.

The iron hoof is vertical and horizontal.

Central Plains, the chaos.