Descent of the Phoenix

v1 Chapter 1563: Fire in the East China Sea 9

I have seen the greatness of Haoyue in the morning, and I have already practiced the attitude of being unsettled.

At this point, I suddenly saw such an incredible offensive, and immediately recovered after a trip.

Directly stretched over Philip, he quickly stepped down the main battleship of Xuanyuan Che and Haoyue and walked toward other warships.

Begin to command the following strategy.

With his hands behind his back, Xuanyuan was staring at the flames in front of him, turning his head and looking at Haoyue, and gently shook his head: "I didn't expect it to be like this."

Hao Yue explained to him that this crude oil is an oil.

The oil is insoluble in water and can still be burned in water, he knows.

So he agrees with this strategy.

I just didn't think that it was so powerful.

Looking at the fire dragon that took off on the sea, it was Xuanyuan Che not blind.

Listening to Xuanyuan Che’s words in his ears, Hao Yue slowly turned his head.

"I never beat the unsure." The voice is very light, very slow, but the confidence and calmness, despising everything.

Yes, she doesn't fight the unsure.

I don’t know what war I will lose. What else is good to fight.

What she wants to play is sure to win.

After returning to Xuanyuan Che, he once again locked his eyes to the burning dragon.

Through the flame, look at the chaos and defeat of the other side of the island.

Yes, she has never played a naval battle.

But what about that?

Didn't play, it doesn't mean you won't fight.

Absolute power can break all the tricks.

She has always believed in this truth.

The dragon on the sea took off and stretched its posture.

At sea, the power of the bomb does not work.

Then she will burn.

You can't kill you, I burn you.

Looking at the redness in the eyes of Haoyue, Xuanyuan’s mouth slowly outlined.

In this world, you can be contemptuous, but you must not despise Haoyue.

Otherwise, the consequences of contempt will be very heavy.

Turning to look at the fire wall that was soaring in front of him, the autumn wind blew, and the fire was even stronger.

After the fire wall, the screams of the Battleship and the Terracotta Warriors and the screams of the screams, the more faint and dense.

Autumn wind, flame, scream, collision.