Descent of the Phoenix

v1 Chapter 284: An eye for an eye 2

Knife light sword dance, a mess.

"Dare to assassinate the king, kill it." Standing up, after the gold king's face smothered, he glanced at the chaotic situation in the hall and shouted loudly.

"Wang Shang, here is handed over to us, you should first rest with the Hummer to the back hall." The seven-dollar master is on the side of the assassin who is not weak on the martial arts, and does not return to the road.

"Exactly, the father, let us go to the back hall first."

When Taizi Chenfei heard the words, he quickly nodded and turned his head to his father.

While guarding his six lords, he will go in the direction of the moon and the king.

On the high platform where the red silk is spread, only the two people standing in the moon and the post-Golden kingdom, one red and one golden, in this murderous atmosphere, quite a bit overlooking everything.

The front guards in front of them were surrounded by a lap of murder.

After the gold king of the country chilled, the eyebrows are all majestic.

The moon next to him is outlined at the corner of his mouth, with a smile on his face, a dazzling smile that is almost scary.

Under such circumstances, Haoyue is laughing?

When did you have such a bright smile? This person is almost not very funny?

Chen Fei, who turned his head and saw the look of Haoyue, suddenly chilled. The smile of Haoyue was beautiful, and he almost spent his eyes.

An iceberg, suddenly bright spring, this feeling should be **** good.

But looking at his eyes, it made him suddenly creepy.

I don’t know why, I just feel bad, this laugh...

"Hey, I am still doing what I am doing, and I am not going to go." Chen Fei’s heart was a little panic, and despite the numerous assassins around him, he wanted to rush to the moon.

"Heyue month, with the king..." After the gold king did not see the smile of Haoyue, at this time, he turned his head and looked at Haoyue. Then he said half of it, and suddenly he sighed and looked at the moon...

"Ten Chen sent the king of the country a journey." The corner of the mouth slightly outlined, Haoyue on the eyes of the king after the gold, the smile of the country.

But the depths of the eyebrows are snow and ice.