Descent of the Phoenix

v1 Chapter 295: An eye for an eye 13

I didn't think that he was fast, the moon was faster, and Yun Zhao was rushed to the cliff. Haoyue had already fit and rushed down the cliff. The bottom of the reef was standing, the water flow was very urgent, Haoyue...

"琉月..." The eyes were suddenly blood red, and the cloud called for a step to jump off the horse. A big rush rushed to the edge of the cliff. As soon as I looked down, the anxious face suddenly changed.

The figure is empty and the speed is down.

Under her body, a large ship galloped from the upper reaches, one person stood proud of the bow, and the river wind blew up the dark red cloak, which was extremely cold and murderous.

With both hands up, the figure flies.

The two phases are in a wrong position. The man standing at the bow of the boat hugs the moon that jumped from the cliff. The hull has not made any stops, and it flies away. Everything is seamless.

The hair is flying, the black hair is fascinating, and it is scattered on the body of Haoyue, snuggling in the man's arms.

Beauty is like a month, a woman, a month is a woman.

Yun Zhao suddenly shocked, shocked to see the boat flying down.

The bow, the dark red man slowly looked up at him, his eyes hidden dark red, cold but proud.

That eye, that eye, Yun Zhan's grip on the hand, that eye he knows, he has seen those eyes, the demon charm is proud of all eyes.

Tianchen Wing King, Xuanyuan Che.

The boat traveled like a fly, and instantly slipped across the water and went away.

There is no trace.

It is him, actually he, Xuanyuan Che, who is the moon? Who is the woman who can be so close to Xuanyuan and who is so capable?

Yun Zhao slowly raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

Tianchen Wing Wang Hao, Murong Yuyue, the character who shocked the seven countries three years ago, Haoyue, Murong Yuyue, she never disguised her, but more and more did not cover up, more and more people will be her.

The lips floated a bitter smile, Murong Yuyue, Murong Yuyue, it turned out to be her.

The horseshoe slammed behind him and came towards him.

Snow Holy Prince, He Lianyun called, he thought that he had passed through everyone, but he thought that he had never passed through Haoyue, and at the end he planted such a big one in her hand.

He smiled and shook his head. He didn't forget. Three years ago, Xuanyuan Che was seriously injured. He also had a copy of his Snow Saint. This month has been quiet, but it will retaliate with him here.

After the murder, the gold lord, such a hatred of perfect hatred gave him the snow holy country.

This is going to change his head.

The spring curtains, this spring is really **** good.