Descent of the Phoenix

v1 Chapter 382: Octagon gathering 1

Tianchen Guodu, happy up and down.

The main hall of the Tianchen Palace, Wenwu Baiguan early morning.

"The king of the king, the east road has not been repaired, the snow prince and his son and his party are still stuck in the 30 miles outside the city, it is estimated that they can not enter the capital in the near future." The right phase wrinkled and frowned.

Xuanyuan easily listened to the words: "How have you not repaired yet?"

A month ago, the martyrdom was broken inexplicably, and the road blocking He Lianyun’s call was not allowed to enter Beijing. The Ministry of Industry has already sent people to quickly rest. How have you not repaired it in a month?

"Fixed and damaged, repaired and damaged, Weichen suspected that someone is blaming it." The Ministry of Industry's book brows are also wrinkled tightly, step forward.

Xuanyuan Yi is not a fool. After a period of repairing for a month, it is still not good. Some people will deliberately mess in the middle, but dare to make a living on this age...

Looking down at the face with a serious face, the person who can do this under their eyes is estimated to have no one but him.

At the moment, Xuanyuan Yi sinks a bit and waved: "Continue to repair."

"Yes." The Shangshang Shangshu saw Xuan Yiyi throwing these three words into consideration when he was half-sounding. He did not dare to say more, and immediately went on.

"Wang Shang, Wei Chen has checked the recent good days, the eighth day of next month, is a good day, is suitable for big marriage..."

"Who told you that the king wants to get married." The voice of the book of the rites of the rites has not yet fallen, and the distant people rushed into the air, and the people who shook the earthquake shook.

At the same time, sings and sounds rang in the distance.

"Wings are coming."

Xuanyuan, who was sitting on the dragon chair, straightened up and stood up. His face was full of excitement. His son came back. Xuanyuan Che, who had not known for three years, came back.

Accompanied by the sound of the publicity, Xuanyuan Che slid into the wind, his face was cold.

"Emperor, you are finally back." Xuanyuan Yi Daxi, stepping down the high platform, regardless of Wenwu Baiguan presence, stretched his arms and hugged Xuanyuan Che, full of excitement and joy.