Descent of the Phoenix

v1 Chapter 747: Love word victim 7

"No problem, Ouyang is flying this person to do things, the ability is absolutely first-class." Hao Yue smiled.

Ouyang Yufei, although it is a person from the island, but this person can do things with confidence, and the time difference between them will naturally be well grasped.

Xuanyuan Che listened to the moon and said that the eyebrows suddenly moved, and slowly turned to look at Haoyue. The time and place and the characters in these two days were not allowed to ask questions that had long been entangled in my heart. Today’s words say this. Instead, he reminded him.

"Is there something?" Looking at Xuanyuan Che turned to look at her, Haoyue could not help but slightly converge on the smile on his face, looking at Xuanyuan.

Nodded, Xuanyuan Che also simply: "Month, I ask you, what happened in the mountain belly? Why is your attitude very different?"

Haoyue listened to Xuanyuan and smiled. He reached out and took Xuanyuan's hand and smiled. "Nothing, but you have to listen, I also told you..."

The mountain winds are flying, and the soft voice is spreading.

In front of the foot of the mountain, Yun Zhao looked at the last carriage has come out, the wealth of the Southern Song Dynasty for more than four hundred years, has been completely carried by them, the corner of his mouth could not help but reveal a smile.

Laughter, turned to look at the lonely night sitting around, a cold, a pure, but not the same person who followed his Qiu Yi family.

At the moment, Yun called the previous step to look at the solitary night and slowly said: "I didn't talk much when I was not good at the day. I am asking you once today. Do you really want to give this wealth to the kid?"

You have to know that the consequences may not be what you and I mean. The ones behind them are not the gold, it is our enemy. ”

The solitary night listened to the words and looked up at the cloud of the face, slowly saying: "Not them."

"Not them? Do you know who is behind him?" Yun Zhao grabbed the meaning revealed in the solitary night, and his eyebrows sighed.

A slight silence, Solitary Night did not answer the question of Yun Zhao, only a cold way: "She has no threat to you, you can rest assured."