Descent of the Phoenix

v1 Chapter 789: Three Kings Heshou 11

Looking at the little flame, in this fierce violent, the whole wraps the captured military commander, the blue guard, burning.

"Ah..." The generals suddenly screamed and fell heavily on the ground. The whole body was on fire and violently burned.

Xuanyuan's eyes are instantly sharp.

Murong invincible and the autumn scare Yanhu station recently, at first glance, immediately did not take a lot of words, Qi Qi a palm will sweep toward the fire of the generals.

When the palm of the hand came, the flame instantly vanished.

And in such an instant, the military commander has been burned and fainted.

In the hall, the ministers suddenly took a breath of air and looked pale. What kind of wildfire is this so powerful?

"Ghostfire, WISP..."

Some of the courageous ministers were shocked and blurted out, and the whole face was shocked.

The hall was frightened, except for the little **** who stood behind Chen Tai’s back, who almost ignored it, but saw him frowning and staring at the blue flame.

"Tianchen Wang, still don't send these mediocrity, wasting time." The cold and arrogant voice sounded, and the fire king looked proud and disdainful.

"Wei Chen came."

"Chen Chen."

"Wei Chen asked for help."

The sound of the fire king fell, the autumn mark, Yan Hu, and other masters Qi Qi sank his face, not waiting for Xuanyuan Che to speak, step forward and ask for their own life.

Xuanyuan Che looked at the few people who asked for help. He looked cold and didn't speak.

"Wei Chen came." One thought has not turned, and Murong's invincible sound is slowly sounding.

Today, at this time, it seems that the islands and the heavens are not going well. Since they are right, even if they have any use, they can only be enemies.

Xuanyuan Che is the head of the Tianchen. If everything goes to him, what these military commanders will do, and this day, in addition to Xuanyuan Che, is his highest skill.

A look at Xuanyuan Che, Murong invincible gas Shen Dan, slowly went out.

The sleeves are windless and automatic, and Murong is invincible step by step. Every walk, the jade ground should have a shallow footprint, and the skill has been upgraded to the extreme.

The flame jumped, flashing, not far from the white jade bottle in the middle.