Descent of the Phoenix

v1 Chapter 87: Stormy 3

"Go, go quickly." Haoyue suddenly yelled, and immediately ran to the place where the bells and drums rang, and it was anxious to see.

Du Gu Lian saw this slightly wrinkled his frown, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he looked deep into the moon, and he followed the horse.

Haoyue, the solitary night, the eight emperors, and other pedestrians rushed in the direction of the dynasty.

At the same moment, the emperor's military commanders in the entire jungle also stopped riding and shot, and turned back to the place where the bells and drums sounded.

The sun is shining, the golden light is sprinkled through the treetops, the grass is delicious, the flowers are like fire, and all the beautiful can't be described by words.

The drums are getting more and more urgent, more and more urgent, and the violent drums almost break through the sky.

The birds in the jungle rushed to the ground, and a wing fanned and smashed.

The vertical horse seems to be running wildly, but the horse underneath is the Xuanyuan Che prepared for her. The standard inferior horse, if you don't want to get up quickly, you can only do it.

When I heard this anxious drums, I couldn’t help but frown, and the drums were so urgent. Is it really a thorn?

How is it possible, the autumn marks and other people, but secretly with the dragon riding guards Xuanyuan Che, even if the left side of the same move, it should not be such a situation, is it really someone who stabbed Xuanyuan Yi?

The eyebrows are high and up, this is fun.

"Come up." The mind was turning, and the side of the night was always with her, suddenly cold.

Haoyue turned to look at the horse under the night alone, she did not know the horse, but the solitary night riding is definitely better than her specially arranged.

At the moment, he did not hesitate to take a palm on the horse's back. He jumped on the horse and stood on the horseback behind him. She could think about what happened.

There was not much talk in the night alone. Only a pair of legs sat down with a pinch of horses. The snow-colored BMW immediately shot out like a sword, twice as fast as the speed.

Chasing the clouds and the moon, it is as fast as electricity.

In the twinkling of an eye, the night of the night alone rushed to the chaos of the chaos.

The solitary horses tutorial is too fast, it seems that they are the first to arrive here.

A chaos, the Guards escorted Xuan Yiyi, who was slightly inconspicuous in the crown, and hurriedly retreated.

Beside the Prince, Xuanyuan Xuan suffered a shoulder injury, and the blood color smudged a large piece, and the pale face followed, and in the jungle in front, a sword was added and the sound could be heard in a few miles.