Descent of the Phoenix

v1 Chapter 903: Rain curtain 1

The wind is light and the sun is shining, and the red sun is exuding its power in the sky.

Clear skies, sky blue as blue.

With the day before, Xuanyuan Che and Haoyue descended from the sky, causing the entire Tianchen soldiers to be like a stimulant, heroic and invincible.

On the contrary, the soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty completely had no morale.

The rear grain and grass army needs to be burned, and the gods in front are descending to Tianchen. This double blow, combined with the onslaught of Tianchen’s needles, is not a battle.

The war, the more one side fell.

In a few days, Tianchen directly broke the 400,000-strong army of the Southern Song Dynasty and went straight to the Southern Song Dynasty.

Sharpening the knife without cutting the wood, Xuanyuan Che sharpened the knife on the battlefield, Ouyang Yufei was on the side to cut wood.

He saw with his own eyes how Haoyue made the flying wings.

"Hey, is this place so big?" Although he looked from beginning to end, but the size of some small places, he still has a little grasp.

Haoyue cool sitting under the tree on the side to enjoy the cold, now there is no need to worry about the three kings of the island, and she does not know how to say on the battlefield.

Moreover, now the soldiers look at him, the worship of the eyes, she looks at the teeth, and she is not interested in the public.

Therefore, simply avoid the wind and take all the things on the battlefield to Xuanyuan Che.

A slanting look at her Ouyang Yufei, the eyes of the moon in the eyes of the moon, but on the face is like a careless way: "I want to know can also."

I didn’t say a word.

However, Ouyang’s more brilliant characters immediately raised his eyebrows and smiled: “What do you want to do? What are the conditions? Labeled maps?”

I like Ouyang Yufei’s on the road very much. He smiled and smiled and shook his food. “No, tell me, how can this thing be solved?”