Descent of the Phoenix

v2 Chapter 1897: Not intentional 6

Unexpectedly, I grabbed it, but I couldn’t even pull it. Xuanyuan couldn’t see Chen Taihou and didn’t press her hair. This is... I couldn’t help but look around.

This look, suddenly suddenly a stiff body, turned into a stone.

Chen Taihou felt the rigidity of Xuanyuan Yi, and could not help but look at Xuanyuanyi’s sight.

I saw, her head, Xuanyuan Yi is holding a black snake with a thick arm, is holding up high, and is pulling towards this side.

The **** red letter in the black snake's mouth almost touched her face.

And behind this black snake,

Xuanyuan Xuanhe Xuanyuan Yuzheng joined hands to grab the tail of the black snake, crawling at the foot of the bed, tightly not let go.

Seeing her at this time, she also smiled.

"Grandpa, this snake is mine, let go, it runs, I will go back to the lesson..."


Xuanyuan Xuan’s words have not been finished yet, and Chen Tai’s screams, his head stunned and fainted.


At the same moment, Xuanyuan Yi returned from the statue, and his body shook, and the scorpion fell down, and the death of the dead on the body of Chen.

I rolled my eyes.

As for the two people are doing friendly exchanges.

Will it be such a major blow and interruption this time?

What makes it impossible to ignore, this is not for the outsiders.

The night is low, the breeze is quiet.

The two horrified screams of the imperial palace, the screams of the earth, and the countless birds.

Immediately let the guards of the Guardian of the Temple rush across.

These two exclamations are too horrible.

Is it too high that the Emperor and the Queen Mother are killed.

"Oh." The inner temple door was slammed open, and a group of knives with weapons guards were squirted and rushed up.

But seeing the palace, the ****'s Taishanghuang and the Queen Mother are obviously in a coma.

And the murderer...

Xuanyuan Xuan and Xuan Yuyu, who had no time to escape, were clutching the tail of a black snake and looked at them with a smirk.

"We didn't mean it..."

The wind picked up and wrinkled a pool of spring water.

Not intentional, the damage level is already so high.

If it is intentional, this... the group is chilling.

Under the night, when the emperor’s palace was not much, a screaming screamed through the sky.