Descent of the Phoenix

v2 Chapter 1983: Living Spring Palace Figure 5

Lying on a large stone on the top of the mountain, Lonely Night looked up at the bright moon in the sky, very beautiful, very cold, the bright moonlight, just like the woman who is far away from Tianchen.

And these two figures are also a bit like two people who have been around her.

Duoling night frowned, although he was a bit sure of the identity of the two, but still not sure, can not explain what can be said by the back.

However, if it is the two people.

Why are they here?

Could it be that……

Duo alone slowly bowed his head and looked at Xuanyuanyu who was crawling on his side and painting on the stone. His eyes flashed a dark color.

Is it following these two children?

If you follow these two children, then these two people...

The solitary night was a bit deep, and I looked more and more deeply at Xuan Yuyu, who was busy with the moonlight. My eyes swept over the face of Xuanyuanyu, and unconsciously swept through the paper in her busy hands.

I have no intention of sweeping the painting on the paper.

When the Solitary Night did not regain his vision, he suddenly had a meal and then looked again.

If you look at it with one eye, you can see it clearly.

I saw Xuanyuan jade crawling on the stone, the forehand of the black charcoal painting on the paper, the painting is vivid and vivid, very talent for painting.

On the screen, a small naked child is lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

And by his side, there is a woman.

Solitary night began to silence, then reached out and took a few pictures to see.

The next one, the woman climbed on the child and kissed.

In the next picture, the woman was stripped and the two went together.

The eyebrow painting is extremely clear, and it can be seen at a glance that it is Xuanyuan Xuan and a man.

Duo Duo dumb, half-sounding: "What are you painting?"

"Drawing a cave room." Xuanyuan Yu continued to sweat and did not lift his head: "My brother's cave house was not seen, I painted her back.

Although I didn't see it later, I know that's it. ”

After all, the one-man job, Xuanyuan Xuan and the man's wife are being swayed by the red waves.

Duo night looked at the paper in his hand, not only the mouth and the mouth, but also the face began to smoke, this painting, this painting... live ****.

. . .

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